Undead Emperor

Chapter 1764: Yuan Dongdao, come!

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Chapter 176th Yuan Dongdao, Coming!


The seal characters in his mind were all exploded, and along the river that flowed into his mind, he was exploded all the way up, straightening out the entire bamboo bamboo world, countless sages and ghosts, all falling apart, as was the chain tied to him.

In an instant--

Su Zhen regained his freedom. He punched Dean Yuelu with a punch. The latter did not anticipate this scene. He was hit by the defense and quit more than a thousand meters.

"what happened?"

The indifference of Dean Yue Lu finally disappeared, and the wrinkled old face was filled with surprise.

"I admit that you are strong, but there is one thing you must know, you want to erase my memory, you are far from enough!" Su Zhen's consciousness has left a mark on the river of destiny, even the Yuanshen Taoist ancestors can no longer erase He remembered that Dean Yue Lu thought it was enough to avoid his ghost, knowing that he was one step late, and Heaven's Dao did not stop at the bamboo slips.

Neither of them stood firm.


A bigger explosion sounded, the surrounding space collapsed directly, and the two returned to the Halloween Palace.

Su Zhen looked around and found that the bamboo slips were blown up.

This is not over yet.

The explosion started with the right hand of the Confucius virtual image, and it blew all the way. Under the shock of all Daozang's gaze, in the deafening explosion, the imaginary image of the Confucius Confucius turned into ashes.

"what's going on?"

"What about Dean Yuelu ... in there! Well, he and Su Zhen are in the sky? Well, that's blood. He was injured? What, Dean Yuelu was injured?" Many Daozang capitals who want to take advantage of fishermen Surprised by the explosion, he quickly looked up at the sky and found the figures of Su Zhen and Dean Yue Lu, and then found that Hengyan Fan had blood on the corner of his mouth and his beard was red.

This discovery shocked them.


Gu Xinghe's complexion changed suddenly, and he hurried to the sky: "You are not seriously injured, Su Zhen beats you?"

"Sure, a little injury."

Dean Yue Lu waved his hand, beckoning not to panic, he looked at the dissipated Confucius as if his face was dignified: "Just repulsion will destroy my strongest qigong. Where is your consciousness entrusted, heaven and earth, ancient ruins, or holy Xianbao? "

"Starry sky."

"Putting the starry sky is the means of the primordial god, how can you ..." Before the words were finished, Dean Yuelu dreamed of the adventures mentioned by Gu Xinghe, and his turbid eyes radiated two terrifying rays, causing earth-shaking changes: "Can that adventure meet you in the long river of destiny?"

Su Zhen was expressionless.

"Answer me!" Dean Yue Lu asked urgently.

Gu Xinghe next to him was stunned. He had never seen Heng Yanfan's appearance. Even when the two were friends when he was young, Heng Yanfan gave him the impression that he was extremely calm when encountering anything.

This is the first time such a gaffe.


Gu Xinghe knows better that that adventure must be against the sky!

"Don't say? Then it hits you to speak, I really think the old man has only one means? I can serve as the dean of Yuelu, a Confucian Confucianist who holds the ears of the Confucianism, can you imagine that you will take me to the road to learn from the sea!" "

Dean Yue Lu shot again.

A vast sea of ​​waves formed behind, Su Zhen was sucked into it uncontrollably, and Dean Hou Yuelu flicked his hands at will, the tsunami formed with the movement, the waves were high, and Su Zhen was constantly beating.




Su Zhen was smashed into the sea again and again.

This time he only incarnates the Jinglili Bodhisattva, and does not perform any magical powers of fist, letting the tsunami add body, sinking and floating, without changing his face ... As soon as he fought, Su Zhen knew that he and Dean Yuelu were not of the same grade, and that it cost Energy is worse than just defending and not attacking, he also has a card, the flesh is comparable to the holy weapon, the soul is invincible, the consciousness is imprinted with a long fate, but it ca n’t be beaten.

"Endless vortex!"

The sea surface collapsed to form a black vortex. The endless sea water poured into it. The water pressure was terrifying to the level of the sky. Su Zhen was involved. The sea water was washed and squeezed violently, and there were dense cracks in the glass body.




The sound of the explosion came from the vortex, as if a robbery cloud was hidden inside, and the face of the audience changed slightly. Even standing in the distance, you can feel the horror of the vortex, and if you change them, they will become the fans.

Fairy Ziyuan's eyes were slightly cold, and Hengyan Fan felt too big.

"Su Zhen, this whirlpool is known as endless, endless, how long can you hold on? Hand over all your adventures, I will spare you, or you will end up grinded into powder even if you are comparable to the holy weapon."

Dean Yuelu said.

"Then come." Su Zhen replied these four words.

"Ning stubbornness!"

Dean Yue Lu embraced his arms and turned slowly. As his whirlpool speed increased, the water pressure doubled, and there was a chopstick-like crack in the body of Jingliu Bodhisattva. Dean Yue Lu pressed again, and the reply he got was still those four words.

"Look at how long you insist." Dean Yue Lu manipulated the vortex.

Su really is waiting.

Waiting for a bird's eye view of the academic conference, the only thing that can be found to compete with Dean Yue Lu is

Snow Musou!

"Why don't you show up yet?" Su Zhen frowned slightly, watching the danger of Liu Li's body breaking, immediately urged the undead bloodline to repair, and it was perfect again. But this consumes too much energy, and if it continues for a long time, it will eventually lose its resistance.

Time passes by one minute and one second.

Su Zhen has repaired the Liuli body thirty-ninth time, with only 30% of energy left, and even under the friction of the vortex, he has no chance of taking the Elixir. Immediately after taking out the elixir, it was ground into powder by the vortex. The blood demon engulfed the Dao. Theoretically, almost no one can break through his physical state, but the premise is that there is help from the undead bloodline, just like a thousand horses. .



A cup of tea.


One quarter of an hour.


An hour.

Two hours.

Finally, Su Zhen's energy was only 10%. Dean Yue Lu realized that he was exhausted, and forced to ask again: "This is your last chance, surrender the adventure, spare you not to die, otherwise there is no chance of reincarnation."

"Then come."

Su Zhen's answer is still those four plain words.

People around the audience became angry, some clamored to bombard him directly, some were worried about the loss of adventure, and some of them claimed to have means to force confessions, as if a group of little demon gave advice to the big devil.


Liu Li's body broke again, Su Zhen's pupils shrank, he had no energy to repair.

And at this time-


A tremendous amount of energy broke into the Halloween Palace, and the monstrous power it carried shocked everyone. Even Dean Yuelu's arms were put down, and he turned his head to look at the entrance, wondering where the holy came.

Su Zhen is also busy watching.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth, knowing that Xue Wushuang appeared, but when the admirer spoke, his heart sank into the abyss. ! "

One word breaks identity.

Su Zhen ’s enemy, one of the black hands behind the scenes, former Yuelu Academy student, former Royal Academy student, former No. 1 champion, and current Hanlin Academy Bachelor Yuan Dongdao—


Before the helper arrives, the enemy arrives.

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