Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 311: The Moving Castle (Part 1)

Yu Luocheng ignored it, he wasn't the kind of person who would lose his head if he pressed the taunt button.

It's useless, you choose a robot to fight against the jungle mantis? If Yu Luocheng were a blind monk, he would have beaten Zhao Tinghua's praying mantis to the ground

The head ratio has always been very close, and the long sky team is ahead of the lm team by a small dragon. This kind of economy is not a decisive factor in the early stage, but as time goes by, Zhao Tinghua's ability to control the wild area gradually makes Zhou Yan, Wu Sen felt threatened.

This guy is always wandering around in their wild area, not to mention your wild monster economy and stealing heads. After Zhou Yan was single-killed once in the wild area, Zhou Yan lost his blue hhpp directly because of this, and the situation became intolerable optimism.

As expected of a blood eagle, even in the face of the powerful lm team, his style of raising pigs in the wild has not changed at all, and even makes people feel more fierce, Miracle said.

There are two kinds of successful junglers. One is to invade the enemy's jungle area and directly kill the opponent's jungler to collapse.

Invading the wild area and then gank around the back is actually a position with a very high success rate. Heroes such as praying mantises, spiders, and blind monks who are flexible and have strong single-handed abilities are indeed very suitable for invasion play

The second type of successful jungler is the ubiquitous anti-squat type. This type of jungler tends to defend. After collecting your own wild monsters, you will squat behind your teammates. Seeing that you are alone, then go up and go , If there is someone behind you, he will make a backhand cut.

You must know that under the same circumstances, the backhand and back squat are better than the first hand. After all, the first hand is always easy to lose the skill at one time, and lose the displacement skill at the same time.

Zhou Yan's jungle style should be biased towards the latter, his ubiquitous anti-squatting can always have unexpected effects for the team.

However, in the face of Zhao Tinghua's aggressive jungler who has a very clear grasp of your whereabouts, Zhou Yan's jungler appears to be much more passive.

After all, Zhao Tinghua took two heads, and with the advantage of two heads, Zhou Yan really couldn't single-handedly beat the mantis.

It shouldn't be, Captain Yu played too calmly. The members of the Demacia Club who were familiar with Yu Luosheng's style of play had some doubts in their hearts.

After breaking through the defense tower on the road, Yu Luocheng's robot didn't bring any dazzling mechanical flying claws to everyone, and he didn't even use it much.

Think about it again, it's not like, but this guy only used the Q flying claw skill once from the beginning to the end

When everyone saw Yu Luosheng choosing this hero, they fantasized about whether it was all kinds of magic hooks under the tower, all kinds of catch ad and all kinds of soldiers to drag people out.

In fact, he is like a melee soldier, standing beside Lin Dong's Goddess of War mechanically, just to ensure his development.

Something's wrong, with Yu Luocheng's ability to play as a support, it's impossible for him to grow up with the ad in such a law-abiding manner. You must know that the hero of the robot can run like a ghost walking after getting out of the shoes, and the support speed is faster than other heroes. There are too many clumsy heroes, why doesn't he just wander around? ?

The battles between the jungle areas were in full swing, and the contest obviously turned into a duel between the mid laners and the junglers of the two sides. You come and go, and the head ratio is getting bigger and bigger.

The second little dragon will be refreshed soon, and Zhao Tinghua is indeed too keen on grasping the resources of this wild area economy.

The defense tower on the bottom lane of lm has been lost, which makes it extremely difficult for Xiaolong to defend it.

On the road, Da Luo's dragon girl is already rushing here.

The poodle of the same Changkong battle captain Kongjie also disappeared from the map.

In about 11 minutes, it was obvious that a team battle centered on Xiaolong was about to break out on both sides

Team LM seems to be a little bit slower. Team Long Sky is already fighting. The Blood Eagle's damage is very high. The speed of the four big dragons is very fast... The little dragon will be taken away soon.

Zhou Yan's Pan Sen didn't make a big move to grab the big dragon?

Not that interested, he was waiting quietly.

After taking the dragon, the long sky team naturally chose to retreat.

The big taboo of military strategists is that after taking Xiaolong, they still love to fight. The Sky Team also played very cautiously. Getting Xiaolong is already very profitable for them.

The long sky team chose to disperse, at this time Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly fixed on Obama and the female tank who were evacuating down the road

Changkongli and Guan Langjie, Yu Luosheng said

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Dong pressed the p key.

all hunting

Goddess of War's ad is strong today, not only because of her strong skills, high damage, and the protection of her magic shield, but more importantly, the 60% acceleration effect provided by his ultimate move for the team

Do you know how fast a robot can go after it is overloaded with a 5-speed shoe?

On the basis of the initial speed increase uu and then run at 5 speed shoes and fruits...

For a moment, Yu Luocheng's robot ran like flying, even if it was more than a thousand yards away from the opponent's ad support, it seemed to be a matter of a few seconds

It's too fast, the speed of the robot is almost the rhythm of flying.

