Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 122 Can you fuck seriously...

??  …

What's going on? Zhang Aijing looked at these people suspiciously.

He Jin suppressed the feeling of wanting to bump his head to death, pointed to the thin Xiaobei and said: Ai Jing, he is Xiaobei, a very talented player I discovered by accident, and the strongest player in Maoyan is also Xiaobei. Help him He played it, and he played the first few games.

Oh, you are Xiaobei. I saw you played well before. If you want, you can come to our 71 club and practice in the second team first. If you show good looks, you can be admitted to the first team. ...Huh... Zhang Aijing said these words subconsciously, suddenly felt that something was wrong, glanced at the room, then pointed to the room and said, If you are Xiao Bei who beats Maoyan, then the one inside is hitting four Who's the guy in the quarter-finals?

He Jin looked embarrassed, and said: That is the captain of the wing team - Dou Ying.

Fighting Eagle? Which Eagle Fighting? Zhang Aijing asked in confusion.

It's that world-class player who has retired for more than a year. He Jin said.

Zhang Aijing was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise gradually appeared on her face.

He...he is Fighting Eagle?? Zhang Aijing has been in the e-sports scene for two years, and she just entered the industry at the peak of the wing team!

What fighting eagle, the bottom lane was defeated, and he is still called a world-class professional player, nonsense. Liu Zhangming said very disdainfully.

Brother Cheng's hands are not hot yet, he is very powerful, he must be much stronger than me. Xiaobei said firmly.

Hmph, 3 deaths and 0 kills, the average professional player really can't beat it. Liu Zhangming sneered.

By the way, Lin Dong, this is really not good. I also know that Dou Ying is your captain and has an unshakable position in the field of e-sports, but that is also in the past. He has retired for more than a year... It's better to let Xiao Bei fight, the other lines are not bad, there is no room for recovery. Fatty He's tone is quite calm, not as aggressive as Liu Zhangming.

Boss He, do you believe me? Lin Dong said.

Why don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, you don't dare to let you do this kind of thing. It's related to the reputation of the club... He Jin said.

Trust me, just trust our boss, he probably played too many low-end rounds, and he didn't get used to this kind of high-end games all of a sudden.

And he himself admits that he hasn't practiced Vayne's laning much, but it must be no problem in the team. Lin Dong said.

Xiao Bei kept nodding his head. His admiration for Yu Luocheng was numb. Even if Yu Luocheng beat him hard, he still believed that it was Brother Sheng who didn't feel good today.

He Jin was a little dumbfounded, Lin Dong had already said that, what else could he do.

However, thinking of that guy answering the phone and calling Wei En at the same time, He Jin felt that 200,000 RMB was being thrown into the river by that guy.

Oh, our boss has his bottom line, just watch it from the sidelines, don't say that this is the National Quarter Internet Cafe League, he vowed not to play professional games. Lin Dong reminded.

Zhang Aijing opened her mouth.

It turned out that the guy in the room didn't know he was playing in the quarterfinals, no wonder he looked very casual.

In other words, Zhang Aijing still hasn't figured out why the once brilliant Dou Ying quit e-sports.

I still say that, if you lose, spit out the previous one! Liu Zhangming said with a blank face.

Let's watch the game. Zhang Aijing actually smiled.

To tell the truth, Zhang Aijing had heard of Dou Ying's name a long time ago, and she wanted to see how well Dou Ying, who does not play in professional leagues, would perform well in this high-end national league.

Of course, his stats are really not satisfactory now, probably it has something to do with his playing too casually.

The high-end game has the rhythm of the high-end game. The strength level of this kind of national Internet cafe league has completely reached the professional level. If it is too loose, it will definitely die miserably, because their opponents are all fierce wolves. As long as they seize a small opportunity, they will be defeated. Frantically pounced on.

The main thing is being targeted. Wei En is the key point of the Shanghai team. He is frequently taken care of by the other four players. Even if I come to fight, I may not be able to handle it better than Brother Cheng. Xiaobei said very modestly and seriously.

Xiao Bei didn't leave. No matter how loud his uncle was, he still had to bite the bullet and watch Yu Luocheng's match, because he was the person Xiao Bei admired the most.


The five of them returned to the room with strange expressions on their faces.

Yu Luocheng glanced back at them, and was about to speak when Fatty He's face froze, and hurriedly said: Hit hard, hit hard, we're just watching.

