Undead Emperor

Chapter 1495: Disaster

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Chapter 1495 The Great Tribulation Is Coming

Shang Xiaoying's injury to Dantai took the wind, which caused an uproar. This is to start a full-scale war with the Dantai family. Shang Xiaoying could not be mad, no matter from what aspect, he was not qualified to challenge the Dantai family.

"Another junior."

The middle-aged man appeared was Yutai Yutai, and Shang Xiaoying glanced at him, disdainful: "What about the old turtle in Yongtai, Dantai, send your group of shameful things out to do."

"Shang Xiaoying, keep your mouth clean!"

Dantai Yongchang said in a deep voice: "It's a death sentence to attack the imperial court's mansion. You have made a big mistake, not to mention Su Zhen ..." Her eyes moved to Lu Xuan and Shui Mingshan Xiu, and she said coldly, "I didn't kill you last time." You, your wings are hard now? I have n’t made any substantial mistakes before you leave, so I will leave without blame, otherwise the Lu family and the Shui family are going to destroy the door! "

"Junior, since we dare to come and count everything, the Dantai family's dependence has collapsed."

Lu Xuan sneered.

"As a sister-in-law of Zhendonghou, the situation in Nanhai Prefecture should be more clear. You don't need to pull the tiger skin to make a big banner! As for Su Zhen ... I am honored to inform you that he has been buried in Nanhai!"

Shuimingshan show road.


Su Zhen is dead?

One sentence caused an earthquake. The members of the Dantai family were thundered. The people of Limin at the foot of Dongshan were dumbfounded. Su Zhencai was hailed as the myth of the world. So why was he suddenly buried in the South China Sea?

"Monsters confuse people!"

Dantai Xingxuan took a step forward and said in a cold voice: "Su Zhen is unparalleled in strength and invincible in every aspect, even in the realm of Dao-Tibet, how can he be buried in the South China Sea!"

"Su Zhen is stronger than the entire Hai family? Maybe you don't know yet, Su Zhen went to Quandao Taoist Enlightenment three or four months ago, instead of staying honestly, he was fiercely angry and destroyed the tomb of Prince Toad. Thirty Yuanying sea monsters! Then involved in a great adventure, so that the sea tribe was angered, the person in the sea palace issued an order, the whole sea tribe fell into the nest and chased Su Zhen, including Daozang Realm Great demon! Do n’t say Su Zhen is not Dao Zang, even if the real Dao Zang, face this situation, do n’t want to leave alive! "Shang Xiaoying said a terrifying event, the Dantai family suddenly lost its color, and did not doubt the matter. Authenticity.

The reason is simple.

First of all--

The three of Shang Xiaoying wouldn't use fake news to do things, but it was an accident but it was about to be destroyed.


Su Zhenshouyuan is not much, and the law of Tao is urgently needed, and it is reasonable to go to Quandao. Combined with his character, he encountered the Hai Clan's worship group.

In other words, is he really dead?

"No, it's impossible." Dantai Xingxuan's face was pale, and Huang Ying came over to help him, comforting him: "Fu Jun, don't panic. Dean Su has a lot of cards and nothing will happen."

After Huangying married the Dantai family, the story he heard the most was not from within the Dantai family, but from the 'brother-in-law' Su Zhen. Like other members, Huang Ying believes that Su Zhen is an invincible existence.

But now she has no idea.

The imperial palace ordered it personally, can Su Zhen escape? As Shang Xiaoying said, even the real Dao Tibetan ancestors could not escape the pursuit of the Hai tribe.

Shang Xiaoying: "Let Zhendong Hou come out."

Dantai Yumson's face was somber: "No matter what information you have, this is the Zhendonghou Mansion, if you don't want to die, go away!"

"Ning stubbornness."

Shang Xiaoying was too lazy to talk nonsense. When his palm was full of vitality, he directly shot out. The black true air turned into a black tiger, and he roared towards the Yutai Yudan: "If you don't come out, then hit him out."

"Star picker!"

Dantai Yum exhibited one of the town's Qigong.

Xingchen grabbed the black tiger with his big hand and failed to stage the scene of one-handed tiger capture. Instead, the black tiger tore his arm and bit his neck towards Yutai Yum. If it was not a critical moment, activate the amulet to form a light shield to block it. A yum hit will kill.

Through this trick, everyone also sees that Shang Xiaoying is ready to kill him.

"Dantai family female retreat into the depths of the mansion, other members will not fight back!" Dantai took the wind and dragged his wounded body to the wind, accompanied by the companion Qin Keyu, Dantai breaking the waves and Long Jianxuan, Dantai Xing Xuan and Huang Ying both stood on the first line.


The old old housekeeper escaped to Dantai Yum, and the whole family was the only one who still called Dantai Yum as "Young Master". His grandson Hong Xixiang was also on the front line.

The momentum was released and turned into a steel city wall.

"One Jindan, two Tiangang, and the others are all condensed. If Su Zhen is not supported, the Dantai family will be the weakest princely family in the Dagan dynasty." Rest assured, but very satisfied. At that time, those who were still on the front line were all the core members of the Dantai family. One was more loyal than the other. As long as they were all wiped out, they would be able to cut the grass and eradicate the roots.

"Brother Lu, Shui Brother, let's do it, one will not stay."

Shang Xiaoying said indifferently.


Lu Xuan and Shuiming Shanxiu are very clear.

There is no free lunch in the world, so they all come to attack the Dantai family. Without hesitation at the moment, they each sacrificed their signature qigong and hurled towards the Dantai family members.

A deer-shaped beast stepped on the void.

A turbulent river flooded all directions.


When the members of the Dantai family joined forces to resist, one face-to-face was destroyed, and it seemed that the whole army would be destroyed. A mass of milky white gas emerged from the family's underground training chamber and turned into a fairy crane to block two attacks.


An explosion sounded, and the air waves destroyed half of Dongshan's buildings, collapsed houses, splashed rubble, and injured a large number of slaves. Even the onlookers at the foot of the mountain were killed and injured countless.

The air waves swept.

Dantai rides the wind, breaks the waves, Xing Xuan, Qin Keyu, Long Jianxuan, Huang Ying, as well as the old housekeeper, Hong Xixiang, etc. can't bear it, or Dantai Yum hastily shot and used Jin Danxiu to protect them.

The air waves disappeared.

Dantai Yum stood in the front and stretched out a golden mask. He was sweating and his muscles twitched slightly, and he looked very difficult.

On the opposite side, there are three Shang Xiaoying.

They ignored the Yutai of Yutai and gazed at the top of the mountain, locking in the place where the milky qi appeared.

Under their gaze, an old figure came out and said in a hoarse voice: "What is the ability to deal with the junior, Ben Hou is still alive, and he has the ability to come to me."

The figure was very old, with silver hair, countless folds on the face, slack skin, no moisture, shriveled like orange peel, also covered with age spots, waist almost bent to ninety degrees, half of the body was buried in the soil.

He is exactly Zhendong Hou Dantai Yongchang!

But now, he is more than ten times older than a hundred years ago, and his breath is weak, only barely maintaining Yuanying's weight, and he may even be in danger of falling at any time ... Dantai Yongchang's injury is more serious than expected.

See you.

The members of the Dantai family sank to the bottom of the valley, while Shang Xiaoying, Lu Xuan, and Shuiming Shanxiu all smiled.

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