Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 60 It's just four against five, I won't lose...

After listening to Boss Qin's description, Yu Luocheng probably knew what happened. Baidu search book title plus 800 novel online to read the fastest update

Without training at night, Huang Yu used to walk around some small bars.

This time it was rare to relax, Huang Yu went to the bar to drink as usual, but he happened to meet the people from Tianda's first qualifying team.

There are only four well-known Internet cafes in Lecheng, and people who often hang out in Internet cafes have heard of each other.

After Wu Kai was kicked out by Boss Qin, he was always upset. After seeing Huang Yu, the captain of Scarlet Team, appearing in the bar, he deliberately pointed at Huang Yu and told others that Huang Yu was the captain of Scarlet Team.

As a result, some of those people really knew Huang Yu and laughed at Huang Yu for being dumped by a girl before.

This matter is really Huang Yu's scar, and no one is allowed to mention it.

After the two sides quarreled, they started fighting.

It felt like it was done on purpose. Originally, the two sides got angry and scolded and pushed each other. As a result, someone smashed the wine bottle and stabbed Huang Yu on the back of his hand.

There are several tendons in the fingers connected to the back of the hand. After being tied like this, the fingers will definitely not be able to press the keys flexibly.

The opponent's intention is very obvious, that is to make Huang Yu unable to play the game the day after tomorrow!

A total of 30,000 yuan in prize money, every team is very jealous, the Scarlet team has a senior game leader like Qin Boss, the hope of winning the first place is still quite high, Tianda and those people have made it clear that they want to get rid of it directly Scarlet team is a threat! !

This method was despicable to the extreme. After listening to Boss Qin's description, Yang Qianqian, who was very ladylike, couldn't help but want to swear.

I have heard before that some competing teams in some competitions use conspiracies before the competition, but it is not like this kind of competition actually uses such indiscriminate methods. No wonder Xiao Dao is so angry that he wants to stamp Wu Kai's hand!

Xiaodao, Huang Yu, Xiao Tongtong, and Xue Haiyang have been in contact with League of Legends for a long time, and they also have a high enthusiasm for the game.

Originally, these four people were very loose, and they were used to playing casually. But for the competition, they have insisted on training 10 hours a day in the Internet cafe for two consecutive months!

10 hours of training is already very close to some professional e-sports players.

Playing games and playing professionally are two different concepts.

Maybe you don’t feel anything when you play League of Legends for 10 hours in a row for four or five days, but you can play for 10 hours in a row for 10 days, or even 10 hours a day for several months. This is not playing a game at all, but a A truly boring torture, with training, training, training in your mind...

They changed their usual idleness and trained desperately just to win the Lecheng Championship. Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to this goal, they were severely injured by such shameless means.

Everyone knows that Boss Qin earns his living by playing games, and many people have a hard time living without a salary for a month, not to mention that Boss Qin has invested a lot of money in the Scarlet team in the past two months...

Boss Qin was sitting on a chair in the hospital. He took out his cigarette several times and wanted to smoke it, but he thought that this was a hospital, so he had to put it back in his pocket.

Can you change the team temporarily? Yang Qianqian asked in a low voice.

There are also quite a few mid laners in Longsheng Internet Café who play very well. If they join the Scarlet team to compete, they should not lose.

Boss Qin shook his head and said, The team members cannot be replaced.

Boss Qin, go out and smoke a cigarette. Yu Luocheng patted Qin Ying and said.

Qin Ying nodded, told the others to stay at the door of the infirmary, and walked outside with Yu Luocheng.


Boss Qin, how much did you invest? Yu Luocheng asked.

Boss Qin was stunned and said, Did you see it?

Even ghosts can see that you want to develop into professional e-sports. Yu Luosheng said.

Providing food and lodging for the players, paying wages, and setting time for training, this is a simple model of a professional e-sports player. Yu Luosheng himself has played professional e-sports, so how could he not see it.

Professional players and ordinary contestants are definitely not the same concept. Professional players often have a long-term training, have a fixed team, a fixed team leader, and even their own clubs and sponsors...

In general competitions, the participants are just amateurs who gather together to participate in the competition. These people may have relatively strong personal strength, but compared with the long-term training professional players, there is definitely a big gap.