It's nothing, I'm bored to make up the knife. Lin Dong, I'm a little thirsty, so I'll get a bottle of Coca-Cola. Yu Luocheng said.

The lower tower has fallen, and the assistant made some wards for the lower lane, and started to support other lanes. Yu Luosheng grew up in the lower lane with peace of mind.

His teammates were pretty strong, and he was able to hold on in a 4v5 situation, which also gave Yu Luosheng enough time to replenish his equipment.

I'll buy it, I'll buy it, you fight hard! Fatty He Jin said hastily.

How embarrassing. Yu Luocheng didn't have the habit of bothering outsiders.

Fatty He Jin is about to cry, can't you fight honestly and with peace of mind when you are old, you don't stare at the screen and talk to us back, this is life-threatening!

Fatty He Jin left quickly, so that the big Buddha Yu Luocheng would not turn his head around again...


After Fatty He Jin left, Yu Luocheng played money on a single machine, and said without too much pressure: Xiaobei, these friends of yours are very good.

That's, that's... Xiaobei nodded hastily.

Liu Zhangming on the side snorted coldly, you know, how painful it is to resist swearing!

This is the strongest team selected from tens of thousands of Internet cafes in the entire Liaoning Province. Which player is not at the level of a master, can they not be good! ! ! !

You fucking thought it was a random civil war, bastard!

But Zhang Aijing, who was standing beside her, looked very interested. She didn't say a word, but just stared at the computer screen quietly.

Unlike Liu Zhangming who only looked at the results, Zhang Aijing saw from a professional perspective that Yu Luosheng's Wei En's basic skills were very good. The main problem was that he played more casually in the early stage, and he was given a brainless squat by the Liaoning team, which led to him going down the road. crash.


Wei En is still developing in the bottom lane, and the other four members of the Shanghai team are flying in the top and middle lanes.

Yu Luosheng didn't even look at this, led the way all the way, and directly advanced to the opponent's 2nd tower in the bottom lane, demolished the two towers very smoothly and returned to the city decisively.

All four members of the Shanghai team were killed, and the Liaoning team had two left. They knocked down the two towers on the road along the way. Overall, the Shanghai team lost a bit.

This Wei En is a dish B, right? He is playing single player in the bot lane alone. Even someone like me who has never played solo queue knows that he wants to join the team. Qiu Jingtai said.

Jiang Chen also frowned.

He was very puzzled. With Maoyan's strength, he shouldn't be able to trap his teammates like this.

A person is alone in the bottom lane, is this still a professional-level duel?

Obviously, the Shanghai Sunshine team is sacrificing the team economy to buy Wei En time to take shape. Maoyan's performance today is indeed a bit unexpected. It depends on whether he can carry in the team in the future. If his performance in the future is still so sleepwalking... The commentator Qiqiao said.

Qiu Jingtai was puzzled by Qiqiao's words, and asked, What do you mean, sacrifice the team's economy to let Wei En develop? Wei En is so good, died so many times in the early stage, and didn't participate in the early and mid-term team fights. She is in her 20s. It's been a minute, and I don't see anything like the strongest king.

This... seems to be a tactic. Wei En was targeted in the early stage, and her equipment is too poor. Even if she joins the team, it doesn't make much sense. She simply leads the way and develops well. The result of this is to let teammates 4 vs 5. Although every fight and every loss, the tower did not fall too badly. Wait until Vayne can develop at this point, and when it is delayed to about 30 minutes, then fight 55 groups. Vayne, who has an extremely powerful output in the later stage, can still hope to win. Yes. Jiang Jiu said.

Are you sure? Why do I feel that this Wei En is so normal, he is replenishing troops from the beginning to the end, and as soon as someone passes by, he will die... Look, two more people are going to outflank him, and he is going to send him off again. Turn your head around, Qiu Jingtai said.

Jiang Jiu also frowned, this Wei En is too sloppy, it is not wretched like this, and he went out to develop without vision, seeing that two groups of green-eyed wolves are about to outflank Wei En in the grass on the edge of the bottom road up!


Vayne is sleepwalking again. There is basically no escape. His teammates are too far away to support him. Sigh... Maoyan is a little too confident today. The commentator Qiqiao sighed.


(The second chapter is here~~~ Please áo please áo!)

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