Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 48 Must win the top 4

?? The so-called villain is hard to guard against.

Just when the first team of Shanghai University entered the top 16, Yang Ying and Yu Luosheng were called into his office by the teaching director.

Yang Ying seemed to realize that something was wrong, and immediately called Teacher Fang before entering the dean's office.

Entering the dean's office, the potbellied dean sat there, staring at Yu Luosheng and Yang Ying with cold eyes.

Someone came to me to report that the two of you were drinking and making trouble, intending to beat up the student council members, and even scratched the female classmate with glass fragments... the dean said in a heavy tone.

Both Yang Ying and Yu Luocheng frowned, it could be seen that those from the student union must have started to take revenge.

How could they tolerate a freshman being so arrogant in front of them? They didn't use obscene means, but they used this seemingly serious punishment to convey it.

Director, that was just an accident. Yang Ying said.

What's the accident? The cup was thrown against the wall by accident. Several people have already reported to me here. It's you kid who wants to fight, right? The dean's tone became very severe.

I don't know if the school is a place for studying. I don't know if the school stipulates that riots and fights are not allowed. Thanks to you, Yang Ying is still a member of the student union. Didn't you swear by you on the first day you joined the union? After a few months of enrollment, you are so defiant, where did you learn to be ruffian. Let me tell you, in this school, you will be a good student for me honestly.

The dean scolded his head and covered his face, and spoke righteously

Yang Ying, you should write a self-criticism. Yu Luocheng, for your behavior, we will give you a warning and deprive you of the right to participate. The dean said.

Punishment??? Deprivation of participation??? Yang Ying was stunned.

Didn't the mother just throw a cup, and the frame didn't fight again, so I'll punish you with wool

Not allowed to participate

The dean made it clear that he was punishing Yu Luosheng for the club department and the student union.

Why, do you have an opinion? The dean glanced at Yang Ying.

Director, he is a member of the first team of our e-sports club, representing the school to participate in the next 16th and 8th national college league... Yang Ying said.

Knowing that you represent the school, you still do this kind of thing. It's okay that it happened in our own school this time, but if we impulsively fight with students from other schools on the field, it won't completely damage the image of our school. Well, someone with such an impulsive personality cannot participate in this kind of school-to-school exchange competition... He is not the only one in the e-sports club. To destroy the school spirit of our school. The dean said coldly.

Yang Ying's face was already livid.

He can even imagine the smiling face of Wang Lang, the director of social organizations, who is as cheap as a dog at this time

Nowadays, people who follow the e-sports club more or less know that Yu Luosheng is their trump card for reaching the quarter-finals, and they have been reluctant to let him play because they want to preserve their strength.

Everyone in their e-sports club is working very hard to compete for glory and ranking points for the school, but what are they doing for the same school? ?

Because of a trivial matter, they used this method to cut off the backbone of their e-sports club

Don't they know that killing Yu Luosheng is equivalent to cutting off the whole school points that Shanghai University could have obtained once?

At this moment, Yang Ying finally discovered that it was not the enemy that blocked a group from climbing to a higher place, but these lazy, jealous, and jealous teammates. Pull you down hard and cause all kinds of trouble

Wang Jianlin, what are you doing?

Suddenly, there was an angry roar from outside the door.

The young and tall teacher Fang hurried in from outside the classroom, and this roar immediately caused many teachers in the teaching office to raise their heads and stare at this place.

The dean frowned and said, Shouting so much, do you have the qualities to be a teacher?

Don't talk about literacy for me. Teacher Fang walked directly in front of Yu Luocheng and Yang Ying, and said angrily.

He heard the dean's words just now, and the anger couldn't be contained at all.

These two are my students. I let them participate in the competition. What qualifications do you have to deprive them of the right to participate. The e-sports club has reached the top 16, and it is the most promising team in our school to enter the top eight or even For the top four teams, it’s fine if you don’t give encouragement and support to the e-sports club, but you dare to make trouble. The head of the association department said a few words, and you just follow his instructions. What is the head of the association department, Wang Lang, doing? Are you competing for points for the school? Teacher Fang scolded angrily.

Calm down, can you? The dean was also a little angry when he saw the eyes of so many people around him.

The punishment has been revoked, Teacher Fang said.

The punishment can be revoked, but his deliberate fight is obvious to all the president of the student union, the club department, and all members of the club. Such a person cannot let him represent the school in competitions. The dean said.

Damn, this student is the key to winning the quarter-finals and semi-finals. How dare you ban him. Okay, yes. I'll write a letter of complaint to the dean right now in front of everyone.

Teacher Fang grabbed a pen and wrote lines of angry words on it:

At this University Games, our e-sports club originally had a project that could get high points and improve the school's moral education ranking by several places, but the teaching director Wang Jianlin banned a very strong student from participating, which caused our school's overall ranking to drop. , I hope the dean can deal with this matter seriously.”

When the dean saw Teacher Fang writing such a letter of complaint and report in front of all the teachers present, his entire face turned green.

I'm also a teacher, but I pushed things to this point

In fact, Teacher Fang is very aware of the personality of the teaching director Wang Jianlin. There was also a student under Teacher Fang. It doesn't work at all.

Teacher Fang knew that the dean was dating him.

So this time, Teacher Fang won't be polite to the dean at all. If you want to be tough, you can't see my students doing well. Very good, then fight to the death. With people like this who are all selfish, nothing to be polite

All teachers know that this is not the first time that Teacher Fang and the dean have had a quarrel.

But this was the first time I saw them quarreling so fiercely that they even had to go directly to the dean.

Once the matter is handed over to the dean, the result is very likely that a certain teacher will be demoted, and even two teachers will face some serious punishment.

Standing aside, Yu Luocheng watched Teacher Fang quarrel with the dean, and felt warm in his heart.

