Undead Emperor

Chapter 3876: Got pitted

"The order is passed on, so that all the demons in Bingzhou can't act rashly, and can firmly occupy Bingzhou. On the other side of the demon world, you will send the message and let them enter the fairy well!" Gu Modi immediately ordered.

At this moment, someone rushed in from outside in a hurry.

"Master Demon Emperor, the human forces have come to Bingzhou, and they have occupied an area!"

Ancient Demon Emperor and Ling Demon Emperor frowned at the same time. "I have to report such a broken thing?" The Ling Mo Emperor understood what the ancient Mo Emperor meant, and said coldly: "When the human race comes to Bingzhou, then kill them all! This Bingzhou is now my Demon Clan's territory, why? , Even a few human races can't solve it

? "

"My Lord Hui Demon Emperor, those people are too strong. There are several powerhouses in the Demon King realm, and there are also a hundred demon realm powers. So far, we have three small forces in the past, but all have been killed. lost heavily."

Ancient Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes.

The Spirit Demon Emperor immediately said: "Then immediately summon the surrounding forces, besiege them, and solve them as soon as possible. Don't waste too much time on them, just to die."

Ancient Demon Emperor didn't say anything. Perhaps in his opinion, this was a group of people who didn't know the heights of the sky and earth, and thought of coming here to kill more demons and go back to claim credit.

Such people usually die miserably.

For these people, he didn't need to waste time thinking too much.

"Yes!" The informant went out immediately.


"What's the call?" Su Zhen sat cross-legged on a big rock, watching Zhou Quan and they come back in solitude, and asked faintly.

"It's already the fourth call." Zhou Quan has fought happily these days. He killed as many demons as he came.

It's just that the surrounding area is really devastated by the air waves generated by the battle. At least half of the mountains hanging in the air have disappeared, completely losing their original appearance.

Su Zhen nodded, looked at the direction of the Demon Race's space, and didn't ask any more.

After a few more days, the world where Su Zhen and the others were, finally began to lively.

"Master Xiandi, they are here." Zhou Quan returned to his state after a few days of rest. He came to Su Zhen and said to him excitedly.

Hearing this, Su Zhen looked around.

Sure enough, in the four directions of east, west, south, and north, there were figures of demons appearing, mighty, and it seemed that many people had come.

Obviously, the Demon Race has been deflated here continuously, and after losing several powerhouses in the Demon King realm, they have begun to be cautious, and they have actually sent so many people.

It seems that they want to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

However, Su Zhen had already considered this situation.

He quietly felt the breath squeezed from all directions, his body remained still.

After breaking through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he can faintly feel an inexplicable feeling, this feeling is as if he can integrate with the world, and above the sky, there seems to be some kind of energy attracting Yourself.

It's just that, perhaps because he had just broken through the immortal emperor a few years ago, he didn't know exactly where this energy came from.

Demon forces in four directions approached and surrounded the mountain where Su Zhen was located.

Zhou Quan and the others were naturally not afraid. Even after seeing so many demonic forces coming, they were very happy in their hearts. Even in their eyes, there were bright lights and they were extremely excited.

Perhaps in their opinion, these demons are their prey.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, such a reaction is normal.

But in the eyes of a crowd of demon cultivators, it was not that feeling.

Could this group of people really be afraid of death? Or do they come here to die? "You human races, you are so brave." The leader of a strong demon king looked at Zhou Quan and others coldly: "How dare you run to the hinterland of my demon race and kill so many powerful demon races. , Today, this king will take your life to pay tribute to him

Guys! "

"You made something wrong." Su Zhen stood up at this time and looked at the talking Demon King powerhouse: "Our original intention is to take your life to pay tribute." "Also, this is the immortal world, it is the human race. In the land, your demons show off on the territories of the human race. Be careful, lest one day, your demons are no match for the human race. When you retreat, the demons are actually occupied by our human race.

. "

"It's not ashamed, everyone listened to the order and killed them!" After the demon king heard it, his face instantly pulled down, and his heart was full of anger.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hands around and shouted loudly.

Su Zhen's words undoubtedly angered those Demon Clan monks, and after hearing the order, he immediately surrounded him.

"I'll leave it to you." Su Zhen was a little surprised when he saw that there were as many as four or five hundred people in this group.

However, no matter how many people there are, if there are fewer demon kings, they will still not be their opponent.

Of course, Su Zhen didn't mean this time.

This time there are as many as eight strong Demon Kings from the Demon Race!

Obviously, the Demon Race is determined to kill.

Zhou Quan and the others couldn't wait a long time ago. Seeing the densely packed Mozu monks rushing towards them, Zhou Quan's face also showed a sneer, and then rushed towards them.

In an instant, the two sides collided together.

Although the number of people on Su Zhen’s side is several times less than that of the Demon Race, this time all the ten Immortal Kings on this side have taken action, and the Demon Race will not be able to rush in at all, but anyone who approaches will be hit kill.

On the side of the Demon Race, the eight powerful Demon Kings suddenly felt something wrong.

"If I remember correctly, the news sent back before is that there are six immortal kings here, but now, how come four more immortal kings have appeared?" A strong demon king frowned, and the information was clearly wrong. .

"It seems that they must have hidden their strength and deliberately hid the four strong immortal kings in order to let us step into the pit!"

"Four fairy kings? How do you know they are four fairy kings? What if this kid hides other fairy kings?"

"Ten immortal kings, and that kid doesn't seem to be good, let's withdraw first, this is no advantage for us at all." The sudden burst of momentum on the Human Race made the Demon Race stunned. After living, I didn't expect that it would become like this in the end. After all, when they came, they were very confident. In their opinion, they were just six immortal kings, and eight of them were completely enough.

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