Undead Emperor

Chapter 1496: Death of the wind

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Chapter 1496 The Death of Fengxu




Dantai Yum, Dantai Ride the Wind, Big Butler, etc. quickly rushed to Dantai Yongchang, looked at him worriedly, Dantai Yum's face changed suddenly, fist: "Father, you are too injured, please continue Retreat, just handle it for me. "

"Come on, let me do it."

Dantai Yongchang coughed twice, and his figure ricketed again. He locked Shang Xiaoying with his turbid eyes and said, "Ben Hou Nai is the imperial court official. in?"

"Zhendonghou, you know the situation of King Yingzhou better than me. You do n’t need to say this. Seeing that you are old and old, I can open up. You can take the initiative to abdicate. I promise not to kill the Dantai family. People, otherwise ... "Shang Xiaoying carried his hands on his shoulders and stood down, looking down at the Dantai family, the voice was full of domineering, as if to destroy you by saying nothing.

"Benhou was instructed to guard the Eastern Territory and waited for chaos. Even if he knew he would die, I would not fight back. If you want to fight, then fight."

Dantai Yongchang tried to straighten his waist.

He saw fierceness in the eyes of Shang Xiaoying. This cataclysm was by no means a soft-hearted person. If he abdicated on his own initiative, he would instead commit a trick, and the other party would definitely not stay alive.

In particular, it's better to fight for death.

"I don't know what to do!"

Shang Xiaoying was really angry, the black gas was sprayed from the pores, and turned into a billowing smoke into the clouds, forming a dark cloud covering the sky, and the momentum was pressing towards the east mountain, and the black cloud pressed the city to destroy.

He said in a loud voice: "Su Zhen messed up the South China Sea, undermined the armistice agreement, and trapped the people of Nanhai Prefecture in danger and danger. Dantai Yongchang didn't know what to do.

The black cloud turned into a sea monster, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and swallowed the whole Dongshan.

"Fairy Crane Park."

Dantai Yongchang opened the Taiyi secret area.

At present, he can only release one. There are several spirit peaks inside, flying turbulent rocks, Butterfly Valley Youquan, Reiki Qi, and many auspicious clouds. There are many cranes flying in the clouds.

Facing the attack of the sea monster, the crane spread its wings.


Hearing a strange cry between heaven and earth, the sea monster broke into the secret realm, swallowed it up, and swallowed all the cranes, and then the black gas spread like ink, blackening the sky and clouds.

Lingfeng, waterfalls, and Youquan have all become dangerous peaks, evil land, poisonous marsh.


Dantai Yongchang spouted a spit of blood, his chest was reddish, and his bird with broken wings fell to the ground.

Crackling sound.

Taiyi's secret realm disappeared.

"Father!" "Grandpa!" "Grandpa!" "Homeowner!"


The pupils of the Dantai family suddenly contracted, and they hurried into the air to catch them.

Dantai Yum took out a superb elixir to feed him, and barely held his breath. Dantai Yongchang opened his eyes and said weakly: "You go to the southern part of Qingzhou immediately, only enter Haoran Academy, they dare not rush to kill."


Dantai Yum's eyes were red.

"If it is true as Shang Xiaoying said, if Su Zhen is buried in the South China Sea, Haoran Academy will be struck by the thunder of Yuelu Academy, and it will inevitably die wherever he flies! The Dantai family will eventually be the Zhennanhou Mansion. No matter! "Dantai Xingxuan gritted his teeth.

"Don't be impulsive, go quickly."

Dantai Yongchang's voice is weak and his breath is declining. He may go to Hexi at any time.

"Don't want anyone to leave alive!" Shang Xiaoying manipulated the black cloud to turn into a sea monster again, opened his blood basin and swallowed it towards Dongshan, and at the same time commanded: "Brother Lu, Brother Shui shot together, and one did not stay!"


Lu Xuan, Suiming Shanxiu once again moved.

Dantai Yongchang was unable to resist, and the others could not bear the attack. When they were about to be overthrown, a colorful piece of sky rose to counteract the threat and turned into a veil to protect them in front of everyone.

A pale-looking woman escaped into the air with the help of her maid.

"How did you come?"

Dantai Yum's face changed, and the beautiful woman was his wife Liu Fengxu.

"Father, I'm sorry, I dragged down the family." Liu Fengxu bowed his head to Yongtai Yongchang, and his expression was full of regret. If she were not forced to practice Gang, she wouldn't reverse her temper, and wouldn't be alarmed. Yuan's rescue of her would not allow Shang Xiaoying and others to take advantage of it.


Dantai took the wind, breaking waves, Xing Xuan, Qin Keyu, Long Jianxuan, Huang Ying and other worried surroundings.

"You don't need to blame yourself, this is the fate of the family." Dantai Yongchang looked at the colorful horses and said weakly: "This is the amulet Xuan Ji gave you? It contains energy and can resist the ten attacks of Yuanying. go away."

"Don't want anyone to leave!"

Shang Xiaoying attacked again with a grin, the black cloud turned into a thousand-headed shark, and he shot towards the colorful horses, bursting into a crackling loud noise.

The quivering of the horses kept going.

"Go." Yutai Yutai led everyone away.

And at this moment-

There was a slight ripple in the colorful horse training. Others didn't feel it. Liu Fengxu immediately noticed that as the charm master, his face changed and he quickly pushed away the maid beside him, blocking him in front of Dantai Yongchang.

"Father be careful ..."

Not finished.

The image of Liu Fengxu was hit by an invisible arrow, spurting a spit of blood, his pale face, no more blood, and the glory of life in his eyes quickly disappeared.




The Dantai family was shocked. It turned out that there was a mental attack hidden in the black shark, which penetrated the colorful horses and attacked the Yongtai of Dantai. At a critical moment, Liu Fengxu blocked himself.

"Father, sorry ..."

Liu Fengxu turned his head to look at Dantai Yum, then looked at the three children, and their fellow mates, and finally fixed on Dantai Xingxuan, with some regrets spit out the last few words: "Unfortunately, failed See Xuan Ji last. "

Talk about it.

Angrily died.

"Fengxu!" "Mother!" "Mother!" The Dantai family cried mournfully. Dantai Yongchang did not expect that Liu Fengxu would block the attack for him, leaving two lines of tears in his turbid eyes, sighing, "Fuck, It seems we are reunited on the other side. "

The spell was Liu Fengxu's, and after she died, the spell was broken.

"Look who can save you." Shang Xiaoying grinned again, the black sea monster swallowed down, Lu Xuan and Shui Mingshanxiu's attacks were killed from both sides, and the power was enough to beat the Dantai people into flying. gray.


The onlookers at the foot of the mountain knew that the Dantai family was going to die.


A huge explosion sounded, the Dantai family was submerged in the explosion, the explosion gas wave spread in all directions, and destroyed all the buildings in Dongshan, and the Dantai family was destroyed once.

Millennium family

Went out!

The onlookers looked at the top of the mountain, some left tears, some were shocked, and more were disappointed by the collapse of the Dantai family, but when the dust settled, the Dantai family stood on the spot intact, and they In front of him, a new figure appeared!

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