Undead Emperor

Chapter 3875: Things that the demons are afraid of

"Everyone, all come here to gather!" Zhou Quan immediately shouted to everyone around him after he understood what Su Zhen meant.

This time when they came out, they brought out a total of a hundred demon kings, plus ten strong immortal kings, including Zhou Quan, to guard this place. The problem is not too big, as long as the demon race is not fully besieging here.

What's more, there is a fairy emperor here after all. Zhou Quan had already planned in his heart. The sect they were in at the moment was huge, surrounded by nearly a hundred peaks, but now, this should be a treasure land filled with immortality, but it has become the dilapidated state it is now. Even good

As the fairy spirit gradually dissipated, several mountain peaks were shaky, and it seemed that they might fall down at any time.

The vigorous fairy grass that emerged from the stone slabs on the mountain has also turned into withered grass, and some have even turned black.

The surroundings are extremely quiet, as if the prosperity is gone.

This is like a dead Jedi.

After hearing Zhou Quan's voice, the guards all around him immediately surrounded him. "Let's guard here." Zhou Quan pointed to the mountain at his feet: "It won't take long for the demons to come here. When the time comes, we will kill as many as we come, and give this place firmly. Control it and let them magic

Take a look at the clan, there is only one consequence of running into our fairyland, and that is death! "

After hearing Zhou Quan's words, everyone was very excited and shouted.

Su Zhen stayed beside him and said nothing.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a group of people from the sky to kill Ma Hao. Looking around, there were at least hundreds of people.

"Can't wait?" Su Zhen saw Zhou Quan gearing up for a while, but he was secretly suppressing his own breath, for fear that he hadn't waited for the Mozu to get close to release his breath and scared them away. After hearing Su Zhen’s words, Zhou Quan smiled at him. It was the first time that he had such a close distance with the Immortal Emperor. A few years ago, when he fought against the undefeated Heavenly Court, Su Zhen was surrounded by many immortals. Wang Qiang, he doesn’t have much chance to meet Su Zhen

Sitting together like this.

Of course, this time of contact also made him very surprised. He didn't expect that Emperor Immortal would be so approachable. After staying for a long time, he would find it quite interesting.

It was really different from the emperor he imagined.

"Try to kill them as fast as possible, don't delay time, so that there will be more time to rest." Su Zhen said lightly.

Once the movement here spreads out, the demons will continue to kill here, and the enemy will become more and more difficult to deal with.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be no time to recover.

Of course, he is not here for no reason.

He didn't make a move all the time, that was because he was waiting for someone.

When the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race couldn't bear it, he shot it himself.

As for the others, Zhou Quan and the ten immortal kings dealt with it without any problem.

Moreover, he had already agreed with Zhou Quan before that, every time he made a shot, try to send only one or two more powerful immortal kings than the opponent, don't throw out all of their ten immortal kings all at once.

Once this has become a place that all demons pay attention to, Li Hanxin can arrange to start from other places. It’s just that he didn’t arrange much at the moment. After all, after hearing what Hong Sheng and Xiao Xiao said that 300,000 Demon Clan monks had come, Zhang Tianhan was the first to stand up and say that the Demon Clan must still have a back hand, because According to his estimation, there is at least one

The half demons did not appear!

It's just that Su Zhen's plan is not very clear at present.

"Kill!" When the hundreds of demons in the sky were approaching, Zhou Quan suddenly shouted, and rushed over with three powerful immortal kings. The other hundreds of demons came forward and surrounded him.

A battle is about to happen.


Hidden in the demon space between heaven and earth.

This is a small world, no different from the outside world. At least one hundred thousand people of the demons remain here.

In a bronze hall.

"Have you not found it yet?" A man in a black robe with a white grimace mask sitting on the main seat of the hall, with a pair of eyes without any temperature, staring at the few people below, and asked. "Back to the ancient devil emperor, we have searched for most of Bingzhou, and we haven't found it yet." The few people below did not dare to lift their heads. They could even feel the eyes of the ancient devil emperor, as if they could penetrate their bodies. Trembling slightly


There was also a person sitting on the lower right hand side of the ancient Devil Emperor. His whole body was wrapped in black robe, and his voice said quietly: "It looks like there should be nothing to play in Binzhou, so I have to continue to look for other places."

This person is just a strong demon emperor who went to put down his cruel words to Su Zhen before!

"Well, then send someone to look for it in other big states. You must find it in the shortest time." Ancient Demon Emperor nodded.

"I don't know what Brother Ling is going to do? Now that the Heavenly Court of the Immortal Realm has sealed Bingzhou, it may be very difficult for our demons to go to other places in Bingzhou." The Demon Emperor powerhouse on the right asked.

"When we first came to the immortal world, we had already expected this. However, in the demon world, there are still 300,000 demon races. These demon races are the important part of our current plan." The ancient demon emperor did not panic. Said busy.

When the spirit demon emperor heard the words, his face changed slightly: "Are you going to use those 300,000 cultivators so soon?"

He originally thought that these three hundred thousand demon cultivators would at least wait until they rushed out of Bingzhou before using them. "You don't know. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible for us to go to war with the immortal world. Otherwise, once the behemoth is awakened, it will be a devastating blow to our demons." Emperor squinted


Hearing the ancient demon emperor mentioning that person, the spirit demon emperor also shuddered.

But soon he said again: "This immortal world will definitely be stepped on by our demons. The humiliation he gave us at the beginning must also be returned in full!" "So, in order to allow the demons to go further, At the moment, you can’t make too much noise. It’s already very good to be able to occupy this merged state. If you expand further, you will inevitably devour the immortal world.

Now, before we do anything, he may appear. "The ancient demon emperor nodded. The spirit demon emperor sighed heavily at this moment: "It's really unexpected. A thousand years ago, he actually started to set up, and he knew our demon clan so well. Fortunately, he died. , Or else, let's not try to step into the fairy world! "

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