Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 681 Teach you how to beat the policewoman!

Sometimes, you really want to hug someone.

This person appears when you need her the most. Even if Qian Meng is an extremely ugly man, Yu Luocheng with this kind of mood will never feel disgusted at all. He will use his integrity to tell the world that this It's not a world that looks at faces.

It's a pity that the person involved is too unfriendly, there is no such kind of pure trust between people, and I always feel that Yu Luocheng is taking advantage of her

Yu Luocheng was really happy at this time, and hoped that Qianmeng would appear this day for a long, long time, and thought that it would be impossible for the world to see the power of their combination again.

little japan, little japan

The old golden partner is here, wash your ass and wait to be exploded

What is a golden partner? ?

If he was Da Kong Yi, Qian Meng would be Gong Dalang. If I am Zhuge Liang, Qianmeng is Zhao Yun. If I am Ximen Qing, Qianmeng is Pan Jin... Well, anyway, Little Japan is dead

You finally came, are you moved by my perseverance? Yu Luocheng smiled all over his face, as happy as a child.

Sister's request. Qianmeng Xia Yuli replied flatly.

... Yu Luocheng wondered for a while, wasn't he touched by the phone call before going to bed every day?

You must know that after discovering Qianmeng's identity, Yu Luocheng called Qianmeng's place to persuade him as many times as he and Yang Qianqian spent talking on the phone.

You won't die if you lie to me. Yu Luocheng said helplessly.

After talking about something, Yu Luocheng thought of something, and hurriedly asked: Aren't you afraid of heights, you came to Japan on a boat?

There are sequelae, and the performance is unstable. Qian Meng said.

Qianmeng does have a serious fear of heights, and she doesn't dare to fly.

This is also the main reason why Xia Yingxing flew back to China on purpose. Without her sister as her companion, Qianmeng would not have the courage to set foot on the plane.

This time when flying to Japan, Qianmeng wore an eye mask after getting on the plane, took a piece of airsickness medicine, and fell asleep on the plane, barely using this method to overcome the problem of not being afraid to fly.

After getting off the plane, Xia Yingxing hurriedly took Qianmeng Xia Yuli to rest so that she could perform normally in tonight's game.

It's a pity that the sequelae of fear of heights are more serious than expected, and Qianmeng is still a little dizzy.

It's okay, it's okay, as long as you can come. Yu Luocheng said.

Sometimes people need confidence, but also need a motivation.

Qiu Minghui's betrayal was really a heavy blow, but he lost a fake Qianmeng, but made the real Qianmeng appear. This deal is worth 10,000 yuan.

Knowing that betrayal would make Qianmeng appear, Yu Luosheng discussed letting Lin Dong become a Japanese. Anyway, Lin Dong said that he would go to Japan to learn skills after the Olympics.

Crazy, which one has the best hacking skills, it must be Shandong Province looking for Lan Xiang, what Japan?

By the way, won't you violate the regulations if you join temporarily like this? Suddenly, Yu Luocheng remembered this matter.

Qian Meng shook her head.

Qiu Minghui took advantage of the lack of strict regulations in the national e-sports reserve team, and managed to escape back to Japan. Similarly, because the e-sports reserve team did not have strict regulations, it was much easier for Xia Yingxing to suddenly insert a person.

When Japan went to find out whether Qianmeng Xia Yuli was a real member of the national team, someone from the national government would naturally drag her along. At that time, Qianmeng's name had long been on the list of the national e-sports reserve team Now, what can you bear with me? ?

The competition officially begins, and everyone logs into the competition interface to make final preparations.

On the Japanese side, the sharp-eyed Yamamoto Xing saw an unfamiliar ID on the national team, and his mind was filled with question marks: Who is this guy?

Qiu Minghui also stared at the ID that he had never seen before, and couldn't remember which guy in the national team used such a name.

Could it be the bench support? Yamamoto Anko asked.

Now the members of the national team are very clear, Yamamoto Xing guessed that it was Shen Xueyu.

Probably not. Qiu Minghui said.

Qiu Minghui believed that it was absolutely impossible for Li Tuchuan to let Shen Xueyu fight. Shen Xueyu was a support, and he still needed a well-crafted support. Letting him fight would be tantamount to admitting defeat.

Whoever he is, maybe they have no other way to find a passable AD to fight, just to avoid being restrained by us. Motokawa Yihe said.

Then they underestimated me too much. Qiu Minghui snorted coldly.

Just call an AD that I haven't seen to deal with me? ?

He has never revealed his true strength, even if he didn't learn tactics secretly, he still has absolute confidence to defeat Baifeng, let alone such a temporary call

They jump over the wall in such a hurry

Our national team has suddenly changed??? And it's still an important AD position, my God, what are coaches Li Tuchuan and Huang Kang thinking? puzzled.

Isn't it too reckless to do so? Although it's unacceptable for the players to betray, the team can't lose their minds because of it. If our captain Yu is on the stage, there is no need to be afraid of the Little Japan team. The commentator Bao Jun said.

