Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 61 This is a competition, not a game.

Huang Yu was injured by the wine bottle on his left hand, and his fingers could not move at all. After bandaging, Nurse Wang said that it would take at least a month to recover. After all, the tendons in his fingers were injured, and it was very difficult to hold things normally.

The glass was taken out, the medicine was applied, and the wound was bandaged. When Huang Yu came out, he saw Qin Ying and the others sitting outside, speechless with apologetic faces.

It's okay, just be careful not to touch the water. The nurse said. After she finished speaking, she went to other things.

Go back. Qin Ying didn't say much, and asked Xiaodao and Xiao Tongtong to send Huang Yu back.

Boss Qin... Huang Yu stood there with thick gauze wrapped around his hands, as if he wanted to say something, but he seemed unable to say it.

Boss, I'm sorry, I'm too...too impulsive... Huang Yu didn't dare to look at the expressions on everyone's faces.

The Scarlet Team is a team, and Boss Qin spent a lot of money on it, but in the end, because of his extremely stupid behavior, the Scarlet Team will die prematurely.

Okay, don't talk about it. Take good care of it, who said we will lose? Boss Qin said.

But...but I can't even press the keyboard. Huang Yu looked at his gauze-covered left hand.

You recuperate first, and the mid laner position is temporarily left to Yu Luocheng. Boss Qin said.

Huang Yu was stunned, and looked at Yu Luocheng with a puzzled face.

The others were also watching him, Xiao Dao said first: Yu Luocheng played well as a support, but the mid laner position is not so easy to play, different styles of play, different rhythms, and, he played mid laner , Isn't our such a good support position vacant?

Everyone in the Scarlet team recognized that Yu Luosheng was a master, and his support was superb.

However, being able to play as an assistant does not mean that you can be proficient in other positions. In the game League of Legends, no one dares to truly call themselves an all-rounder, and all-around players often don't play very well.

We will give up the support position, play the top laner position, and then the original top laner will carry the duo on the opposite side of the lane. Qin Boss said.

This...we want 4 against 5? Xiaodao, Xiao Tongtong, and Huang Yu were all stunned.

Usually playing matchmaking, it doesn't matter if you play 4 vs 5, anyway, your strength varies.

But a real match,

Every team battle is a group of 5 people, and if one is missing, the group will be directly wiped out.

This is still the situation in the later team play. In the early stage of 4v5, there is one less player on the line, and the disadvantage will be quite obvious. The development must not be comparable to that of the opponent, the equipment cannot keep up, and there is one less player in the team. Is there any point in this game? ?

Boss Qin, we may not have a chance of winning in 5 vs 5, this 4 vs 5... Xiaodao said.

Otherwise, why don't you just give up? Then you have been training for nothing for more than two months? If you don't try, how do you know that we will definitely lose? Qin Boss said.

How do you know you'll lose if you don't try? ?

Boss Qin's words stunned Xiaodao, Xue Haiyang, and Xiao Tongtong.

Indeed, admitting defeat before fighting, isn't that what the people in Tianda Internet Cafe want to see most?

It is not impossible to play 4 vs 5. As long as the lineup is selected reasonably, the opponent will be destroyed before the opponent has developed in time, and then quickly push the tower to end the game. This is not unheard of in normal matchmaking!

Damn it, hit it as soon as you hit it, and torture that dog to death!! Xiaodao said fiercely.

4 vs 5 is 4 vs 5, if Tianda and the others lose, they won't even be able to hold their heads up! Xiao Tongtong said.

Captain Huang Yu looked at the crowd, his heart was full of guilt, he said in a low voice: I count as half, I will play support. I don't do other things, I will be responsible for good ward position, and completely clear the gank intentions of the opponent's jungler. Abolish it. For things like eyes, one hand is enough!

Yes, it may not be 4 vs 5, Huang Yu can also operate the mouse, and more than half of the support itself is responsible for warding. If you can do enough warding, this game may not be impossible to fight!

Xue Haiyang said: Yes, eye position is more important than anything else.

Okay, then hit!!

Let's go back to training!

Go back to training.

The members of the Scarlet team are also temperamental men, so it is really difficult for them to just admit defeat like this! !

After saying that, the members of Scarlet Team turned around and left the hospital, heading towards Longsheng Internet Cafe, which is their training base.


Yang Qianqian stood in the hospital lobby, looking at the backs of the Scarlet team members leaving...

In fact, she was a little bit repulsed by those in the Scarlet team who looked like social youths, but when she saw Huang Yu holding his gauze hands and saying that he was in charge of the team's position, she was deeply touched.

For these people, this league is not just a game for entertainment, it is a game that they will not give up even if they encounter setbacks. It is related to their livelihood and their dignity.

Can I win? Yang Qianqian tugged at Yu Luocheng's sleeve, looked at him seriously and asked.

I don't know. Yu Luocheng shook his head.

No, it still needs the perfect cooperation of five people, and it is a competitive game that absolutely pays attention to teamwork. It may not have such magical operations as competitions such as , , and WAR3, and it does not need extremely high APm (APm: The number of keystrokes per minute), But it requires a very keen and tacit team awareness.

To play, Yu Luosheng can lead a second-tier team to directly defeat some professional teams, because he can make this game a performance by himself.

No, on the one hand, he has not played for a long time and is not that proficient. On the other hand, the setting of this game does not have too much individualism and heroism.

Therefore, even Yu Luosheng, who has played in the international professional e-sports league, is not 100% sure that he can win in a 4v5 situation.

However, as Boss Qin said, if you don't try, how will you know you will lose? ?

4 people are also a team!

I believe in you, you will definitely be able to blow up the opponent! Yang Qianqian laughed, her eyes were as beautiful and charming as jewels.

Yu Luocheng looked at Yang Qianqian, who had a beautiful smile, and said with a wry smile, Why do you trust me so much? I'm just a student who graduated from high school. If I change to another game, I'm confident...

I don't know, I just feel that your eyes are different from others when you play. Yang Qianqian said.

You think you're a little master of China, and you can cook a dish with a domineering and mighty air. Yu Luosheng said.

It's just different!

Extremely handsome, isn't he? Everyone says so. Yu Luocheng joked, to ease the atmosphere.

The corners of Yang Qianqian's mouth raised slightly, but she didn't try to refute Yu Luocheng's smugness.

I'll do my best. It's hard to get support on the road of e-sports. Yang Qianqian can support her like this, and Yu Luocheng feels warm in his heart.

Alas, for such a good girl, if she doesn't take home as a wife, I'm really sorry for my face.

(I am really busy today, so I can only update one chapter at this time. My work does not have weekends. I am sorry. If I have time on Monday or Tuesday, I will send you two more chapters.)

(Update questions, I will slowly increase in the future, and it will not be a problem for me to update five or six thousand words every day, but I really need League of Legends to rise, and I need everyone's full support~~)

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