Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1029 Yu Jing's Loosening

When Yu returned home, what the factory director had said was still in his mind.

Many things can only be truly realized when they are directly related to the personal things. For example, this time Yu Luosheng entered the e-sports Olympics.

Before that, Yu really never thought that this son who made him half dead could achieve such a high achievement, and even directly affect his own position. Even the factory director who has always been a bit difficult to climb, talked to him politely.

It seems that I am really old, I really can no longer understand the world of young people, I am really ignorant and stubborn.

Why are there so many dishes? Yu Jing found several dishes on the table as soon as he started.

The two couples usually live in simple food and light food, and they just make do with it. Only after the child comes back, they will get a few more dishes. Yu Yu just left a few days ago. Is it necessary for Li Yun to make so many dishes?

Isn't this a celebration for you? Li Yun walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

At the market today, Li Yun was in a really good mood. She was even happier than when Yu Yu was selected as an Olympic member. The school even put up banners. What an honor it is.

Li Yun was tired of the elder sister Sun from the next block who kept mentioning that her son had been admitted to Fudan University in Shanghai, and that her son was the most educated in this area...

I got admitted to Fudan University, how can we have two Olympians in my family, Olympians are fighting against athletes from other countries, this kind of ability is not something ordinary people can have

Celebrate?? You know I've been promoted?? Yu Jing was surprised. How did Li Yun know about her promotion? She just got the news

Of course it's to celebrate your birthday... Eh, promotion, what promotion, have you been promoted? Li Yun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Oh, it's my birthday. Only then did Yu Jing realize that Li Yun was celebrating her own birthday.

Oops, I directly revealed the matter of promotion, and I planned to hide it on purpose, and I will talk about it when I go to bed, pretending to be indifferent.

You're really promoted, really? Li Yun asked a little excitedly.

It has been decades, and Li Yun has been hoping that Yu Jing can find a position in the factory, at least as a workshop director, but there has been no movement for so many years. In terms of technology, experience, and seniority, Yu Jing is not He can soon be the factory manager, but he has been just a mechanic for so many years, barely relying on his seniority to get some benefits. The question is how can this kind of benefits keep up with the rapidly increasing prices of this era.

Li Yun originally thought that Yu, who is not very good at interpersonal relationships, has been like this all his life. He didn't expect to be promoted after a serious illness. Although it was too late, it was not good news.

What position is it, workshop director?? Workshop director, I don't need to do so much work. It's good for your health, and your salary will probably go up... Li Yun asked hurriedly.

Yes... it's the supervisor. Yu Jing said a little embarrassed.

He felt that part of his supervising director was an advanced report from the Internet, and more importantly, he had the credit of Yu Luosheng and Yu Yu.

Supervisor...supervisor director?? This is a big position in the factory, with high real power. Li Yun said with a face full of surprise.

From an old mechanic to a director, it seems that he has only been promoted by one level, but the supervising director is bigger than any director, which is tantamount to a two-level promotion, and the salary may be quadrupled

Then...then how much can you get a month now? Li Yun asked hastily.

First, it's 5,000 a month, and the factory will distribute dividends every year. Yu Jing said.

Five...five thousand a month, so high, Li Yun exclaimed.

Yu Jing turned out to be only 15uu a month. Judging from Lecheng's consumption, this salary is definitely not enough, and the year-end bonus will not exceed 10,000 yuan at most.

But now it has directly increased to 50uu, which is no problem at all in Lecheng to support the family, and can live a very nourishing life. The most important thing is that after becoming an important member of the factory, they will directly take the factory dividends.

The year-end bonus is nothing more than a sympathy for the old technicians, but the dividend is huge. If the factory performance is good, you can easily get tens of thousands of yuan, and there may be more than 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

These are still incomes on the bright side, and some gray incomes are even more unclear. This promotion and this family suddenly turned the world upside down, from poor and white to small assets

Li Yun has been waiting for this day for who knows how long, working hard for this family, saving money on food and expenses, but after being promoted, Yu Jing feels that his life will be very good all of a sudden

Hey, I'm so big and still shed tears, hurry up and wipe them off. Yu Jing looked at Li Yun, and hurriedly handed over a tissue.

I'm happy, you've been promoted, and your son is more promising than we imagined, can't I be happy? Li Yun wiped her tears, feeling really happy in her heart

This old family, which has fallen into dust with the rapid changes of the times, has finally improved, so that it will not keep getting worse and worse, thinking that this life is going to pass in mediocrity and mediocrity, always listening to the neighbors around How good is the life of the eldest sister and aunt, how can you not be excited when you hear such news now?

