Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1246 Monster, Da Luo!

Hey, it's really lucky. Zhao Tinghua quickly left the concave wall, and glanced at the shocked white tiger.

Yan Luowang and Qianmeng were actually behind Zhao Tinghua. As long as Zhao Tinghua sent Baihu over with a round kick, it was guaranteed that Baihu would be instantly killed without even having a chance to escape with his ultimate move.

After killing a person, there will be a chain reaction, which will even affect the defense of the defense tower in the bottom lane. Zhao Tinghua naturally feels it is a pity that he failed to ambush the white tiger. Otherwise, after the defense tower is taken down, the next little dragon will have no claim Surprised.

Adams is on our right side, be careful. Yan Luowang reminded him aloud.

During this time period, the Trickster is the most terrifying. If all 4 skills are hit, it will be instantly killed, so beware of Adams' attack.

I'm here too, if you want to fight, fight them. Yu Luocheng also came to support his teammates after pushing the pawn line in the bottom lane. As the person with the best equipment in the field, how can you not join the group!

The overall strength of the Chinese national team was not too strong in the past, and they were not particularly active in combat, but now they are different. Even in the face of the most fierce American Angel Army, they can fight aggressively. It is time to show the world the strength of Chinese e-sports Charm!

I'll outflank it, let's go! Da Luo couldn't hold back the battle beast in his heart for a long time, and after screaming at his teammates, he took the initiative to teleport to the enemy's rear!

To fight!

Must fight!

Taking advantage of your illness will kill you. As the top laner and jungler who took the initiative to start a team, Da Luo and Zhao Tinghua should have such a clear idea.

Luo's teleportation seems to go deep into the enemy group, but Li Tuchuan thinks that this time period is very necessary. Don't give the US team any moment of respite, and must use the initial small advantage to expand into a victory!

Time is passing fast, and it is already 24 minutes, and even the outermost defensive tower defense line has not been completely broken through. How can the Chinese team win this round?

Time is running out, we must hurry up, the US team has to grind slowly, then the Chinese team must not talk nonsense with them!

Damn it, hurry up and follow me, and watch me move mountains and seas like a god! Da Luo's duck-like voice echoed in the voice channel of the whole team, quite like Cheng biting a golden three-axe.

A Godzilla cub descended from the sky, and was wearing a green nightgown. Such a cute creature was completely different from the roaring aura of Da Luo.

However, in the face of such a cute pet, the American Angel Army couldn't calm down at all. They had already seen Gnar's energy tank gradually turning red, and they also saw the bloody energy of the beast lingering around Gnar.

At this moment, Gnar is a bomb, and it hits at one point! !

No one dared to attack Da Luo's Gnar, the more he provoked this little creature, the faster this little creature would transform into a monster!

Don't run!!

Da Luo groaned again.

Since no one attacked him and sent him to transform into a monster Godzilla, then everything depends on himself!

With a long-range boomerang, Da Luo successfully locked onto Nami, who was planning to make a vision.

After hitting the target, Da Luo's energy was instantly filled with only a small difference, and a manic atmosphere permeated this jungle wild area, which was the rhythm of birds and beasts flying in surprise after the valley was silent!

Big, big, big, big for me!! Da Luo was full of energy, like a child who has just been exposed to video games.

The whole team suffered from the double pollution of Da Luo's voice and mental pollution. Those who knew it thought it was a beating, and those who didn't know thought it was... they were watching Journey to the West!


Da Luo did not disappoint everyone. In the picture, the little Godzilla monster instantly transformed into a father-level, and his figure expanded countless times. From the original need to float under the foot of the mountain, it suddenly became the same height as the entire mountain. Summoner Canyon Even the gables couldn't stop the monster's murderous sight looking down into the past!

Jump for me!

Da Luo's giant beast jumped up and directly crossed the gable wall in front of him, just like stepping over the bamboo railing in the small courtyard.

With a loud noise, Da Luo landed with the mountain shaking and landed in front of the lion of the white tiger and Nami of the blue dragon!

Push the wall carefully.

The white tiger let out a cry.

Da Luo found this position quite well. As soon as he crossed the wall, Da Luo could forcefully push Baihu and Qinglong directly onto the gable wall with a big move.

Gnar has two great control skills. First, he will be stunned for 1.5 seconds, and then he will be stunned for 1.5 seconds...

Not to mention that the 3-second control is enough to kill the enemy two or three times, even the terrifying damage of Gnar itself is enough to kill the crispy skin in seconds!

He has no chance. Qinglong flashed self-confidence, and almost the moment Da Luo landed, a floating magic ball landed at his own feet with some anticipation.

The floating magic ball wrapped Da Luo, the giant Gnar, and turned it into a sentence-shaped water prison.

Such a huge body is still suspended under the water witchcraft, if it is a little bit more interesting, it may push the enemy to the mountain wall.

I'm stupid, what's the reaction speed! Da Luo yelled when he saw that his control failed.

Da Luo's series of operations are actually very fast, and ordinary people may not be able to react to them. What's more, Nami's floating magic ball actually has a very obvious prelude. It is necessary to judge Da Luo's move in advance before he can step on Da Luo. Da Luo was wrapped up immediately.

This support is a bit powerful. Li Tuchuan was naturally a little surprised.

If it were other supports, they would basically only flash to escape, but this support was calm and calm, and a pre-release blister instantly resolved a crisis.

Damn it, I was beaten up, but I'm lucky! Da Luo complained.

The control time of the floating magic ball is relatively long, and Da Luo can't move. Even if the control time ends, he will still be imprisoned by the five-star shackles of the lion.

Fortunately, the equipment of Sivir, the Goddess of War, is not very good, and he can't beat the transformed Da Luo's blood volume.

Retract first, I'll drive. Zhao Tinghua said to Da Luo.

Da Luo nodded, saving his skills and choosing to retreat a bit for the time being, maintaining a state of connection with his teammates.

Don't retreat too far, I should hope to start the regiment. Zhao Tinghua continued to say with a pioneering attitude.

You are too fragile, be more cautious when starting a group. Li Tuchuan warned.

Zhao Tinghua used output equipment, and the operation of going deep into the crowd to kick the target is actually a double-edged sword. After all, such a blind monk has basically handed in all the movement skills, and the roundabout kick means that he himself has also penetrated into the crowd!

All in all, the blind monk with output equipment is definitely not suitable for roundabout kicks.

(This is chapter two!)


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