Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 312: The Moving Castle (Part 2)

The rest of the long sky team did not return to the defense in a timely manner, and the defensive tower in the middle was pushed down by the lm team without any accident

As soon as the tower was pushed down, the beasts of the LM team dispersed in a hurry, those who fought wild monsters fought wild monsters, those who pushed the line of soldiers pushed the line of soldiers, and those who bought equipment bought equipment, as if nothing happened just now

On the screen, Summoner's Canyon is calm.

But the 4,000 spectators at the scene forgot to applaud when they saw the impact of the LM team moving

It's... a bit scary, rushing like a flood, only ghosts can stop it Huang Kang, the coach of the underworld team, let out a sigh of emotion.

Now, everyone finally understands what Zhang Aijing just said

Isn't this surprising enough? With Goddess of War's big move and Lulu's acceleration effect, there is another robot that runs like crazy electricity. There is no need to shoot q directly to the face of the person and then pull it back completely. There is no way.

Most importantly, there is another extremely important role in their lineup, that is the jungler Pan Sen

The jungler Pan Sen has a big move, which directly seals the enemy's back, so even if the opponent flashes and moves, it is useless

The League of Legends players here are all selected from millions of players, and they have been playing League of Legends for several years.

They wondered, they are also professional players, why didn't they come up with these routines and styles of the lm team?

Tactics are the most difficult thing to study, so that until now, there are only a few classic tactics, 4l split push, global flow, pk flow, development team play flow, and speed push flow.

LM's tactical system is actually among these big tactics, but when they are used in practice, they give people a completely different feeling.

Moreover, their routines are really not easy to imitate, because you haven't trained and communicated with your teammates for a long time, and learning rashly will only appear nondescript

Pushing the line and developing, Zhou Yan's Pan Sen no longer roamed easily, but began to lead the line of soldiers on the road.

The other four members of the lm team were in a stalemate in the middle and the opposite side, adopting a classic 4l split push.

Pan Sen's ult can support the middle lane very well, and the long sky team who has been involved with a player does not dare to open a team in the middle lane easily, and the lm team has a kite hero like Lulu, you must go up and fight hard Suffering

Pushing the minion line, Team LM should once again adopt the tactical system they have used before, fast push after breaking and going around, and remove the tower on the road when the Sky team has no time to defend.

Zhang Aijing used her professional eyes to analyze

This is a tactical routine that the lm team has used many times on the lpl.

Push the pawn lines on both sides first, and then engage the opponent in the middle. As long as the pawn lines of the two lines pass a little bit, they will immediately transfer all members across the wild area, and let the top laner cut the road at the intersection without giving the opponent The opportunity to defend in the past, when they come over, LM has already taken the tower, if you want to fight with us, it is no different from starting a team in the wild area, it is completely worthwhile

Damn it, Team LM has too many tricks, it's really annoying to fight with them, Hao Yue of Team Tianqi said unhappily.

At this time, Pan Sen was pushing the line on the top lane, and the opponent's poodle had already gone up to defend. If nothing else, the LM team will quickly rush towards the top lane after waiting for this wave of soldiers to pass.

Sure enough, the LM team moved, and the response of all members was very fast, without delay

Damn it, it would be great if the members of our team were as strong as their execution orders, Taichen said.

Only professional players can see the way of a professional team. The LM team's execution order is really too strong. The whole team is completely controlled by one person. Many lplr teams may not be able to achieve this level

Team Changkong was not slow to execute the order, and guessed Team LM's intentions. After they closed the wave of troops in the middle, the whole team quickly rushed to the top. Theoretically, their distance is shorter than that of the opponent. Yes, as long as they don't collect small wild monsters for no reason, they can hold on

Passing through the wild area, the long sky team saw the opponent's dragon girl rushing to the trail

Guan Langjie couldn't help laughing at this moment, trying to break our way? It seems that your crawling speed is much slower today.

