Fatty He, what the hell are you doing? Backstage, a woman in her twenties stopped He Jin.

Ai Jing, why did you come here? He Jin was taken aback, looking at the woman in high heels with light yellow hair dyed in surprise.

Zhang Aijing, the person in charge of CT Club and 71 Club, also served as a tactical analyst for CT Team and 71 Team.

Zhang Aijing often appears as a guest commentator on the game channel of E-sports Fengyun. She is a familiar name in the e-sports circle, and even participated in the official commentary of Tencent.

Zhang Aijing can be regarded as He Jin's boss. She took a special look at Maoyan Qiu Shengping who was sitting on the player's seat, and said with a sneer, I don't know the strength of Maoyan. What's going on?

Team 71 is a domestic first-tier team, while CT team can only be regarded as a second-tier national team.

A while ago, Zhang Aijing watched all the videos of the provincial competition, and found that the position of the Shanghai CT team was very strange. Based on Zhang Aijing's understanding of Maoyan, it was impossible for Maoyan's technology to reach the level of crushing the members of the provincial team, let alone such a high level. Operation and awareness.

Suspicious Zhang Aijing deliberately chased after the scene. She thought that the Shanghai CT team had someone to play for them in order to win the bonus, but she didn't expect that it was Maoyan Qiu Shengping...

But Zhang Aijing still felt something was wrong, so she ran over to question He Jin.

Don't hide it, I know it all, the previous few games were not played by Maoyan! Ai Jing crossed her hands in front of her chest, and said coldly.

That... He Jin smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

What the hell is going on? Who is playing on Maoyan's behalf? You should be aware that well-known players in China have their own unique styles of play and routines. This game was broadcast live nationwide, on the Internet, on TV, and on Tencent's official website. There are a few million casually, and ordinary players may not be able to see it, but those professional players, players, and analysts of those teams have eyes as sharp as eagles. Whose? If they expose it together, pull out the videos of the other games, the CT club will be swallowed up by saliva, and the club's reputation will be completely ruined by you!! Zhang Aijing said with a trace of anger.

It's a common thing to play ranked play on a daily basis, and it doesn't hurt too much.

But how can this kind of formal game be played by someone else? It's no different from courting death!

He Jin hastily apologized,

Pulling Zhang Aijing aside, she said in a low voice, Don't worry, don't worry, the person who beat Maoyan is not a professional player, he is a folk expert, no one should know him.

Who is it? Zhang Aijing asked.

After watching those few videos, Zhang Aijing found that the player who played Maoyan was very strong. If he could get in touch with the support more, he should not lose to some first- and second-tier professional teams.

You don't know a young man named Xiaobei...I'll take you to meet him. He Jin said.

Walking out of the arena, Liu Zhangming in the blue T-shirt was also there. After seeing He Jin and Zhang Aijing, he also hurriedly followed.

The three of them took the elevator to the seventh floor and walked to the small office.

There were still only three people in the room, Xiaobei, Lin Dong, and Yu Luosheng.

When Fatty He Jin pushed open the door, he still had a flattering smile on Zhang Aijing's face, but when he saw Xiao Bei standing on the computer, the smile on his face immediately froze.

Xiao Bei and Lin Dong stood behind the chairs, one left and one right, staring at the computer screen very seriously.

And the person sitting on the chair playing the role of night hunter Wei En is that college student named Yu Luocheng! !


What's the situation! ! ! !

Fatty He's face turned black!

Liu Zhangming's eyes widened as well, he looked at Xiao Bei who was supposed to fight Wei En on his behalf, and then at Yu Luocheng, his face immediately filled with anger!

What... what are you doing! Why did you let him play? Do you know how important this match is!! Liu Zhangming pointed at Xiao Bei angrily and said, Quick, sit on it for me!!

Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient. Xiaobei stopped Liu Zhangming with a smile.