Now, how many teachers would offend the level of the director for the sake of students, most of them shrink back and bow in front of the higher level.

You two go back to training, I will take care of it here. Teacher Fang turned around and said to Yu Luosheng and Yang Ying.

Yu Luocheng and Yang Ying also knew that talking too much in front of the teacher would only make them more disadvantaged, so they left the teaching office.

On the way back to the e-sports club, Yang Ying remained silent.

Yu Luocheng also kept his silence, even from the beginning he kept that silence.

Teacher Fang had completely turned against the dean because of a student before. This time, Teacher Fang was even more aggressive and wanted to go directly to the dean... To be honest, I don't know if such a quarrel will lead to bigger troubles. Come. Yang Ying said.

En. Yu Luocheng nodded.

This incident has passed for several days without knowing it.

However, it is known from some gossip that the conflict between Teacher Fang and the teaching director is expanding and becoming more and more serious.

That day, during training at night, Xiao Jia suddenly walked over with a sullen face, obviously something bad happened.

What's wrong? Li Meiqi asked.

Damn it, the matter really went to the dean, and the student union unanimously felt that Yu Luocheng, who would affect the school spirit, could not participate. It is said that the competition itself is mainly friendly, and like Yu Luocheng, because of some words to provoke If we are about to start a fight, it will seriously affect our school spirit and so on. Teacher Fang is very angry, not only offending the dean, but also offending several teachers who manage the student union. Xiao Jia said.

No, because of this kind of thing, Yu Luocheng didn't do anything at all. Li Meiqi said

The current problem is mainly between the two teachers. Last time, Teacher Fang and the dean had a fierce fight, and this time it is even more serious. The dean probably plans to deal with the matter between Teacher Fang and the dean. Xiao Jia said.

Then... Teacher Fang will be all right?

Teacher Fang yelled at the teaching office and took the initiative to cause trouble. In addition, Teacher Fang Fang's position and influence are not as high as that of the teaching director, Wang Bitch. Do you need to explain how he will deal with it in the end? Other people's teaching directors are not for nothing.

This... how is it possible, Teacher Fang is so good.

Yes, yes, let's join hands to intercede for Teacher Fang.

Okay, joint name

For a moment, everyone in the e-sports club stood up.

The e-sports club has always been in a state of self-reliance. Other clubs are led by teachers, and they receive school benefits through teachers. The only one who is willing to support the e-sports club sincerely is Mr. Fang. If he leaves, it will be really difficult for the e-sports club to survive in this university full of right and wrong.

Co-signing is useless, it will only make the matter worse. In fact, the dean also hopes that the two teachers can handle it privately, so as not to cause too much impact, so you don't want to get involved. Xiao Jia said.

Then what should we do, we can't just watch like this? Zheng Xia asked.

Yeah, it's not the first time our e-sports club has been bullied like this, and now Teacher Fang is still implicated by us, so I really feel sorry if we don't do something. Yang Ying said.

Yang Ying also secretly blamed herself in her heart, she should have apologized to those people on behalf of Yu Luocheng at that time. It doesn't matter if he punishes him a little, but if Teacher Fang loses his position, the crime will be really serious. And once Teacher Fang loses his job, the e-sports club without the support of teachers will probably collapse. You must know that these equipment, houses, and funds are all applied by Teacher Fang.

The disciplinary decision of the two teachers should not come down so quickly, and the final decision is still made by the dean...

You should all know that our dean attaches great importance to moral education rankings. I have roughly calculated that if our e-sports club can win the semi-finals, our school's total points ranking in the Universiade will stabilize in the top 20 , an improvement of nearly ten places from the original. The ten promotions are very important to the whole school, and the dean can just apply for a new academic program from the country. Xiao Jia said.

That is to say, if we really won the top four, the dean might be happy to favor our Teacher Fang? Zheng Xia said with bright eyes.

Xiao Jia nodded heavily and said: The dean definitely wants to see the actual things. Teacher Fang is leading our e-sports club. The fact that our e-sports club can get such a result is not the same as showing that Teacher Fang The incident with the dean this time is well-founded, he is fighting for the glory of the school, not making trouble for no reason.

Everyone suddenly had a goal, and a smile finally appeared on Yang Ying's gloomy face.

He glanced at Yu Luocheng, and said, The top four, are you confident?

Yes. Yu Luocheng also nodded heavily.

This incident happened because of him, so why wouldn't Yu Luocheng go all out? ?

Okay, for Teacher Fang, we must win the top four

Top Four

Definitely take it

Everyone in the e-sports club immediately gathered together, sharing weal and woe

By the way, who is our next opponent?

If we beat them, we can enter the quarterfinals. If we win the quarterfinals again, we will reach the quarterfinals, Li Meiqi said.

Jianfeng hurriedly sat down on the computer and opened the web page.

Oh, oh, the table for the top sixteen has been listed, let me see our next opponent...

I wipe... Suddenly, Jianfeng cursed, and his face changed instantly.

Everyone rushed over and looked at the schedule, and the atmosphere became more serious for a while.

The top 16 is an elimination system, which means that if they lose the next game, they will not be eligible to enter the top eight.

Can't even make it to the quarterfinals, let alone the quarterfinals.

However, what made everyone feel like a thunderbolt was that their opponent in the quarterfinals turned out to be—Hangzhou University

hangzhou university

The second place in the last national e-sports college

Their strength is second only to the incomparably terrifying first team of Fudan University

how so

how so? ? ?

Why did I meet Hangzhou University in the 16-to-8 competition...

Is this God deliberately killing the determination of the top four that the entire Shanghai University e-sports club has just gathered? ?

The moment they saw the name of Hangzhou University, everyone was poured a pot of cold water, and it was so cold in their hearts

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