From the position on the upper side of the Xiaolong Canyon, he rushed directly to the front of Obama and the female tank who were slowly moving down the lane.

You must know that during this time, Obama and the female tank only moved a distance of one and a half flashes, but other robots really ran a thousand or two thousand yards against the sky.

What kind of god qf came over, there was no need at all, Yu Luocheng's robot just walked in front of Guan Langjie's Obama

With a beautiful uppercut, Yu Luosheng sent Obama flying into the air

The supporting female tank at the side also panicked for a while, and directly threw her big move at Yu Luocheng.

is that useful?

It's useless at all, the big troops behind Yu Luocheng also enjoy the speed bonus of the war goddess Sivir's ultimate move, and behind Yu Luocheng is Zhou Yan's jungler Pan Sen

With a direct shield attack, Zhou Yan knocked Guan Langjie's Obama unconscious.

As if feeling that the control skills were not enough, Lulu behind Wu Sen gave Zhou Yan's Pan Sen a big move, knocking Guan Langjie into the air very skillfully.

And the female tank next to her was really helpless, she just watched helplessly as her family was beaten to death by the large army of the opponent, and then had to escape by herself.

At that time, Yu Luocheng's robot shouted, arrest, where to go?

The mechanical flying claw has been in the hand for a long time and has not been used yet. I just wait for the opponent to flash and then pull it back

Blink, who was helpless in the sky, wanted to return to the tower, but the location of his flash had already been determined by Yu Luocheng, a bad robot guy. Before your Blink landed, my claws were right behind your ass

So, Guan Langjie's Obama just died, and Chang Kongli's assistant female tank also died

LM's head was given to AD, killed two people, took the bottom lane's pawn line there, and took advantage of the situation to pull out the outer tower of the long sky team's bottom lane

In the early minutes, the blue hhpp also happened to be refreshed, and Wu Sen finally got his first blue father in this game as he wished.

This wave of raids by Team LM really caught Team Sky by surprise.

You know, they retreated after taking the little dragon, but because of the inconsistent retreat route, they directly buried two heads, a defense tower and a blue hhpp

I feel that Team LM is going to surprise us again. Zhang Aijing said after a long thought.

The sofa in the front row was full of professional players, almost all the members of lpl were present, so I took a picture of this year's lpl family portrait

Everyone knows that Zhang Aijing is the most powerful tactical analyst. When she speaks, the other players are quiet.

How should I say it? Taichen Feng of Team Taichen asked.

In the next wave, the lm team will definitely make a fuss about the defensive towers in the middle. Many tactics of the lm team will unplug the key mid-lane l towers. This time they will definitely do the same. You can see for yourself.

Zhang Aijing did not reveal too much, after all, some things can only bring shocking visual effects to people when they are seen

The five members of the lm team fought back in a wave, and the economy was basically the same as that of the sky, and they each returned to their own online development.

Don't think that the lm team will enter a period of peaceful development again. It's just a very good habit of their professional players, that is, they must push the pawn line before fighting a team. The pawn line has an advantage, even if the team battle is lost. , the loss is only one or two kills, but if the army line is not easy to form a group, after losing, it is very likely that several towers will be destroyed along the way, and the economic loss will be terrible

After the line of soldiers was pushed, the members of the two wings of the LM team disappeared on the map collectively.

Xie Yi's wine barrel is clearing the pawn line in the middle.

Suddenly, a huge ring of war appeared behind Xie Yi's wine barrel

This ring is constantly swinging open, and the circles of energy are impacting the earth, which means that something terrifying will come here

I'm behind you, don't lie. Zhao Tinghua seemed to have been prepared for a long time, quietly waiting in the shadows, just waiting for your Pan Sen big move to land

Xie Yi nodded and held the skills in his hands.

Pan Sen was about to land, and at this moment, Xie Yi suddenly noticed an army rushing out of the shadow in front of him

Four people plus a bunch of melee minions

They were covered in a whirlwind of air, and they stepped on the tumbling waves. They didn't need to hand in any displacement skills, and the smoke and dust rushed towards Xie Yi's face.

Xie Yi was so frightened that his face turned blue.

Nima, what speed is this? It's too fast.

It's too fast, the charge speed of the lm team is really too fast, he was so fast that when Xie Yi thought of using the big move of the wine barrel to break up the enemy's formation, he found that this big move instead blasted the dragon girl and the robot to himself before

The robot still walked directly in front of others and knocked them into the air with the P fist skill, and then, as if there was time left, it actually retreated a long distance by itself, dragging Xie Yi's wine barrel back violently

Xie Yi had no choice but to give up resisting directly, and looked at Zhao Tinghua with a mournful face, saying yes, don't be afraid of me squatting back?

Blood sculpture Zhao Tinghua's face is also a little dark

Squat down on the ball, the opposite is a whole group of crushing

I've seen support teaming up with the jungler to gank, and I've seen junglers and mid laners encircle and suppress other lanes, but I've never seen this kind of gank with a whole team...

No, I'm afraid this can't be called a gank, it's just running over the enemy

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