Undead Emperor

Chapter 1763: Confucius as high as the sky

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Chapter 1767 The Master of Heaven

The most sacred Confucianism rushed into the cloud, condensed into a virtual image under the control of Dean Heng Yuelu. The virtual image was wearing a robes, holding a bamboo slip, and it was very shabby. His white hair was **** with hemp rope meticulously, and Bai Hu hung down on his chest, like an old man of great esteem.

It's just that he is too tall.

There are nine thousand feet, side by side with the world!


"Su Zhen, for the sake of making great contributions to the southern region of Qingzhou, the old man gave you the last chance to catch your hand, otherwise you can kill." Heng Yanfan, Dean of Yuelu, said indifferently.

"The size is as good as the Buddha is."

Su Zhen used his magical powers to turn into a thousand-degree glass-like bodhisattva, and punched with one punch--


One thousand and two hundred bodhi elephants trampled on the void and rushed to the dean of Yuelu, while Hengyan Fan looked expressionless and sneered "Ning stubbornness". The virtual image of the Confucius behind him was pressed down.


The giant palm covers the sky.


The unfavorable group of bodhi elephants was actually swooped into powder.

"Read the saint's book, but justify your words and actions, and reflect on my book!" Dean Yue Lu spread his hands and slowly separated in front of him, as if unfolding a bamboo slip, and the Confucius virtual image followed the movement to unfold the bamboo slip.


Massive ancient seal characters swarmed in, drowning the Su Zhen regiments, letting him do whatever he could to destroy any one, and the seal characters became an article, wrapping him up and squeezing them.

"Creak--" "creak--"

Jingliu Bodhisattva's body made a piercing rubbing sound, a thousand feet of Liuli's body shrunk a little bit, Su Zhen swelled his blood and urged his magical powers, but he couldn't stop it, and was directly beaten back to his normal form.


Dean Yue Lu's right hand made a void, and the imaginary image of the Confucius followed the action, put away the bamboo slips spread out, the ancient seal characters fell back into the Jane, and Su Zhen also went in with the seal.

But before and after a few breaths, Su Zhen--


Before observing Dao Zang, he asked each other with a stupefied face: "Is this over? I thought there was a vicious battle. After all, even the elder Zhongxu killed the devil!"

"But his opponent is Dean Yuelu ..."

"It is worthy of standing at the pinnacle of Kyushu, and the means is far from me .... But I am more concerned about Su Zhen. How did he get out of his adventure?" Zhu Tianxiang stood up: "President Yue Lu, Su Zhen How to deal with it, I need to give a confession to the National Normal University. "

"The hatred of Jianchao Pavilion must be reported!"

"Danta is the same."

"And Lu Fencheng, the ancestor of the Du family ..." Many Daozang who had nothing to do with the few people who had fallen, also jumped out, fearing that they would not get a slice of the soup. Looking at the aggressive crowd, Dean Heng Yanfan, the dean of Yue Lu, still maintained his demeanor and said flatly: "All the Taoists are restless, the adventures have been refined by Su Zhen, they are forcibly looted, and they will only destroy the people. Just listen to him and let him hand it over. "

"How long will it take!" Youdao directly asked.

Gu Xinghe glanced.

This guy has nothing to do with this matter. When the first cut of Xiantai appeared, this person wanted to rush up, and was seized by Lu Fencheng. When he saw that Lu Fangcheng was being cut, he was the first to make a tortoise. And now it is the first one to jump out.

"Two hours."

Dean Yue Lu: "The old man went into the bamboo and made his audiovisual."

"Okay, we are waiting!"

Dao Zang, the clown who jumped on the beam, was the first to answer.

"Vice President Xinghe, Vice President Nanmen, you are responsible for maintaining order, and I will return soon." Dean Yue Lu urged him to step on Xiangyun, Feng Yu Jiuxiao, and arrived at the chest of the Confucius virtual image and entered the bamboo slip.

Once entered.

The vision changes greatly, a milky white space appears, countless seal characters are suspended in the air, countless phantoms are talking, dialectic, drinking and poetry, and game theory, each of which is a great Confucian once famous in Kyushu.

In the middle of the space, there is a pillar.

A young man was tied to the pillar, and the rope that bound him was condensed with seal characters. This person was Su Zhen.

After being ingested into bamboo slips, he tried his best to get rid of the difficulties, but the power of the seal characters was too strong, even if he had the power of 1,200 bodhicitta, he could not shake anything, and all kinds of magical powers were sealed into the body, whether it was Jingliu Bodhisattva's body is as good as it is size, eternal for a moment, and its blood-split avatar, even self-explosive, cannot be displayed.

the reason is simple.

The seal character constantly exudes obscure energy, penetrates the body, and destroys the operation of qi and blood, true qi, and supernatural powers. Su Zhen, like Jianghu people, has no energy at all.


Su Zhen looked up, and there was a figure in front of him, gray-haired, wrinkled face, muddy eyes, and old man in loose robe.

"Su Zhen, don't plead guilty?"

Dean Yuelu took a step, just like the old man in the secular world, a little hobbled, but the moment he fell, the kilometer distance disappeared instantly, appeared not far from Su Zhen, and after he fell again, he appeared in front of him.

Shrink the ground into inches.

A very common little magical power, but it can be as good as Dean Yuelu's, and there are very few traces. Taking Su Zhen as an example, he shrunk to the same size as teleportation. There is absolutely no nature of Dean Yuelu. Heng Yanfan is like It is ordinary walking.

"Why are you wading through muddy water?"

Su Zhen asked.

Dean Yuelu's tone was plain: "The academic conference was held by the old man. You have cut down five Taoist possessions, and you are famous in Kyushu. Not only will you lose the old man's face, but you will not be able to take off your relationship with Yuelu Academy."

"You know what I mean."

"You are too deep into the devil, obsessed with deep seeding, and the old man will do it directly." Dean Yue Lu did not want to talk more on this topic. He did it directly, turning the seal characters between his hands into a river and pouring it into Su Zhen's mind.

"The Holy Word turns the river, and it is initiating--"

"wake up!"

Dean Yue Lu shouted.

Those seal characters entered the body and wanted to destroy Su Zhen's consciousness and make him a puppet. This is not to destroy the ghost, but to erase the memory, so that the immortal emperor's martial will will not be alarmed.

Su Zhen can only deal with it by himself.

Those words or sages, essays, poems, or rhythms ... in all directions, besieged Su Zhen from top to bottom, left and right, forcibly washed memory, and made walking dead.


Su Zhen whispered, her face was twisted, her expression was grim, and she looked very painful.

"The old man knows that you have a very strong soul and can even contend with the divine sword. But the Holy Word is not aimed at the ghost, but your memory. You can't resist it. Soon your secrets will be revealed to me."

Dean Yue Lu said indifferently.

Su Zhen gritted his teeth intermittently: "I'm afraid ... you know ... yes, scared to death on the spot ..."

"Old man is waiting."

"Hehe ... you don't have to waste time ... I, it's impossible ... to be erased by you ... it is possible before Yixiang, but you ... come one step late ... one of my consciousness, Where you dare not imagine ... No one in the world can refine me ... "Su Zhenyue said more fluently, and in the end he was no different from normal people. He raised his head, his eyes shot two fine lights, and burst into a scream:" roll!"


All the seal characters in the brain were exploded.

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