Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1241 Hunt Yu Luosheng!

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It seems that the two bot laners on the opposite side have changed. I also wonder if they have any bot lane combination in North America that can be replaced. Da Luo said with a smile.

No matter what combination they change to, Qian Meng and Yu Luosheng are unstoppable.

It should be that Baisha and Heisha have been hit psychologically, and need to be adjusted. Yan Luowang said. .

No matter what, just play according to our rhythm. Li Tuchuan said.

At this time, it is natural to respond to all changes without change, and the US team can do whatever they want. Anyway, they still deal with it with the mentality of the first half. There is hope to win this round, so we must take advantage of the momentum to win.

Okay, if you are ready, you will enter the competition.

Everyone nodded, waiting for the ten-second countdown on the computer screen.

The picture of Summoner's Canyon has been presented in front of his eyes, and it is in a frozen state until the countdown of ten seconds passes.

Yu Luocheng also took advantage of these 10 seconds to quickly analyze the situation.

The economic lead is about 4,000, and the main economic lead is in our own area, which is about 1,000.

The rest is the average distribution of jungle, support and team economy. These economies are not intuitive and can only accumulate slowly.

Not surprisingly, his male gun will become the opponent's main target next, and if he is on the opposite side, a male gun with such luxurious equipment will never win a team battle without killing the male gun.

How long will it take for you to make the crucible? Yu Luocheng asked.

The biggest threat to Yu Luocheng was not the poodle that came from stealth and sneak attack. The equipment of the white tiger poodle was not very good. On the contrary, Kurt's single-man horse with two heads was the biggest threat.

The horses with the power of the three phases have very high output. Turn on acceleration, turn on the shadow of the war, and thousands of troops will come to kill them, and then hit the wall so big. The damage combined with the skill is enough to give a person with two-thirds of the blood volume. Second kill.

The most disgusting thing is of course the fear of the centaur's ultimate move. During this time of fear, Yu Luocheng can't do anything. Adding a little bit of output to Adams' trick enchantress is basically an instant kill.

That is to say, whether it is a man and a horse paired with a trick witch, or a man and a horse paired with a poodle, the cooperation of any two people can instantly kill him. There will always be omissions in Qianmeng's protection. If the crucible can be used to remove the Without the fear of losing the big move of the horse, everything is easy to say.

Being frightened is equivalent to dying in one second, but Yu Luosheng has enough room to manipulate when dispelling the fear. He can use the summoner skills to avoid the opponent's fatal damage.

Within 3 minutes. Qian Meng also understood the importance of the crucible, and was already using all available resources to replenish this piece of equipment.

Of course, the equipment that can be used by the auxiliary has no other way than hanging up and jumping for money.

Your position is a bit dangerous. Qianmeng is doing field vision in the middle and the river, and cooperates with Zhao Tinghua to invade the field of vision.

The invasion of field vision is very important in the advantageous game, which greatly reduces the room for the enemy to spend money. If you encounter someone who is not yet mature enough, you may be able to pick up money for a life.

I feel it, I'm retreating... However, the two of them shouldn't dare to use big moves to double-team them easily now. If there is no accident, they will be double-killed by me, unless they operate very well and can barely replace me. Yu Luosheng said.

Then what do you mean? Qian Meng said.

Fight them.

Yu Luocheng is not the one who is afraid of getting into trouble when he fights, he dares to fight when they come!



The ten second countdown is coming to an end,

On the seat of the American Angel Army, Adams involuntarily glanced at Yang.

Although Qinglong is two people, it can be seen that Yang De must be very strong, otherwise, it is impossible for him to be ranked above him all the time. I hope he is not just good at scoring and has no experience in competitions. meaningless.

However, there is one thing that gave Adams a little more confidence.

Yang has always given people a feeling of dull eyes, as if he has a dull indifference to everything happening around him. But the moment his fingers touched the keyboard and mouse, and his eyes fell on the game screen, he seemed to be a completely different person, and those single eyelids bloomed with a light of excitement and longing!

Adams has seen similar people. They have no sense of existence in real life, and they have no interest in everything in reality. They are like a walking dead. Once he enters the competitive battlefield, he seems to be alive, with a straight body , with a solemn and serious expression, especially the eyes, the light shining from the dull pupils is like a retired and depressed warrior returning to the passionate battlefield.

The e-sports players that Adams has seen are often abnormal!

After sitting on the gaming chair, Yang felt as if he had been reborn. His eyes were so focused on the battlefield of Summoner's Canyon, where the enemy was, where the economy was, and where the key to the overall situation was.

Did you see the position of the male gun? Yang, who didn't speak much, took the initiative to speak, and said to Zeus next to him.

With his current equipment, it's a bit risky to kill him. Zeus seemed to have a clear mind, which was different from the arrogance he showed just now.

If you don't take some risks, you can't stabilize the situation. You need his end-of-head economy. What you have inherited is a mess. Yang said without hesitation.

You're right, give me a moment to think... Well, it's ok, kill him. Zeus nodded, his eyes were a little more confident, obviously he had already understood the idea of ​​​​killing him .

Adams shook his head when he heard the conversation between these two people. What a strange pair. One was obviously wild and arrogant, but after touching the keyboard, he was extremely sane and analyzed calmly. The other is usually dull and lifeless, but after entering the competitive battlefield, his whole body is full of boiling desire to attack.


The target is locked on the male gun who is carrying a line by himself.

Yang didn't choose to face it from the front, because he firmly believed that with a sense of smell of Pluto's level, he would be able to easily detect the ambush in the grass at the edge, and the ambush there could only deal with some inexperienced professional players.

Walking to the side, Yang passed the entrance of the river, looking like he was about to leave here to take a look...

Slightly stuck in the field of vision of the triangular bushes, Yang suddenly flashed through the thick wall, and flashed to Yu Luocheng's flank from a position that could not threaten Yu Luocheng at all!


With a roar, Yang released Nami's tsunami move from a very inclined position.

Nami's move was almost beyond everyone's expectations. From everyone's point of view, the equipment of the two people in the lower lane should run far away when seeing the male gun. Why would they take the initiative to trouble the male gun, or just flashed over the wall like this? Forecasting the road closure, what if other people's male guns don't move forward? R1148

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