As long as you know the routines of the LM team, it is not difficult to defend, and their long-air team can pass through there before Da Luo has time to reach the crossroads

Old Zhou, Jump

Yu Luocheng glanced into the fog of war, and said decisively to Zhou Yan

Zhou Yan didn't say anything, and directly opened his big move in that wild area

The energy gathered under Zhou Yan's Pan Sen's feet, and the ground was suddenly dented by Pan Sen's step. He saw the King of War fly into the sky in an instant, casting a huge war shadow from the air, covering the area that was about to defend. In the sky team


At the same time, Lin Dong, who was walking up, suddenly activated his big move

All hunting, the whole team enjoys uu movement speed bonus


When the dark blue hunting wind lingered, another golden halo exploded from Yu Luocheng's robot Blitzcrank, and this halo lingered around the four members of the lm team

Open the Ascension Talisman, enjoy 40 speed bonus

One uu speed bonus, another 40 bonus after the bonus is completed

this speed

going off the charts

All members of the lm team turned into a fleeting moving castle, riding the wind and waves towards the long sky team in the wild

And in the whole army, there is also a leading hero with electric currents and fists all over his body

The basic movement speed of the whole army is uu plus a movement speed multiplied by 40, which makes Yu Luocheng's robot a galloping machine, and then...and...don't forget, Yu Luosheng's robot There are also 5-speed shoe effects, and acceleration skill overload

If you think this is the end, then you are very wrong, because there is also an aplulu skill acceleration

Wu Sen accelerated Yu Luocheng's robot when he activated all the skills and states. In this state, it is estimated that the movement speed will be 1,000. At 1,000 speeds, another 30 percent will be added.

So, you will see on the big screen, a silver-gray steel body with boxing gloves streaming down chaotic and flying lightning trails, and then swishing from the far left end of the screen to the far end of the screen... …

Brother, Pan Sen hasn't landed yet

This speed, it can be said that the home guards are no more than that. The problem is that the whole army of home guards runs, and then a robot that is faster than the home guards rushes to the front. The whole team has an unparalleled shock force

The whole audience was dumbfounded

The members of the Sky team were also dumbfounded, and the assistant Changkong Li threw a big move towards an intersection in a hurry, but it was tragic to find that as soon as his female tank raised his hand, the robot Blitzcranked her dizzy flare passed through

too exaggerated

Yu Luocheng's robot was completely unstoppable, at this moment Jiu Keg threw a big move at Yu Luocheng's robot, trying to make Yu Luocheng's robot completely out of touch with the team behind...

As a result, the others went around in a circle, and Xie Yi's wine barrel was nakedly empty.

I really can't blame Xie Yi's poor level. The barrel's ultimate move is actually not so perfect that it can hit the enemy. It is impossible for you to use the ultimate move to hit a robot that runs faster than the home guard.

My god, what dodge dodges the big move, the skill flashes the big move, it's so weak, it's weak to scum! The professional player seat exploded

Your sister, when have you ever seen someone use the walk and hide skill? ?

This robot is simply lingering, and avoided two extremely crucial big moves on the opposite side by walking

And once these two big moves are tricked out, Team LM's mobile fortress will become even more unbreakable. In this case, Team Yu Luocheng's Sky Team has 4 chickens. It depends on who Yu Luocheng is in the mood for.

Yu Luocheng searched around, but didn't see Zhao Tinghua's praying mantis

There is no way, the moving speed is too fast, and it is a waste of time to look for someone by inserting eyes, and directly use the body to open the field of vision. Of course, this can also ensure that the veterans behind me can keep up, and they will not be out of touch.

It doesn't matter if the Sky Squadron disperses, if Pan Sen cuts off their retreat, someone will always be left behind...

Kill Obama! Yu Luocheng thought for a while, but he decided to kill Obama.

As for Obama flashing or not, who cares?

Yu Luocheng passed directly in front of the female tank, that's right, he passed through.

Chang Kongli had already used all his skills to stop Yu Luocheng's robot, but in the end all his skills were emptied, watching Guan Langjie's face being jumped by Pan Sen, and then being knocked into the air by Yu Luocheng, Then was forcibly pulled back

Wu Sen's Lulu also floated directly in front of the female tank. When she was air, she took Guan Langjie's life away without a trace of fireworks.

moving castle

The lm team is simply a moving castle. You must know that the top laner poodle of the long sky team came from a distance, trying to kill the back row of the lm team, but found that the time for his ult was over, and he didn't catch up with lm clan people

What was even more exasperating was that all members of the lm team walked directly between the highland tower and the middle tower, crossed from this wild area to another wild area, and arrived at the tower where they left.

The dragon girl carried the tower, and the lm team without troops directly demolished it...

Then, the long sky team who were still at the high ground tower in the middle road saw this scene and didn't even have the intention to defend

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