Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1247 Blind monk arc!

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. Da Luo retreated all the way. During the retreat, he naturally endured the opponent's attacks non-stop. Fortunately, this guy has rough skin and thick flesh. If it were another top laner, he must have lost half of his blood.

Zhao Tinghua's eyes were fixed on the screen. His pair of dark brown eyes were as sharp as a eagle's pupil looking down at the prey on the ground. It is worth affirming that under this aggressive mood, his eyes still had Patience and calm in waiting for the moment

Yu Luocheng is playing aD. At this time, he can only wait for his teammates to start the team. However, he has already smelled a familiar smell, like the murderous aura of a ferocious beast before it swoops down to kill its prey. It is enough to kill the insects and birds around. silence.

At this time, Zhao Tinghua's posture as if he was holding his breath to find a flaw is exactly the same. Yu Luocheng is no stranger to it, so what he has to do is to load the bullet.

Black half-long hair covered Zhao Tinghua's side face, and the ends of the hair remained motionless. Under the long hair, the focus of the pair of dark brown pupils was the battlefield, even if they were scanning non-stop, they seemed to be concentrated in one.

The eyes are capturing information, and the mind is calculating rapidly:

The Goddess of War, Sivir, is a thousand yards away from the wild monster Toad. Judging from his position, there is not much hope of kicking him, and he also has a magic shield, so he cannot be kicked.

Nami is 500 yards away from the wild monster Toad. It's the best target to kick over. It's a pity that he still has a flash, not to mention that it doesn't make much sense to kick a support over.

Adams' trick enchantress is on the left side. After kicking someone, he can't be 700 yards away from him, and he will be instantly killed.

Baihu's big move has been activated, he remains invisible, he is wandering within the attackable range...

The men and horses are in this position. If the angle is good, they can kick together. How can I make them stand in a straight line that I need?

Need a temptation.

In a short time, Zhao Tinghua's thoughts were quick, and he kept calculating feasible solutions and denying dangerous ones at the same time.

Qianmeng, you put a true vision guard in this position. Zhao Tinghua finally had a hint of determination in his eyes, and said to Qianmeng.

Qian Meng didn't ask too much, put a shield on herself and took a little risk to put the Zhenshi guard at the position where Zhao Tinghua signaled.

At the same time, Zhao Tinghua made an operation that no one noticed. He kicked a thunder wave through the thick crescent wall, hitting the wild monster caught in the entire tense battlefield at the longest distance. toad

This move was very, very random, and even after Zhao Tinghua hit the target, he subconsciously retreated, which seemed to be no different from a probing skill.

The probing skill in the eyes of others is a mark in Zhao Tinghua's heart.

This mark lasts for 3 seconds, and within 3 seconds, he can move to the mark at any position at an extremely fast speed, and it is the wild monster toad.

Is Zhao Tinghua going to kick someone back? I don't think it's very wise... But, it's up to him to decide. Li Tuchuan noticed Zhao Tinghua's inadvertent move and began to guess in his heart.

Zhao Tinghua is still waiting.

Qianmeng's real eyes had already been put down, but the whole team retreated collectively as Zhao Tinghua pulled back slightly.

The true vision guard is like an array eye. It has a special array effect and also needs human protection. Once the array eye is exposed to the enemy's attack range, it will be easily pulled out.

Sure enough, this real eye is like sending money, and the enemy Nami, centaur, and lion are already pulling out this real eye guard.

eyes like torches, it's now

Da Luo.

Zhao Tinghua yelled at Da Luo without warning, and others would definitely be puzzled.

It hasn't been a day or two since Da Luo and Zhao Tinghua have cooperated. He knows exactly what Zhao Tinghua is going to do next, but he also thinks that it is not very wise for Zhao Tinghua to pretend to kick people over like this.

There is no other way, as long as the group can start

Come on, Da Luo responded.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Tinghua's retreating body suddenly showed strange movements.

A qualified blind monk should be like a slingshot when he uses thunder waves and echoes to hit this set of Qf. First mark the target with the thunder wave Qf, and then pull the body back as if the slingshot is charging.

The power of this retreat is very important, it can kill the enemy by surprise while maximizing the CD and controlling the energy.

Finally, pinch the timing and leave the strings

Zhao Tinghua's blind monk turned into a charged arrow, and his extremely fast body drew a sharp afterimage of vermilion across the mountain

Blood eagle strikes

Hundreds of millions of eyes locked on the blood sculpture Zhao Tinghua at this moment. Through the commentary, everyone understood that Zhao Tinghua would be the key to this showdown. In order not to make mistakes in keeping up with the angle of view, the director directly locked on the blind monk Zhao Tinghua. perspective.

The angle of view is locked, so that people's perspective follows Zhao Tinghua from the hill more than a thousand yards away and leaps over the crescent mountain wall, pointing at the wild monster toad in the valley

Generally speaking, after marking the wild monster toad, the blind monk will fall directly in front of the wild monster toad.

However, there is a strange deflection of the angle of view

An operation worthy of the audience's gasp suddenly appeared: the blind monk who leaped to the back of the Crescent Mountain wall turned in a completely incredible arc, and did not land in front of the wild monster toad at all...

This arc is like a meteorite about to hit the surface of the earth, but it changed its trajectory under some magical force, passing tangent to the blue earth in the dark space, leaving behind A surprise that amazes the four

How fast is this operation? ?

The blind monk who turned in mid-air has already been loaded into the enemy group, performing the most gorgeous blind monk's roundabout arc, leaving only a piece of wonder in everyone's mind

This series of operations by Zhao Tinghua is of course not for performance.

He has only one goal, which is the enemy's wild white tiger.

Zhao Tinghua did not participate in the world tour, and the best jungler name is between South Korea's Noh and the American White Tiger. However, as soon as his blood eagle comes out, these two people will definitely be eclipsed. Zhao Tinghua has already proved that he is stronger than Lu in the battle with the South Korean team. Now he wants to prove to the world that he is above the white tiger. The only jungler who can be called a god

(This is the third chapter. When I read it yesterday, there was still a difference of 100 votes. Today I just told everyone that I need to change it three times. As a result, others almost exceeded the monthly ticket. It’s Sang Xin.)

(Kang Mao, the third chapter is here for everyone. Don’t disappoint the Lun family. Check your trouser pockets. In addition to cigarettes, mobile phones, change, and umbrellas for evening use, is there a monthly pass that you forgot to vote for?)

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