
Wei En shouted louder and louder.

Those who haven't watched e-sports games much were even more shocked when they saw the crazy supporters at the scene.

How could this be playing a game? It was obviously even crazier than a World Cup battle. The scene of the sea of ​​people on the scene was indeed very visually shocking.

This wave lasted for a long time, and the commentators from all over the world were excited to analyze the Wei En used by Yu Luocheng.

Night hunter Wei En, once Yu Luocheng is selected, including the Korean team who was beaten to pieces by Wei En, they all need to be given enough respect, this is the charm of a true god

Seeing that Yu Luocheng had finished choosing a hero, Qianmeng seemed to have a hero in her heart that she wanted to choose.

Faerie Witch, Lulu

The fairy witch Lulu's protection ability may not be as perfect as Fengnv, but Qianmeng needs to consider a very important factor-lane

Night hunter Vayne is the weakest hero among the laners. If he encounters a strong combination, he will be beaten directly to the point where he can't take care of himself.

If you want to talk about perfect protection, it is naturally Fengnv. The last time she played against the US team, Qianmeng has already proved what 360-degree protection without dead ends is with his Fengnv.

However, Wei En is a slightly weaker hero in the lane, and if he chooses a passive support, their bottom lane combination will completely lose the initiative.

The fairy witch Lulu has shields, acceleration, deceleration, control, and big moves to increase blood volume. Whether it is offense or defense, she will be Vayne's perfect combat partner.

Qian Meng chose the Fairy Witch, facing the combination of Zeus and Qinglong, it must be the Fairy Witch who can really show her own momentum

For the national team, the lineup is completely determined.

Blade Will, Demacia Prince, Deceitful Fairy, Fairy Witch, Night Hunter.

It can be said that everyone took out their best heroes, and at the same time ensured that the entire team will have a very strong combat effectiveness no matter what period of time

Let's let go of everything and go to war. Your hard work for so many years is just for today. Li Tuchuan looked at everyone's choices and didn't intervene.

He is very clear that the players want to win more than anyone else, and he knows that the heroes chosen by the players under such tremendous pressure must be the best heroes in their hearts.

Facts have also proved that whether it is Da Luo's will of the blade Irelia, Zhao Tinghua's Prince Demacia, or King Yama's trick enchantress, they have considered far more things than they imagined.

The choice of Qian Meng and Yu Luosheng was also within Li Tuchuan's expectations.

It can be said that when Yu Luosheng proposed blind selection, Li Tuchuan knew which hero Yu Luosheng would definitely use in this round.

In the final match, there is no need to shrink back, you can use whatever hero you want, and you will never have any regrets.

Time entered the countdown, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

Talent runes need to be checked many times, and they have to be confirmed until the last second.

Finally, I entered the image reading interface.

The contestants were very nervous at this moment, their eyes fixed on the computer screen.

In the previous omen mode, after choosing a hero, both sides will immediately know their respective lineups.

But in blind selection, you will only know what hero the opponent uses after going to the picture reading interface.

Li Tuchuan made countless guesses in his heart, guessing which heroes the US team would choose.

But he also understands that these speculations are meaningless, and it is impossible to make any targets under blind selection.

Finally, the picture of the opposing hero appeared.

The names of several familiar heroes quickly came into view, but the most shocking one was the one on the opposite side.

Li Tuchuan was stunned.

At this moment, he finally understood that there would be another huge wave after Yu Luocheng chose the night hunter Wei En.

It turned out that the American team actually chose this hero

On the interface, there are illustrations of five heroes.

On the lower interface, there are also five heroes.

The most conspicuous thing is that both teams have appeared - Night Hunter Vayne

Blind selection, you can choose any hero.

This also means that in this mode, both sides will have the same hero

The Two Night Hunters Vayne

Yu Luocheng took out his shocking hero, and his opponent, Zeus, seemed to know Yu Luocheng's intentions, and confronted him everywhere, even the choice of this hero was the same

No wonder the scene is so crazy.

Everyone knows that this world peak duel is the fight between the world's number one Yu Luocheng and the god-level Zeus. Originally, everyone was thinking about what ad the two sides would come up with to fight the dragon and the tiger, but they never expected that the two sides would fight each other. The strongest player resolutely determined that the hero is the night hunter Vayne.

Vayne vs. Vayne duel

This kind of heroic confrontation is simply the thread of fate tightly bound together, without any heroic factors.

There are too many people who don't pay attention to e-sports and don't understand why the whole scene is like a sea of ​​flames, with monstrous waves of flames burning, and pairs of eyes bursting with extremely expectant light.

However, people who are familiar with e-sports until Zeus and Yu Luocheng know that they may never see two of the world's best e-sports players using the same hero on the Olympic stage like today. Competing for the name of the first e-sports country.

This will be a battle recorded in the history of e-sports that cannot be compared with any event, it cannot be copied, and it is absolutely sparkling

This guy, did he deliberately target the selection like this? If that's the case, he is really too arrogant. Da Luo couldn't help snorting when he saw that Zeus also chose Wei En.

At this moment, Li Tuchuan shook his head and said, When I knew about Qinglong, Wei En was the one he used the most. Moreover, when the name of Qinglong was famous in North America, many of the games were played by him. It was established by the hero. However, in the next eight months, Qinglong never used the hero Vayne the Night Hunter again, and the heroic style suddenly changed, and he was hardly seen using the Night Hunter again.

Coach, what do you mean? Da Luo still didn't quite understand.

Before I was wondering if Qinglong could be two people. The first Qinglong is good at the night hunter Vayne, and he is obsessed with this hero. The second Qinglong is mostly other ADs. Li Tuchuan said.

So, this guy is not a willful choice, but the fact that this guy's strongest hero is also Night Hunter Wei?

Among them, the most manipulable one is the night hunter Wei En. Zeus is a player with a perfect score. He has many similarities with Yu Luocheng. These two guys... probably have the same views as heroes. They The final choice must also be the night hunter Wei En, said Li Tuchuan.



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