Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 82 The pinnacle of invisibility

?? The operation of [**][**]!

Da Luo's blind monk amazed everyone, kicking the dragon girl over with this kick, instantly detonating the team battle.

Although Dragon Girl is a jungler, and the outfits are also meat, but in fact, at this point in time, Dragon Girl is not meaty at all. If you kick it over, it is entirely possible to kill it instantly

The reaction of the dragon girl hit by the hedgehog is not too slow. After being kicked away, he hastily activated his big move and rushed to the side!

This pounce can not only break up the LM team's formation, but also allow him to rely on the focus of vitality.

After all, they are all professional players, and their reaction ability and operation awareness are very good

The team battle was about to start, and after the dragon girl flew to the side, she still had about half of her health left, so she could still continue to participate in the battle!

Dragon flames spewed out from the mouth, and Longnu top suffered the damage from 4 members of LM team in front. At this time, the other 4 members of Starship Troopers swarmed up, and all kinds of skills were flying in the middle of the road! !

Blind Monk's thunder sound wave, dragon girl's breath, dark head's magic ball, EZ's moonlight barrage and secret shooting, wine barrel's blasting wine barrel, Zyra's flower vines and thorns...

The sky is full of skills, the figure shuttles in the hail of bullets, and the flashes of light are intertwined! !

The team battle was very fierce, the players on both sides showed the absolute strength of professional players, every detail was handled very properly, making the bloody team nod frequently, and the wonderful duel between the masters always gave people a feeling This kind of beauty and thrill enjoyment.

Everything was perfect, positioning, covering, fighting, counter-killing, fighting, it was inexplicably exciting to watch.

However, I just don't know why, but there is something wrong and uncomfortable!

It seems that there is always some disharmony!

What is going on? Is it because the Blind Monk kicked the dragon girl not very wisely, or the dark leader's ultimate move was too hasty when thrown to the opponent's top laner Revan, or the damage output of EZ was low...

Turning his gaze, suddenly, a translucent figure appeared on the screen!

It was Zhou Yan's jungler. Zhou Yan went a little deep in order to kill the opponent's AP, and was chased to the side by the enemy...

And this side battlefield position,

The translucent Teemo was still squatting there motionless! !

That's right, just motionless.

It can be said that this guy squatted here before the team battle started, the team battle broke out, the team battle was intense, and the team battle came to an end. During the whole process, this Teemo squatted there to maintain his invisibility! !

What's even more outrageous is that Zhou Yan's jungler was chased here by the opponent. It stands to reason that he lost a blind, and there is hope to save Zhou Yan who escaped.

However, he didn't move, his teammate crawled past him dripping with blood, and he just watched with cute eyes, chewing on the apple while watching.


The female police officer's Q Peace Messenger flew over and hit Timo right on the body.

Teemo's blood volume dropped a bit...

It doesn't move!

The female policeman made a big sniper move, taking away Zhou Yan's life, and Yu Luocheng's Timo could block the sniper ammo and save his teammates as long as he moved to the side.

However...he didn't! !

He is still squatting invisible! !

The screen turned into black and white, Zhou Yan's face was already dark, but now it became even darker!

You fucking move your butt and you will die, help me block it, you will die if you throw a bullet, you will die if you throw it blindly, stealth, stealth, stealth, stealth, your sister, you still don’t come out, you squat again Go on, the screen saver will appear!

Anyway, Zhou Yan was speechless. After this Yu Luocheng turned on the slut mode, not only the enemies, but also his teammates would be hurt by his slutty aura.

This Teemo's Set Sail☆Drunk Dream, it's hard work!

If you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy, um, um... Qin Ying rubbed her chin and said something very far-fetched.

To be honest, if I were playing ranked and met a Teemo who has been there for 30 years, everyone in the bloody team would just hang up without explaining!

You can do nothing to save those who are right by your side, how ruthless is that!

Teemo, continue to hide.

Suddenly, the flames on the battlefield began to shift, and the shifting position was Yu Luocheng's little Timo!

Zyra's backhand ult has been held back until now. Just when the blind monk and EZ came up, Zyra yelled, and controlled the vines on the ground to twist into strangle roots! !

Zyra's ult has a wide range, and this ult is so desperately near Teemo, and the position where Teemo stands is the edge of this ult! !

It feels like it will be bounced up, but it also feels like it won't be bounced away.

Everyone in the Scarlet team was staring at Yu Luocheng's screen, sweating for Yu Luocheng.

If this is revealed by the bullet, the opponent's firepower will be concentrated, and Yu Luocheng will be easily defeated in seconds!

If it were someone else, they would move decisively when they saw Zyra's big move.

However, with a hideous and terrifying big poster stuck to its body, Yu Luocheng still didn't move the mouse!

So fucking calm!! Bin Bin couldn't help cursing.

Crack, the vines were knocked into the air, both the Dark Lord and Ezreal were hit, neither of them thought that Zyra's ultimate move has been kept until now!

The good news is that Yu Luocheng was not ejected, just now he was about to move a step, and he was really revealed.

A lot of skills flew by, and a lot of energy overflowed into Teemo's invisible position.

Teemo's blood volume is constantly decreasing, and inadvertently, less than a quarter of it is left! !

