Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 81 Where did Teemo's father go?

?? Going to other people's blue BUFF position to hide, this kind of behavior is really only done by elementary school students.

Fortunately, after squatting there for a while, Little Teemo staggered away and ran up the road.

The two sides entered the laning stage, and the bottom lane combination of Starship Troopers was Vayne and Zyra. After the two of them reached the line, they found that only Ezreal appeared on the opposite side.

Temo is probably already invisible here. The red head of Starship Troopers said.

I know, idiot, actually use Teemo as support, let's see if we don't kill him. Starship Troopers support Broken Hair said.

Teemo will enter the stealth state when he does not move for 2 seconds. Although there is only one Ezreal in the lane at this time, the two bottom laners of Starship Troopers are sure that sB Teemo is hiding somewhere in the bottom lane. When the pawn line is suppressed, he will blow out the poisonous needle cheaply.


Suddenly, a scream came from the upper road l

2 minutes and 14 seconds!!

The first blood was born within a few seconds of the opening!!

What is even more astonishing is that this blood is actually from Timo, and on the right side is very brightly showing Timo's head with a very simple smile!

Broken hair and red head in the bottom lane looked at each other at this moment!

Shit, why is Teemo on the road!!!

That said, Ezreal was bot lane alone from the start!!


If you play 2 against 1 in the bottom lane, someone who knows how to control the pawn line will not only make it impossible for the opponent to make up troops, but even prevent him from gaining experience.

At first they always thought that Teemo was hiding somewhere, so they didn't go up to harass Ezreal too presumptuously. Who knew that Ezreal was fighting against the two of them from the beginning to the end, eating comfortably. There is a wave of soldiers, and when the next wave of soldiers comes, he will be directly promoted to level 2!

And the one whose face was twitching with anger was Cun Ping, the top laner.

It’s okay to choose Teemo to insult people in the official game,

What he didn't expect was that the damn Teemo was squatting invisibly in his top lane!

Yu Luocheng didn't add Q to blind in the first point, but at level 1, with the high burst of the big Luo blind monk, it is very easy to get this blood.

Nimma, this is fine!

Huang Yu, Xiao Tongtong, Xiaodao, and Qin Ying were all speechless for a while!

This is a typical elementary school student's style of play!!

Most of the time, to judge whether a Teemo is a primary school student, you just need to see if it can foolishly hide and squat on the line.

After Yu Luocheng's Teemo finished his ward, he went directly to the top lane to hide himself. He waited until the top laners on both sides appeared, and he didn't appear out of nowhere until Da Luo's top was lit!

It was Rui Wen who hit the flat head, and he was not a blind monk at the first level. He decisively lit up and fought against the blind monk. Who knew that a Teemo suddenly appeared behind him, and the small needle was inserted from the back of Rui Wen. ...

One blood, just hand over one blood!

Using this kind of 2B skill that is often seen in the arena below level 30, really xx won the first blood of the opponent's top laner!!

You have to know that this kind of behavior is the same as 2B with five people squatting on the grass at the first level and expecting the opponent's face to poke the grass to get the first blood and the second blood. If you reach level 30, you don't need this naive method, okay, let alone a professional player? !!

but what can you say

Other Yu Luosheng just used a level 20 skill to get first blood from a professional player in the top lane!

Damn it, you still took my head! Da Luo cursed angrily.

Pushing the line with Teemo, the pawn line lost and entered the tower.

After Yu Luocheng successfully reached level 2, he activated Little Mo Run, and ran towards the opponent's blue buff.

The opponent's blue BuFF has an eye, which just detects that the opponent's jungler is preparing to take blue.

When Yu Luocheng invaded the opponent's jungle area, Da Luo, who was on the road, and Zhou Yan, who was in the jungle, all rushed here.

They don't want to take this blue BUFF!

The three invaded the jungle at the same time, and the jungler Dragon Girl of Starship Troopers could only watch helplessly as her beloved blue buff was snatched away by the other three.

The top laner loses a kill, and the jungler loses a BUFF. This is the rhythm of the early collapse.

Fortunately, the opponent's jungler was smart, and decisively gave up the blue buff and went to the top lane to make up the lane, so that the level would not be so embarrassing.

How should I put it, at the beginning of the game, Yu Luocheng's Teemo made them feel as if they had eaten a fly.

It can be seen that Starship Troopers is still very good at controlling the disadvantaged situation. After encountering such a collapse in the beginning, they were able to pull back the economy bit by bit in the next few minutes.

Yu Luocheng didn't go to the bottom lane to assist Xiaobei's Izreal, he was always on the top lane, suppressing Ruiwen overwhelmingly!

In addition to the experience of eating minions, the poor Raven has not broken double digits in supplementary damage so far.

And if he used resistance equipment, he really didn't know whether to use magic resistance or armor. If this continues, he won't have enough money to buy medicine!

In the bottom lane, the development of Xiaobei's Ezreal is normal.

His level is always higher than the opponent's. Coupled with the range of the Q skill, the last knife has not been greatly affected.

