Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1030: Selling Struggle

After reaching the Olympics, the athletes did not feel that they had reached the end.

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Entering the Olympics is just a ticket, and they will show it to the whole world on the next stage. Among these people, there are many aunts, uncles, uncles, friends, classmates, and ex-girlfriends of e-sports players!

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In fact, most of these people don't understand what they e-sports players do, and their thoughts are always stuck in a small Internet cafe, where a group of smoking punks are cursing at the computer while manipulating the keyboard and mouse.

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Who wants to have such a tall image!

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To enter the Olympics, we must tell them that the e-sports stadium can be as large and luxurious as a super stadium like the World Sports Football Stadium and Basketball Stadium, and the number of people it can easily exceed tens of thousands.

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They are the most outstanding players selected from hundreds of millions of young players across the country, and they are also unique in the world!

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The e-sports they are engaged in is not as simple as the little overlord of the game console. He is full of inner games, full of fast fighting every second, and it is a contest between IQ and IQ!

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All in all, this e-sports Olympics will definitely overturn the ridiculous thoughts in the hearts of those local turtles, and there will be a complete change in their e-sports players. They are not jobless young people in Internet cafes, but like sports stars, Celebrities like football stars exist!

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Training, non-stop training.

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As the coach of the e-sports national team, Li Tuchuan is well aware that the Chinese national team still has weaknesses in certain positions. After entering the Olympic finals, the opponents they encountered were immeasurably strong, especially the Korean Hell Army and the American Angels. Both of these superpowers have built their teams to perfection, leaving no chance for teams from other countries.

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The Chinese national team's arrival at the e-sports Olympics is not a symbolic one-way trip, which is meaningless.

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Everyone knows that the purpose of entering the Olympics is to get a medal, and it would be meaningless to finish fourth. Gold medals, silver medals, and bronze medals. As a world champion country in the S-League, what if you can't get a top three in the Olympics? Like the e-sports fans across the country?

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Therefore, after that night of carnival, Li Tuchuan did not relax his demands on everyone.

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Olympic Games are ushered in only once every four years,

Perhaps for some younger athletes, another four years will give them better growth opportunities and experience growth, and they can be more hopeful, but the best time for our e-sports is only four years, four years After that, everyone will get old, no passion, no ability, so this time we will do our best no matter what in the e-sports Olympics!

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Everyone was very drunk that night, but they all clearly remembered what Li Tuchuan said.

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Four years is like a lifetime for e-sports. If you don't really get the glory you want, you will never have another chance. There is no reason not to try your best!

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Every morning at nine o'clock, the players must start on time, have breakfast at half past nine, and start training on time at ten o'clock.

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In the morning, there is usually a civil war, divided into two groups, ab, and two games in total. During the civil war, some new tactical systems of the Chinese national team will also be integrated.

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Lunch is on time at 12:30 noon, and free time is considered free time after lunch until 2:30 pm, but the players basically have to roll off to take a nap at noon. Confucius said, if you don't sleep at noon, you will collapse in the afternoon!

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From 2:30 to 5:00, this will be a training match that each player must treat with the mentality of the game. Li Tuchuan will find different teams for the players to conduct real battles. There will be 2 games in total!

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After the training match, Xia Yingxing will take the lead, and the players will go outdoors together.

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Playing basketball, badminton, table tennis, running, in short, while the players sit in front of the computer and use their fingers and brain every day, Xia Yingxing insists on exercising their bodies. How can they survive such a long training without a strong body? Their spirit is also a good adjustment.

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Li Tuchuan didn't have too much requirements on the night time of the players. He could leave the base at any time if he had something to do, and he could go to any grove or small hotel for a date. However, Li Tuchuan had certain requirements for everyone's personal ranking.

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Fortunately, most of the players in the national team are singles, and they are also a group of dead houses. Most of the nights are for ranking, playing Korean server, American server, and national server.

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If the players are motivated, they will live a fulfilling life, and if they are fulfilling, they will feel that their days will pass quickly.

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Before I knew it, spring in Shanghai had come, and before I knew it, the thick clothes had faded away, and I put on handsome and unrestrained spring clothes.

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The weather is very good today, let's go out and drink flower wine in style! Xiao Wang walked out of the gate of the base, looking at the rare sky in Shanghai.

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It is really difficult to see the blue sky in Shanghai. Even on a sunny day, it feels like the sky is covered with a layer of gray and old yellow.

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It just so happens that today is a holiday, and everyone has been practicing in seclusion for more than half a month, so it's time to go for a walk, collect wind, drink flower wine, soak up Shanghai girls and so on.

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E-sports players don't have much time. If they don't take advantage of this time to intercept women from good families, they will be single for the rest of their lives.

