Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 49 Play at your own expense!

?? (A small mistake in the last chapter, not Hangzhou University, but Hangzhou Zhejiang University...has been changed

Are you reading it wrong? Let's take a closer look... Yang Ying walked over.

Jianfeng and the others looked at the computer screen in despair.

The most worrisome thing is that they will meet the top three strong teams in the promotion competition. The goal of Shanghai University is only the top four, because they know very well that the strength of the top three universities in the previous session is one level higher than theirs. For the most part, it is almost impossible to defeat them.

And meeting this kind of team halfway is even more bad news. If you lose, you will completely miss the top eight

Zhejiang University and Team Apocalypse are very close. Team Apocalypse is a strong team in the LPL. With such a top domestic team driving them, the strength of Zhejiang University is even enough to compete with the current professional second-tier teams

Everyone knows this information, and it is no exaggeration to say that Zhejiang University's e-sports team is the second team of Team Apocalypse.

Against the second team of a top domestic team, how can a team composed of students from Shanghai University stand up against it? ?

All enthusiasm was completely extinguished, and the entire e-sports room was so quiet that no one spoke.

With the rise of L, the e-sports club has attracted more attention from the students. Even the dean has named and focused on training. , the e-sports club is likely to suffer a heavy blow

During this period of time, the strength of Shanghai University can be said to have leapt, and it is not a big problem to enter the quarterfinals. The people in their e-sports room are full of confidence.

However, this direct elimination hit Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, which was unexpected by everyone.

No matter how confident they are, they don't think they can defeat a university team trained by top domestic teams for a long time

Do you want me to read a worse news? Jianfeng stared at the computer screen with an ugly expression like crying.

Is there any worse news than meeting Zhejiang University?

It is estimated that the above is wrong, not Zhejiang University, but Fudan University.

In the case of Zhejiang University, Shanghai University basically lost. When they met Fudan University, Shanghai University probably didn't even have room to struggle, and they were directly knocked down.

The strength of Fudan University is obvious to all of them, even with Yu Luosheng there, the defeat cannot be saved.

You read. Yang Ying's mood was already terrible, and there was no bad news he couldn't bear.

The home game is at Zhejiang University... Jianfeng said.

Okay, it will make the situation worse. Xiao Jia said.

From the beginning of the top 32 colleges and universities competition, the collision between universities is divided into home and away games.

For example, in the previous confrontation between Shanghai University and Fujian Normal University, the home court was at Shanghai University. Students from Fujian Normal University took the bullet train to Shanghai University to complete the 32-to-16 confrontation at Shanghai University. To win big.

Going to fight against others on other people's territory will lose a lot to others in battle, and if you want to win, you must show 12 points of strength.

The strength of Shanghai University is not as good as that of Zhejiang University, but this time the home court is still in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. They also have to take the bullet train to Hangzhou Zhejiang University. Among other people, Zhejiang University has a large group of students surrounded and cheering to play against the first team of Zhejiang University. One game, isn't it worse? What is it? ?

How many days? Li Meiqi asked.

This Saturday, I guess we'll be there on Friday. We'll have a day off and fight them the next day, and come back after the fight, Jianfeng said.

Damn it, I don't think it's necessary to go. Teacher Fang applied for the funds from the school. Teacher Fang is in a predicament now. It is impossible to apply for funds from the school. Even if we lose the application, the school I don't have any ranking points, and I have even more resentment towards our e-sports club. Qin Ting scolded.

Yeah, yeah. Zheng Xia nodded.

How can we just abstain like this? We have come to this point with great difficulty, Li Meiqi said

What can we do? The school may not give us funds if this incident breaks out, and we don't have to fight with Zhejiang University at all...Yang Ying, what do you think? Jianfeng said.

Yang Ying remained silent, but glanced at Yu Luocheng.

Everyone unconsciously turned their attention to Yu Luocheng.

Yu Luocheng has the powerful strength to cooperate perfectly with King Qin Guang, whether he can be brought back to life this time depends on Yu Luocheng.

You want to abstain? Yu Luocheng looked at Yang Ying, Xiao Jia, and Zhong Jinbei and asked.

Yang Ying shook her head and said, Hit

Xiao Jia and Zhong Jinbei were also in agreement, even if they knew they were going to lose, they had to fight.

If you give up, you must lose. If the battle continues, there may be a chance of survival

Okay, I'll pay by myself, how about you? Yu Luocheng said.

The top four must be won. Even if the school does not provide funds, Yu Luocheng will still fight for this honor, so that the e-sports club will become the center of attention in the eyes of the teachers and students of the whole school, and become worthy of respect, instead of being ridiculed by other clubs and contemptuous

As a teacher, Mr. Fang can still have the most direct conflict with a dean for the e-sports club. Do these students still need to be afraid of Zhejiang University?

Yes, the school doesn't provide funds, we will go by ourselves. Xiao Jia patted his thigh fiercely.

Damn, I, Xiao Jia, don't need this little money, I need gross school funds

Okay, let's go by ourselves, we have to fight whether we win or lose, Yang Ying said.

Encountering powerful enemies, encountering obstacles from one's own people, not getting financial support... these are not excuses to escape and give up

If you want to fight and win, put aside these disturbing factors and go forward bravely

Speaking of which, whoever said we would lose, didn't we still have Yu Luocheng as our trump card?

Yeah, now all the universities don't know that we didn't actually have the strongest lineup, and Zhejiang University certainly didn't expect that our tactics are centered on Yu Luocheng as a support, maybe we can really kill one of them Caught off guard

Yes, we won't lose, we don't want the school's funds, and fight for this honor by ourselves. If we really win, those bird clubs, bird student unions, and bird teaching directors all have to shut up. They don't like to make trouble for us. , Do you like to be jealous of us? When we win and go back to school, their faces must be uglier than eating shit. The beautiful senior sister Li Meiqi swears directly.

When everyone heard Li Meiqi's last words, they all looked at Li Meiqi in astonishment.

Li Meiqi blushed and said angrily, What are you looking at, haven't I been hanging around with you dirty and vulgar things for a long time, and I was taken away by you?

Hahahaha. Everyone laughed.

This laughter instantly washed away the previous discouragement, but became more determined under these stimuli

For the sake of the e-sports club who is ridiculed, envied, and squinted, and for the respectable teacher who is willing to denounce power for the e-sports club, this trip to Hangzhou, Zhejiang, must win

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