Everyone in the country is always paying attention to the situation of the game. The news of Qiu Minghui's rebellion has spread to the country yesterday, and there has been a wave of cursing in the country.

At the same time, everyone is also worried about how the national team will deal with the Japanese national team in the second game today.

Letting Yu Luosheng play is a wise choice, but it is too hasty to let an AD who has never heard of Lin Dong replace Lin Dong in this important national battle

On the director side, he consciously gave the new one a special display.

It's just that the brim of Qianmeng's hat is pressed down very low, and people can only see her chin and lips, but not her complete face.

In addition, Qianmeng's dressing is deliberately sexualized this time. Everyone only knows that she should be a very handsome and handsome little boy, but no one really questioned her gender.

If you want everyone to know that sitting in the national competition, the person in charge of the AD position is actually a woman. It is estimated that tens of millions of viewers across the country will go crazy, and the entire world of e-sports will also go crazy

I hope the new players can perform well.

Now that's all we can do...

The commentators represent the emotions of the majority of the audience, who would let a newcomer play, the opponent is the genius AD who stole the Chinese technology and has already made a name for himself in the national server.

Enter the selection state, this time it is the national team who choose HAN first.

The Japanese national team really knew the tactical system of the national team quite well. After they saw that it was Emperor Song playing the jungle, they did not hesitate to kill the more aggressive blind monk and poodle.

In this game, the Japanese side had the upper hand in the top lane anyway.

With Qiu Minghui in the bottom lane, not to mention suppressing Yu Luosheng, at least he can prevent Yu Luosheng from leading the audience.

Then the focus is on the two points of Shan Ye and the jungler.

Yuan Chuan and Yihe were in charge of the order. If he was not too confident, he would still be able to beat Xie Lianda.

Therefore, the jungler side controlled Song Diwang's aggressiveness, and slowly waited for the madmen on the road to open up the situation, and they would win the game for sure.

After knocking out two powerful junglers, Japan knocked out Xie Lianda's Jie again, preventing Xie Lianda from succeeding in seconds.

The Japanese national team didn't target Yu Luocheng HAN, so any smart player should understand that unless you try to ban more than a hundred heroes, you don't want to control Yu Luosheng, who has a bottomless hero pool.

What? This time it was Yan Luo Wang who was in charge of the united front. Emperor Song was targeted as soon as he came on the field, and now he can't make up his mind.

I'll take the blade, let's get a Ryze on the road. Xie Lianda expressed his opinion.

The system of Blade Garritz is very good. Whether it is single-target damage or strong, Blade is extremely strong, and Ryze also has single-target burst and damage. The top laner Ryze makes up for it. question.

Take the emperor. Yan Luowang said.

After the emperor has been strengthened, his combat power has returned to before. Of course, after his range of challenges has narrowed, this hero needs more manipulation skills.

The national team knocked out the madman who was a bit against the sky. The most worrying thing is which hero the madman will choose to play the top lane.

Get it first. At this time, Yu Luocheng said something.

In order to get the most suitable hero for Qianmeng, Yu Luocheng felt that it was necessary to grab the first one first, mainly because Qianmeng also suffered from the sequelae of fear of heights, and his performance was not as good as usual.

Okay, what are you taking? Emperor Song asked.

Policewoman. Qian Meng said lightly.

Oh, well... By the way, Lin Dong, do you have a cold, and your voice is so sissy? Emperor Song said casually.

Haha, Lin Dong is very motherly. Xiao Wang pretended to be relaxed and said.

Yu Luocheng was secretly amused, but deliberately didn't poke it out.

Qian Meng also pretended that she didn't hear it. In fact, with her style, not directly blocking the voice of the team is considered very good for the national competition.

It is very necessary to take the policewoman. Qiu Minghui reckons that this time he will use his signature policewoman to deal with us, rob him of his best hero, and cut him a little bit of strength. Yan Luowang said seriously.

Qiu Minghui's policewoman is notoriously strong, otherwise Lin Dong and Da Luo would not think it is a shallow dream.


You can't leave the policewoman to Qiu Minghui. Emperor Song and Xie Lianda nodded hurriedly.

But Lin Dong has Obama and doesn't take small guns. If he chooses a female police officer who is not too strong now, will he play too conservatively? Xiao Wang said.

Now the policewoman can't be regarded as the first echelon of the police, and Xiaopao, Obama, Dazui, and Mouse have become the first choice.

Don't worry, our side is the real policewoman, Yu Luocheng said.

Qianmeng's job is to be a policeman, and she should be a super hacker who assists her second sister in supervising the Internet. The heroine of the policewoman is simply perfect for her identity, so it's no wonder that she plays the policewoman so well.

Qianmeng will choose a policewoman, and the purpose is really very simple.

Qiu Minghui is famous as a policewoman, isn't he?

Just in time, Qianmeng wants to teach Qiu Minghui how to beat the policewoman

you fake

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