Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1242 Male Gun Domineering 1 V 2!

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Such a strange move can be regarded as blinding everyone's eyes, and some people even thought it was a novice who pressed the wrong skill nervously.

But after flashing to the wall, the smoothness of Nami's aggressive offensive movement clearly shows that the player did not make a mistake.

He is chasing from the flank by virtue of the movement advantage of his 5-speed shoes, like a wild wolf that inadvertently steps forward to bite but only waits for the prey to be exhausted after being chased.

Wild wolves in the grasslands are different from ligers. When hunting, they don't fly over instantly and tear the target to shreds with their powerful claws and teeth. Instead, they always follow the prey closely, stare and follow , What competes with prey is endurance and patience.

When the prey is exhausted and relaxed under this kind of oppression, the wild wolf will make a lightning strike to achieve 100% killing of the target.

Yang was like this at this time, he didn't use any skills in a hurry, he just chased from the flanks, relying on the advantage of his 5-speed shoes to catch up

In the frontal position, the Goddess of War has also forced her to come over. It is inevitable that the male gun will fight when the two are flanking, and Yang's Nami is obviously looking for the most suitable opportunity to attack while biting, cunningly waiting for the enemy to reveal his position. flaws.

Really, bite and coercion tactics? It's interesting. Yu Luocheng kept scanning his eyes. At this moment, he needs to pay attention to the movements of two targets. One is Nami who is biting from the flank, and the other is the one who is attacking from the front. Goddess of War Sivir.

Facing the wild wolves on the flanks, Yu Luocheng didn't show any flaws in his positioning, and even Yu Luocheng directly asked for a fight

It's better to take the initiative to attack than to be confused by the opponent's pincer attack. Yu Luocheng has no reason to hesitate.

It's really violent, compress the space, and attack with the axis. Zeus saw the timing and pressed the p key fiercely.

The whole army speeds up

Zeus' Goddess of War and Nami also gained movement speed bonuses. At high movement speeds, it is easy for ad supporters to overlap positions due to chasing targets. The ad should be closer, so that his skills can hit two.

It's a pity that under such high-speed movement, the opponent is like two fierce wolves whose flanks cooperate quite tacitly. Yu Luocheng, who only has one gun, must choose one of the targets to fight.

Similarly, these two groups of cunning wild wolves had their own way, they didn't rush at Yu Luocheng's male gun all at once, and they didn't become paralyzed at all under the situation of l, instead they kept attacking from both sides.

Why are they playing um so cowardly, directly??

Directly? Didn't you see that the male gun is endlessly equipped with electric blades? The male gun equipped with this equipment can instantly kill one person in a second, and then slowly clean up the other one. This is the rhythm of two people being double-killed.

Weakness, don't be afraid if you have weakness.

The male gun is very resistant, and it is completely possible to wait until the weakness is over before counterattacking. What's more, the two of them are obviously not weak, so fighting like this is the most correct choice, and the two cooperate with each other. The short attack range of the dead man's gun.

It has to be said that Yu Luocheng was very surprised by the other party's move.

In the absence of weakness, Yu Luocheng has no pressure at all with this equipment. Whether it is to kill Nami with a set of skills in an instant, and then deal with the Goddess of War, or to kill the Goddess of War with a sword while ignoring Nami, both of them will be dead. There is no chance of winning. If the combat effectiveness of this equipment in this period of the male gun is not weakened and suppressed, it is impossible to lose.

However, the opponent obviously knows this, knowing that neither AD nor support can withstand the damage of their own skills, so they use their movement speed to alternate back and forth in this way, so that their damage can only be distributed to both of them. personally.

Hesitantly, they always kept a certain distance, it was difficult for Yu Luocheng's skills to hit them both at the same time.


Finally, Yang seized a suitable opportunity, and a large-scale tsunami rolled towards Yu Luocheng in an instant.

Yu Luocheng didn't think too much, and immediately drew his gun quickly to avoid being knocked into the air by this big move.

Yang obviously predicted this, and immediately used a floating water bubble towards Yu Luocheng's landing point after using Yu Luocheng's displacement skill.

It was impossible for Yu Luocheng to escape from this floating water bubble, and was swept into the air by the water bubble.

The process of floating in the air is the best opportunity for the Goddess of War to output. The Goddess of War with all her skills was ready to output without restraint, but unexpectedly found that a smoke bomb flew over, and it happened to be stuck at the forward output point of the Goddess of War. superior.

The smoke bomb made the Goddess of War's vision instantly disappear. Even if the male gun was blown up by the water bubbles, the Goddess of War couldn't output immediately because he had to get out of the range of the smoke bomb.

Yu Luocheng's technique saved him from the danger of being quickly activated by the opponent, but the opponent's meticulous calculations were completely different from the innocent Heisha and Baisha, and Yu Luocheng clearly felt that the two newly replaced people not easy at all

After Yu Luocheng landed, he didn't panic, and forcibly confronted the war goddess Sivir.

Endless crit strikes made great achievements again, and quickly lowered the bloodline of the war goddess Sivir

Yu Luocheng has already ignored Nami, who has perfect skills, and confronted the goddess of war, Sivir, head-on.

Counting on the right timing, Yu Luocheng suddenly flew out with a shotgun and bombarded the Goddess of War.

The Goddess of War's blood volume immediately dropped a lot, but he still didn't intend to hand over the magic shield.

Very old-fashioned, I won't hand in the magic shield unless I hand in the ultimate move... Yu Luocheng said inwardly.

The highest burst damage of the male gun is the ultimate explosive bomb of the big move except for the three-shot shot of the shotgun.

At this moment, Sivir, the Goddess of War, can be seen to be an old fox, and Yu Luocheng will not use the magic shield unless he uses his ultimate move.

Then don't hand it in, let's see who dies first. Yu Luocheng didn't need to use the big move either. To release the big move requires an obvious gesture. Judging from his current attack speed, releasing the big move will take a while Normal Attack.

Yu Luocheng relied on his equipment to face off against the Goddess of War, Sivir, to see who could stand at the end...

Obviously, Yu Luocheng, who possesses endless damage, is quite high, and the Goddess of War couldn't stand it after a few hits, so she immediately used her high movement speed to open the distance and let Nami go up to do a pinch.

Yu Luocheng doesn't care too much, your Goddess of War came over and I'll blow you up, your Nami came over and blasted you to pieces, Goddess of War Sivir has a magic shield that can resist big moves, but you Nami has nothing


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