It was not by accident that the Scarlet team won the first place in Longsheng Internet Cafe, nor because of the great god Yu Luocheng joining, but because they trained harder than any other team in Longsheng Internet Cafe. This is obvious to all, because Every day, everyone can see the figure of the bloody team training in the area C of the Internet cafe.

It's a lot of investment. The online game is really getting less and less profitable. If you can't find a good way out... Qin Ying sighed.

E-sports is not an easy road. Although its threshold is really low, you can form a team with a computer, a room, and a meal, but because the threshold is too low, the competition becomes very fierce. Strong. And there are only a few truly authoritative competitions in e-sports. Everyone is waiting for such an opportunity, like a large group of fish piled up under the dam, all wanting to jump over the dragon gate. Some of them actually jump over, but they fall to their deaths. But the whole river was piled up, and even... even if they jumped over it, it might not be a good life. Yu Luocheng said.

You know more about e-sports than I do, and you have really experienced it... Qin Ying smiled wryly, took a deep puff of the cigarette and said, But you are still young, and you have taken the wrong path, so you can turn around and choose a promising path Walk.

wrong way...

I don't know why, when Yu Luocheng heard these words, he felt his heart was pricked.

In fact, until now, he didn't know if he had gone the wrong way.

And what about me? How old am I? I used to be ignorant, thinking that playing games and having a good time with a group of younger brothers would be enough, but now I'm almost 30, and I don't care about anything other than games. Yes, those brothers went their separate ways and got along a lot better, and they even called me Boss Qin to count their friendship, and I didn't know that the boss is just a shit. Qin Boss scolded.

Yu Luocheng remained silent.

Boss Qin looked at Yu Luocheng and continued: Xiao Bing, Gu Dong, Tumao, you all know these people. When we worshiped you, you still followed us. We laughed at you and your hair didn't even grow. They all Smart, knowing that this road has no future, left early, and I foolishly continued to do it, and now I am getting worse and worse. But now I am asked to go to another road, how can I go, where can I walk? Yes, I can’t starve myself to death by working for others and doing some business, but I can make my wife and children suffer like this? You’ve seen your sister-in-law, Meiwen, and she can’t bear others to despise her the most.”

So you want to go to professional e-sports? Yu Luocheng said.

Well, it's very hot. It's been a long time since I saw a game that became so popular. A second-tier city has a city-scale game reward of 30,000, and it can be accumulated if you play higher... With a flick of smoke, Boss Qin stomped out the cigarette butt, looked at Yu Luocheng and said, Chengzi, to be honest, you are right to stop playing professional e-sports. This professional e-sports path is worse than the summer vacation with a score of less than 1200 points. There were many pits, and many people fell to their deaths.

But at my age, I really have no choice.

I know you are good, brother, I really beg you to help me fight this time, at least... At least I must be the number one in Lecheng, this is really important to me! Qin Ying said very sincerely.

Seeing Qin Ying confiding so much in one breath, Yu Luocheng felt even more uncomfortable.

Yu Luocheng knew that there were still many people like Boss Qin who lived in the game industry in this society, and they really had no choice but to follow this path to the dark.

Boss Qin's life was unsatisfactory in the first place, and he even collected a whole 30,000 yuan for himself. This kind of friendship has made Yu Luocheng feel grateful.

Now that Huang Yu, the captain of the Scarlet team, is injured again, Boss Qin has put all his chips on this. If he can't achieve certain achievements and fame, it will be even more difficult for him to move forward in the game.

How could Yu Luocheng have the heart to watch Boss Qin lose so badly!

And he couldn't win the first place, so what would he have to pay back the 30,000 loan from Boss Qin? When he borrowed money from him, he handed the card to himself without any hesitation.

With one person missing, Yu Luocheng did have a little worry in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, when you play qualifying, are you playing 4 against 6 and 3 against 7?

It's just 4 on 5.

Won't lose, definitely won't lose! !

(For those who like this book, please vote for your support. The road of e-sports is not easy, and the road of writing e-sports novels is even more difficult. I really need everyone’s support, thank you ~~~~)

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