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Yu Luocheng had nothing else to do, and when he was planning to go out to have sex secretly, he was suddenly called to the office by Xia Yingxing.

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Yu Luocheng was a little puzzled, usually Xia Yingxing would look for her, mostly for big things.

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When I walked to Xia Yingxing's office, I saw Huang Xiaoying reporting a thick stack of materials, but I didn't know what it was. Wu Xiaokang sat beside him, listening to Xia Yingxing with an expression of listening to the leader's orders.

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Qianmeng Xia Yuli is also there, she is sitting on a chair by the bed, reading a book in the sunshine...

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Yu Luocheng glanced at the title of the book, well, it really is those serious literature that is so profound that people can't figure it out at all.

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Sister Xia, are you looking for me? Yu Luocheng asked.

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Well, before Li Tuchuan told me something about your exclusive equipment 'Zhengfeng', I have also consulted with the embassy, ​​and I want to pass this honor that belongs to us through the embassy. Bring it back and Xia Yingxing said.

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Yu Luocheng's eyes lit up, and the joy on his face was fully expressed!

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If the country comes forward to take this honor back...

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No, no, this is still unlikely.

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It's like this. The people we sent out negotiated and said that the owner in the UK said that they didn't take it. You voluntarily sold it to the current owner, and you still have your own fingerprints... this Is it true? Xia Yingxing continued.

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Yu Luocheng was silent for a while.

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Xia Yuli, who was reading by the window, also looked up at Yu Luocheng.

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It was Yu Luocheng who nodded.

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If you voluntarily sold it to the owner, then it would be difficult for us to come back...Yu Luocheng, why did you sell this important and exclusive equipment to foreigners? Xia Yingxing said seriously asked.

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Yu Luocheng continued to remain silent, obviously not wanting to say anything.

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Knowing that she basically had no hope of knowing the answer and Yu Luosheng's past, Xia Yingxing sighed and said, I'll try my best to fight for it. You were under 18 years old when you traded it to someone else. This kind of fingerprint transaction is very rare in China. It is not fully recognized in the British law, let's see if we can get the fight back through this aspect

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Thank you, Yu Luocheng nodded. Naturally, he hoped that Zhengfeng could return to his side, no one is more familiar with that equipment than himself.

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What we should do

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Xia Yingxing watched Yu Luocheng leave, put the pen next to her cheek and began to think.

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Zhengfeng was sold to foreigners by himself. That foreigner is not short of money at all. Others just collect it like a work of art. It is impossible to get it back. Huang Xiaoying said while sorting out thick documents.

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I hope there is still a little bit. I took a look. If Yu Luocheng was under 16 years old at that time, this matter would be easier to handle. However, the foreigner who bought Yu Luosheng to fight for the top is very smart, and the one who signed the agreement with Yu Luosheng The time happened to be when Yu Luosheng turned 16, said Xia Yingxing.

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Although the legal protection for minors at home and abroad is 18 years old, the real protection without any responsibility is under the age of 16. Yu Luosheng's deal with that gringo was also embarrassing. At that time, Yu Luosheng happened to be 16 years old.

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However, Captain Yu is also awesome. At the age of 16, he won an honor that no one else can get in his entire life! Wu Xiaokang said.

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How much did he sell at that time? Huang Xiaoying asked.

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One hundred thousand is closer to two hundred thousand, Xia Yingxing said.

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No way... With the current worth of these e-sports players, it's not a problem to spend one or two hundred thousand. Wu Xiaokang said in surprise.

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It's a bit strange. At this time, Xia Yuli put down the book in her hand, and said something with a frown.

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What's so strange? Xia Yingxing asked in confusion.

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Back then, Xu Pingyang, the owner of Sky Club, took away a bonus of about 100,000 RMB from Yu Luosheng, and Qian Xia Yuli, who did not sell Zhengfeng in this bonus, said.

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Xia Yuli is a computer expert, even a top white hacker in the country. Her second sister Xia Ning is an Internet inspector, and Xia Ning is in charge of Xu Pingyang's case.

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It can be said that Xu Pingyang's old background was cleared up by Qian Meng, including the ledger of the Pit Wing team many years ago.

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However, Xia Yuli doesn't seem to have the slightest impression of Yu Luosheng's money from selling Zhengfeng...

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Xu Pingyang didn't take away the money from Yu Luocheng's sale of Zhengfeng, so where did the money from Zhengfeng go?

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Why don't you go and check? Xia Yingxing asked in a low voice.

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Can Qianmeng nodded.

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Qianmeng is also very curious, where Yu Luosheng, a 16-year-old kid, could spend nearly 200,000 RMB.

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It's not too difficult for her to check this kind of thing.

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