Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1287 Create a legend! !

Why blind mode?

Yu Luocheng didn't surprise his opponent out of nowhere, this kind of surprise that disrupted his rhythm was meaningless.

Blind selection is used, that's because Yu Luosheng must be 100% sure that the hero can be used!

Will not be banned, will not be robbed.

This is the biggest guarantee Yu Luosheng needs. Only in the blind selection mode can Yu Luosheng be sure that the hero he wants to use will not be banned!

This time, there was an inexplicable tacit understanding among the whole team. No one asked about the heroes they were about to use. It seemed that at the moment the blind selection mode was turned on, each of them was destined to be stamped with their own hero mark!

Get your strongest hero without hindrance, and at the same time, this hero needs to play the most complete coordination.

Everyone already has a choice in their hearts!

Resurrection tactics?

Obviously, this game cannot be used.

The opponent must also consider whether the Chinese team will come up with this tactic. If they blindly hinder Yu Luosheng's development, once Yu Luosheng is suppressed, this tactic will appear extremely weak.

You don't need to be resurrected, just take your most perfect hero!


With a sound, the top laner Da Luo was impatient, and took the lead in locking on the hero he was going to use in this final battle in the world.

Will of Blades - Irelia! !

The moment Da Luo locked onto this hero, the call had already sounded.

Da Luo's Z-shift operation that surprised everyone during the bloody battle against the British team really made countless sword girls all over the world feel kind and pleasing to the eye.

Too many people want to see Da Luo use his most famous hero Blade Will again!


Immediately afterwards, Zhao Tinghua chose the hero he would use.

Zhao Tinghua has too many representative heroes,

His jungle pool is very deep, whether it is the lion who dominates the world, the blind monk who kicked out the world wave, or his most overbearing harvest mantis.

Zhao Tinghua's hero didn't hesitate too much, he already had his best jungler in mind.

Those who violate our German state will be punished no matter how far away they are!

The hero was chosen, and the majestic appearance of Jarvan, the prince of Demacia, immediately appeared in front of everyone.

As long as you have watched the match between China and South Korea, no one will forget Zhao Tinghua's peerless operation of Prince Demacia flying 4 people.

It was Zhao Tinghua who saved the Chinese team that was about to be wiped out by the South Korean team. It was also this hero, Zhao Tinghua who almost became a god in one battle.

In today's match, Zhao Tinghua chose this hero, which is enough to prove his determination to win.

Prince Demacia is Zhao Tinghua's skillful hero. Although his natal hero is the harvest mantis, Prince Demacia has the highest winning rate in his hands.

Zhao Tinghua wanted to win, really wanted to win.

There is no better time to prove himself than now. He has been fighting in e-sports for so many years, and he has been waiting for this day.

Starting from being a network administrator in an Internet cafe, to playing e-sports in a metropolis like Shanghai with 300 yuan, I burned my extremely cheap youth, and in exchange for today's moment of world attention, how can I not make people feel excited ? ?

After choosing the hero, Zhao Tinghua glanced at Da Luo.

Da Luo chose Irelia, the will of the blade, and the cooperation with Prince Demacia is perfect. No matter who takes control first, it is basically impossible to escape.

Look at the middle road again, Yama's choice.

Yan Luowang was closing his eyes, a taciturn man who rarely saw him need to close his eyes and take a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

As for the elders, King Yama is probably the oldest among this group of people. How many brothers and comrades-in-arms are gradually leaving here, slowly integrating into the so-called normal people's language.

In the field of e-sports, he counts his age, and he is still fighting at his age. It is not because of his great ambitions, but that every person who leaves, every retired partner, puts something called expectation in himself. body.

Once shouldering too many expectations, even if you are tired, you have to grit your teeth and persevere. This is not only his e-sports, but also the dream of countless old e-sports people.

He understands that he is not the best in this team, but he can definitely make the team win because of himself.

Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water!

The hero is chosen, and King Yama suddenly chooses the Demon Fairy.

His choice immediately caused a commotion at the scene.

You must know that the hero of the Bewitching Fairy is the hero that the giant God Adams is best at. I am afraid that Adams will choose the Bewitching Bewitching in this game. Why does he, a not-so-famous mid laner, use the Bewitching Bewitching in front of the giant God Adams? ?

Is this provoking the giant god? ? ?

After Yan Luowang chose the hero, he closed his eyes.

He understands how his choice will cause those crazy Adams fans to react. In fact, the Bewitching Fairy is the hero he is best at using. In this game, he just wants to go according to his own feelings. His feeling is This mirror flower water moon trick enchantress!

Many of my friends who have grown up with me have told me that the glory of e-sports is nothing but illusion, ethereal and unreal. Who can wait until that day, and what this profession will bring them.

There is disappointment, there is also hope, there is falsehood, there is also truth, today's game, he firmly believes that those old players who have left e-sports are also watching, he also wants to know at this time, these say that there is no dawn Yes, those who were forced to withdraw from life, those who persisted until they were old but finally left sadly, how they felt a lot.

The dawn of e-sports is not a dream, he is now firmly in the hands of these people!


All three have been confirmed.

Yu Luosheng's selection position is still black.

The time was coming, and finally Yu Luocheng dropped his finger and chose his hero.

This hero is like a sacred and untouchable hero hidden in the deepest part of his heart. It is not a burning of will, not a decisive battle of life and death. Yu Luocheng will never sacrifice her!

Night Hunter - Vayne!

This hero carries too much of Yu Luosheng.

But at the same time, he is the most perfect and holy hero in Yu Luocheng's mind!

Needless to say, today's battle must be Wei En!

In order to get Wei En, Yu Luocheng did not hesitate to activate the blind selection mode!

As soon as Night Hunter Wayne was sure, screams filled the huge arena.

The excitement of the audience has turned into huge waves, as well as those supporters who watched the live broadcast on TV and computer!

Captain Yu's Wei En is no longer a hero, but a real god, which everyone is looking forward to.

Every time this hero is used in a competition, he must create a legend!

(There will be a second chapter around 1:30. I wrote more than 20,000 words in 24 hours yesterday, and my hands are still shaking a little today, but we are really crazy!) R1148

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