Okay, okay, isn't this over the top? According to the current salary and dividends, I have been working for five years and the matter of the new house can probably be solved. If Xiaosheng comes back, we can afford it even if we marry a wife. Come to the house. Yu Jing said in relief.

Mm, um... By the way, hurry up and pay your endowment insurance. You still have to pay the money. You don't have to worry too much about the child. Xiao Sheng is much better than we imagined. Li Yun Said.

The factory manager has already paid for it, and the factory should have paid me the money. The medical insurance should have been paid by the factory. Yu Jing said.

If you are a small employee, even if you have paid all the insurance, it may be difficult to actually get the medical insurance after you are hospitalized and operated. You either need this information, or you have to go to that department, apply for it layer by layer, and dispatch it layer by layer. , In the end, the money in your hands will always be lost due to various reasons, but they can find a reasonable explanation.

But becoming an important person is another matter. The factory will send people to help you solve all these matters, which will save many, many unnecessary troubles.

Although he had just been promoted, Yu Jing felt a huge change in his life and work brought about by the promotion.

That's good, that's good...is this notebook?

It is also provided by the factory, and it is said to be convenient for work.

That's great, but can you use a computer?

Why not, I am much more proficient than you now. Yu Jing was also happy, and opened the laptop without any hassle.

The computer is in a sleep state, and has not been turned off. As soon as I clicked on the interface, the pop-up page turned out to be a certain video

Interpretation of the World League Li Yun's eyes widened.

Yu Jing felt as if he had been stepped on the tail, and hurriedly turned off the video, pretending to be serious.

Li Yun looked at Yu Jing's appearance, and instantly understood something.

This old guy said that he disdains e-sports, saying that it is something to play with, but it seems that he doesn't know when he started to understand it.

Li Yun herself is also understanding, and now she can roughly understand the situation of the game, what is a hero, what is a laning, and which hero is controlled by her son.

And Yu Jing seemed to understand it better than himself. When he was watching? Get to know the world of esports.

You, it's just to save face, right? Li Yun smiled.

What shame is there, this thing has entered the Olympics, and you know that I like to watch football games, basketball games, badminton games, and table tennis games. Occasionally learning about this new sport is a way of gaining insight, and it has nothing to do with that brat. Yu Jing said with a straight face.

Li Yun continued to laugh, she knew Yu Jing was lying.

No wonder I found e-sports information popped up on my broken computer many times before. It turned out that Yu Jing had already started to understand it. Once she even found out that the l game interface was logged in. At first she thought it was Yu Yu. Try to play, maybe it's this face-saving old thing that is beating the man-machine...

However, Li Yun also discovered that since the liver transplant and Yu Luocheng's strict expression of his views in the hospital, Yu has become more and more willing to accept new things. He knows how to use QQ, and even WeChat. , I don’t send text messages when I have nothing to do, all I send is WeChat, and I don’t want to spend money to check information or write reports. For the advanced supervision and management report, the factory director would probably just promote it intentionally, and would not let Yu Jing be the supervisor directly.

That's great, the pain and suffering made him completely gray about his life, his mood was unstable, his thinking was rigid and stubborn, and his way of educating children was also arbitrary

After the illness was gone, he became energetic and his mentality changed. He believed that if the father and son were reunited, too many conflicts would no longer be possible, and the family could finally be reunited.

In fact, promotion and salary increase are just the basics. The most important thing is that Yu Luosheng can come back. Without Yu Luosheng, this family seems to lack vitality.

If we go to Shanghai to meet Xiao Sheng one day, he must miss us very much. I have his phone number on hand. Li Yun said in a low voice. As a mother, thinking about children is crazy, but this is always a problem.

Forget it, he is an Olympic athlete now, he must be very busy, don't make trouble... Also, why do you have his number? Yu Jing said.

On New Year's Eve, a phone call came, but I didn't speak, but I heard a heavy panting sound, obviously there was someone there. Later I went to wipe the number on the front, it was the United States. Sheng happened to be playing a game in the United States... So I guess he was the one who called, and he must have missed us very much... Well, this hurdle has to be crossed, let alone embarrassment, embarrassment and father and son's old age Between each other, which one do you think is more important? Li Yun hit the railway in the heat.

Li Yun actually knew that Yu Jing had let go a long time ago. He secretly paid attention to e-sports, secretly saved his pension to buy a house for his children, secretly tried to play games as an old thing, and secretly paid attention to the world. Where did the Chinese team play in the tour...

Yu actually remained silent. I861


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