Don't be impatient, why don't you be impatient, I said, why did you lose 2 heads in the first ten minutes of the game, and don't do anything after receiving the money... Liu Zhangming said angrily.

The down lane is at a disadvantage, the last hit was suppressed by more than 20 knives, and two heads were lost, and Verus, the Arrow of Punishment on the opposite side, was already very fat.

Liu Zhangming was still wondering why Xiaobei's performance was so poor today. He used to be able to guarantee his development even with a weak VN online...

It turned out that Wei En wasn't hit by Xiaobei at all, but by that guy called Fighting Eagle!

This guy has retired a long time ago. Being a good player doesn't mean he's good. At least Liu Zhangming has never paid attention to fighting eagles.

A quarter of the national Internet cafe league finals, if you win this game, you can enter the finals. The finals is a pure bonus of 200,000 yuan. As the leader of the Shanghai team, how can Liu Zhangming allow any accidents to happen? 200,000, how much energy and money they invested!


While Liu Zhangming was yelling loudly, Wei En was once again killed by the opponent's jungler and bottom laner...

The screen instantly turned black and white, Yu Luocheng frowned slightly, tapped the mouse lightly with his fingers, waiting for Wei En to come back to life.

I'm so stupid, the next road collapsed!!! Liu Zhangming yelled.

0 kills, 3 deaths, 0 assists, such data in 15 minutes is simply appalling! !

Lin Dong, let me tell you, if you lose this match, I will spit out all the things I gave you before... Liu Zhangming pointed at Lin Dong's nose and said with a very ugly expression.

Don't BB, just watch. Lin Dong interrupted Liu Zhangming impatiently.

You... Liu Zhangming was angry!

That's a bonus of 200,000 yuan. After several months of competition, it's just for this bonus. Lin Dong actually let someone who is nothing play at this time. Isn't this obviously making them lose!

Zhang Ming, don't talk about it. Fatty He Jin's face darkened, and he stopped Liu Zhangming from going mad.

Liu Zhangming forcibly suppressed his anger, but his eyes showed a bit of cruelty, obviously saying that if he loses this game, he wants you to look good!

Lin Dong, Xiao Bei, let's talk outside. Fatty He Jin said to Lin Dong and Xiao Bei.

Lin Dong and Xiao Bei nodded and walked out of the room.

Yu Luocheng glanced back at them who walked out of the house, and muttered in his heart: What's going on, isn't it just a civil war, life or death...

Having said that, the strength level of this civil war is somewhat beyond Yu Luosheng's imagination.

Whether it is an opponent or a teammate, the strength is very high-end, but it is because I have not yet warmed up that I have fallen in the early stage.

Yu Luocheng's mentality is still very good, Wei En, it doesn't matter if the hero loses three or four kills in the early stage, as long as the last hit is maintained, and enough equipment is used at the right time, the team is still unsolvable.


Suddenly, the mobile phone on the table vibrated.

Yu Luocheng took a look, manipulated Wei En with one hand, and picked up the phone with the other: Hello, what are you doing?

Oh, I'm not going to watch it, I'm fighting a high-end civil war, just watch it.

I know it's wonderful, what, Wei En has something to eat? Don't say that, Wei En is a hero with such a nature, it's normal, let me tell you, I'm also fighting Wei En now, and I was also cheated in the early stage... ...

Fatty He Jin, who was closing the door at the door, saw Yu Luocheng playing while answering the phone, the flesh on his face twitched! !


Do you know that the game you played is the quarter-finals of the National Internet Cafe League, which is related to a bonus of 200,000 RMB! ! !

Dear dad, it's fine if you are my dear dad, please f*ck throw away that damn phone, and talk slowly after this round, okay? ! ! !

The dish B Wei En mentioned by your friend is you! ! Millions of people across the country are staring at your dish B Wei En! ! !

(Ask for some recommendation tickets~~~~~~ How about we update another chapter today?)

(The second chapter will be posted at 9:00 pm~~~)

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