After Lin Dong and Xiaobei were controlled, they subconsciously walked towards Yu Luocheng, as if begging for protection, but Yu Luocheng, that bastard, was indifferent.

Therefore, the skills of Starship Troopers also flew to Yu Luocheng, the female policeman's Q, Zyra's Q, and Raven's big move!

The blood volume is still dropping, less than one-fifth of it! !

Teemo crouching in team battles is very dangerous. Who knows when skills will bombard you, forcing you to reveal yourself.

Damn, they're almost dead!! Huang Yu cursed!

I'm not going yet, is this guy's mouse broken! Xiaodao said.

Xinghe's real eyes were not in the middle, so they didn't even know that Teemo was at their feet, and the policewoman in a short skirt swaggered around Teemo several times.

They don't know where Teemo is, and they don't know that Teemo's health is only one-fifth left. Just throw one or two skills at him to pick up an extra head

But the Bloody team watching the battle saw this scene clearly.

Seeing that Teemo has remained invisible until now, and has not made a move until now, the faces of the Scarlet team are all twitched, and all kinds of beasts are rushing in their hearts...

Can you bear it? ?

You're almost dead, you're still squatting, still invisible? ? ?

Are you here to play the game? ! !

Teammates are going to be killed! ! !

Lin Dong and Xiaobei saw that Yu Luocheng had no intention of coming out, and they were completely desperate.

They would rather sacrifice four-fifths of their own blood to sell players, so what else can Lin Dong and Xiaobei have to say?

Sincerely, Yu Luocheng, you won!

After Lin Dong and Xiao Bei used all their skills, the screen turned gray at the same time!

Da Luo's blind monk was unwilling to be lonely, and kicked the female police...

It's a pity that he didn't expect the female police to have a shield of Qihang☆Drunken Dream, and was killed by the opposing female police and Zyra in the end.

In fact, Zhou Yan, Lin Dong, and Xiao Bei, who died tragically in 4-on-5, all agreed that the blind monk Da Luo kicked him over, and at the moment of double E, they really wished that they were facing each other, and that the bastard Yu Luocheng was photographed!

If you don't get out yet, you still hide your sister! !

Beautiful, 3 for 41 to push the tower, quickly push the tower! Lu Lian exclaimed excitedly.

This wave has won!

Sure enough, it is very wise to play a group. A large group of Teemo is a useless hero. Even if he demolished a tower, his teammates were ravaged miserably.

Cunping Ruiwen, who had been aggrieved for nearly 20 minutes, smiled. The team won the fight, and he finally took a breath of air, otherwise he would really be annoyed to death by that Teemo! !

Well, no, why didn't Teemo show up online? ?

When playing a team, it is naturally impossible for Starship Troopers to notice where Teemo appears on the map.

But after the group fight, they didn't find Teemo.

Lu Lian frowned and said, Be careful that it comes out from the side.

It's okay, let him die when he rushes over. Assistant Zyra said confidently


Suddenly, there was a scream! !

As soon as the assistant Zyla finished speaking, she fell to the ground in a strange way!

The assistant Zyla was stunned!

What's the situation! !

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

A short white Teemo unsteadily stepped on Zyra's body, and directly set a weakness on the unprepared female police!

The red-headed policewoman was scared to pee when she saw Tee Mo's strange appearance, and a very panicked E ran away.

Teemo immediately flashed to catch up, one blinding and then two flat A!!


As the female police officer and Zyra fell down to the ground and were killed within 2 seconds, a big monster appeared on the screen of Starship Troopers!

The five Starship Troopers were all dumbfounded at this moment! ! !

This... this... where did Teemo come from! ! !

Damn it, it has been hiding here!!! The red head almost ran away!

After finally winning a team battle, Teemo, who ran out at the end, was harvested and directly hit one!!

What's even more frustrating is that this Teemo has been squatting here from the very beginning! !

Damn it, this area was so fiercely fought just now, the ghost would know that there is a Teemo hidden here! !


Regardless of the twists and turns of the battle, the final outcome turned out to be the double kill of Teemo who was invisible and quickly found the mushroom, and hit the opponent once!

I knelt down for him, really! Binbin's jaw had already dropped to the ground.

From the beginning of the team battle to the end of the team battle, during the period, he did not block the bullets for his teammates, used various skills during the period, and ignored the death of his teammates at the cost of most of his blood volume, until the very end, a blinding receiver Take away the residual blood Jiela, a weakness and a few normal attacks, and take away the female police...

To be honest, the Bloody Wars team can completely imagine the hearts of the Starship Troopers at this time. Sui!

It was not easy to play a 3 for 4, and won a wave of teams! As a result, a teemo with residual blood jumped out and took your head away when you were about to be overjoyed!

The most important thing is that it is still very funny and has been hiding there, but it is this funny that makes itself! !

At the moment of being killed, both the red head and the broken hair cursed at the same time very beautifully: I am CNM!

To make matters worse, when the two were extremely astonished and angry, the referee sternly said: Starship Troopers insulted the opponent loudly! Warning once, the second time you will be disqualified from the competition.

Starship Troopers Five is going crazy!

Insulting an opponent? ? Yarn insults the opponent! !

It was obvious that they were severely insulted by Teemo on the opposite side, okay! ! !

(to be continued)

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