In the next 10 minutes, the opponent's jungler still successfully lost the blue BUFF.

On the laning line, there was a very speechless phenomenon.

That is, once Teemo is no longer visible on the map, Starship Troopers will frantically send signals to their other line teammates and teammates in the jungle:

Temo, M! SS!!!!

Damn, isn't he on your way!!

Damn it, it's invisible again.

Damn it, Teemo M! Why didn't you say it when you SS, it caused me to flash!! Lu Lian, the mid laner, cursed angrily.

I... I thought he was invisible online.

Damn, the little dragon is going to be lost!

Really, I don't know when it started, every time Teemo disappeared on the map, the members of Starship Troopers would always feel inexplicably flustered, and they always felt that Teemo's cheap smile had been printed in the surrounding grass, This kind of threat is not as deadly as the opponent's jungler, but if they don't pay attention, it will be a very headache.

If he disappears on the map, they will not dare to fight online. If he disappears on the map, they will not dare to press the pawn line. If he disappears on the map, they will have to pay them money to buy eyes.

Can you imagine the feeling of needing to be on guard when the whereabouts of an auxiliary Teemo are more unpredictable than the whereabouts of the jungler?

What's even worse is that sometimes he disappears on the map, and Nima just stands there and becomes invisible!!

You thought the other party was going to launch a fierce offensive, sorry, I'm eating apples there.

Not many people exploded, but the economy of the top lane, the level of the jungler, and the economy of the middle lane were completely disgusted.

Deng!! Deng!!

Ding!! Ding!!!

It feels like Starship Troopers' early stage of development was a recent very popular TV series Where's Dad?

From the eyes of the members of the Bloody team watching the battle, Yu Luocheng's Teemo is really their father. This father is a top lane cARRY, a support harasser, and even a jungler. Eye position, do it all!

We can't go on like this, let's grow up and force the group! Captain Lu Lian finally couldn't take it anymore.

Is it still possible to play? A Teemo who can stealth and run fast makes them jump around in the top lane, mid lane, and jungle. What's more speechless is that the bottom lane 2 vs 1 has not yet gained any advantage!

To play a team, to play a team.

In team battles, Teemo is a useless person, but their auxiliary Zyra can play a great role in team battles.

Little dragons with them! said the hedgehog.

What little dragon, you are so stupid. The area around the little dragon is covered with mushrooms, and they can see everywhere. You are not courting death with them there. Damn, why haven't you two reached 400 yet!! Lu Lian swept After a glance at the support and jungler, they immediately cursed.

The time has just passed... the jungler hedgehog said with a wry smile.

The jungler's economy is not very ideal in the first place, and it has to be kept at 400. I really want to be dragged down like this.

Their support Zyra also tried to roam around and line up wards and mushrooms before, but after being single-killed by Teemo, Zyra still obediently suppressed Ezreal's development.

I'll top 400 later, if you don't follow them, let's push! the assistant said.

Starship Troopers reached an agreement and began to push forward.

The effect of pushing the group is obvious. There are only 4 people on the other side, and they don't dare to form a group with them easily.

After forming a group, Starship Troopers doesn't have to care about where Teemo's father died. It doesn't matter if it is invisible or runs to lead the line. Anyway, if there is a big group, Teemo is half useless and useless at all!

If you don't fight, the tower will be gone. Zhou Yan said.

Well, ready to start a group. Lin Dong nodded, controlling the dark head of state to play with the dark magic ball to find a suitable opportunity to attack.

Boss, can you die and take the wires to demolish the towers? It's useful to squat. Da Luo rolled his eyes at Yu Luocheng, who was squatting invisible beside the team battle battlefield, and said speechlessly.

It's okay, you fight, I'll reap...

Take your sister!

Teemo is a hero that is really not suitable for team fights. In the rounds where he is unwilling to buy wards and is unwilling to top 400, Teemo’s role can indeed be reflected. However, in this kind of ward position, 400 is rarely interrupted. In professional competitions, Teemo's role in team battles is really minimal.


Suddenly, Lin Dong's dark head's magic ball flew out, knocking the opposite jungler unconscious.

Shi Wen couldn't drag it down any longer, and the LM team decisively chose to start a team!

Da Luo's top laner blind monk did a very gorgeous operation, absolutely stunning the audience!

Q Lei Yinbo kicked, then set the eye, and the golden bell moved forward!

Flash, then flashed to the back of the stunned enemy dragon girl, kicked the opposite jungle dragon girl directly back to the tower and in front of her teammates with a beautiful roundabout kick!!

The dragon girl flew out backwards, stumbled!

And the blind monk took advantage of the opportunity to press the second Q, and flew out in a chic posture. It can be said that he directly stepped on the upside-down dragon girl and flew out from the crowd of enemies!

This series of operations is only a matter of a second or two. Xiaodao himself also fights blind monks, but he has never tried to use such a combo in a team battle!!

The elegance of being close to the enemy's rear, the sharpness of kicking the enemy's main force back, the chicness of flying back from the chaos...

The whole process was incredibly smooth and incredibly confident!!

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