Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 326 You, blasphemed her

Listening to the information from the little fat boy Ben, John Wick nodded frequently, and finally gave the little fat boy a rescue signal device before leaving.

"Listen, press the button here when you are in danger."

John Wick pointed to the bracelet-shaped signal transmitter and seriously instructed the smart little fat boy.

"I mean, no matter what kind of danger you encounter, even if it is just an illusion, you must press it. In addition, you can help me keep an eye on the status of other children."

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John Wick, who doesn't like to talk, has a problem with his ability to express himself. When he needs to speak, he can still speak fluently and naturally.

"Well, I'm not a child. I'm fourteen years old now. In four years..."

John Wick's expressionless face forced calming effect was too strong. Ben, who wanted to say something, closed his mouth tactfully, and happily put on the gray bracelet with the umbrella logo on his left hand, and a sense of mission suddenly emerged.

"Yes, Chief John, I will!"

Without correcting the fat man's call, John Wick turned around and sat up straight, started the car and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Uh..." Ben thought about it and found that he had nowhere to go, and he was immediately embarrassed. Suddenly, he saw five figures riding bicycles in front of the street, and immediately said, "I want to find my friends. They are in front. I just need to walk over!"


John Wick unlocked the car door, watched the fat man get off the car and trot towards the four men and one woman in the distance of the street, and then started the car and left.

His eyes were surgically modified, and now he can project information on the retina through the chip in his brain.

Just now, the scattered mechanical flying insects have found clues through the complex sewer pipes. The clue is that a large number of mechanical flying insects have completely lost signal connection with the on-board computer after entering the sewer pipes and going deep into a distance.

He has to go to the outlet of the sewer pipe first. It is on the wasteland next to this town, connecting to the small river downstream.

Driving to the street outside the wasteland near the town of Derry, John Wick parked the car on the side of the road, took the holster from the trunk, left the timed messaging device, and edited the upcoming abnormal exploration operation into information and sent it back to the World Development Department.

After confirming that the other party had received it, he took all the equipment and crossed the guardrail down a small steep slope, passing through a forest and entering the wasteland.

The sewer pipe was easy to find. Following the indescribable smell, John Wick soon came to the shallows of a small river and saw the huge circular pipe that could accommodate three adults passing through in parallel.

The inner wall of the pipe was covered with moss plants, and many small insects made their homes here. Now was not the rainy season, and there was not so much water in the sewer pipe to be discharged. A shallow layer of sewage accumulated under the huge pipe, gray, full of unknown impurities, and the stench always challenged the human nasal cavity.

John Wick took out the pistol from his waist, installed a flashlight, and put on a pair of night vision sunglasses.

Walking slowly in the sewer, the sound of stepping on the water was very slight, and his leather shoes and trousers were wet. John Wick's eyes were as sharp as an owl. While observing the situation inside the sewer, he also checked the debris floating on the water.

Suddenly, he frowned, squatted down and kept his eyes straight, and picked up something from the ground with his left hand.

This is a sports canvas shoe. The reason for picking it up is that there is a string of letters written on the inside of the shoe.

John Wick pulled down his sunglasses, turned on the small flashlight on the pistol and shone it on the inside of the shoe, and saw the name inside, Betty Ripson.

This is a name he just heard. According to the little fat man Ben, she is one of the students who have disappeared in recent days.

This is the clue...

Throwing the shoes covered with sewage out of the sewer, John Wick's actions became more cautious. He turned off the flashlight of the pistol, put on his sunglasses again, and continued to move deeper into the sewer.

This sewer has an arc. Turning along this arc, two bifurcated pipes appeared in the sewer in front.

To ensure safety, John Wick raised his wrist, and the bracelet instantly released nanometal to wrap his entire palm, from which several imperceptible metal robots flew out.

Providing observation perspectives from the front, back and top respectively, all blind spots in vision were solved, but soon, these three perspectives disappeared.

Whether it was signal search or direct observation with the naked eye, the three micro-robots disappeared inside the sewer.

Such an inexplicable abnormal situation made John Wick feel very difficult. He was not good at solving unknown weirdness. Between continuing to move forward or returning to the surface to ask for external assistance, he chose to return the original way.

John Wick turned around and planned to leave, but a pale figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and even the well-trained him was startled and shot instantly.

Bang Bang Bang!

The full-power bullet instantly penetrated the body of the pale figure, and he fell to the ground...


The calm heart after seeing the enemy fall down with full-power shooting was instantly broken by the call, and a shocked expression that should not exist appeared on John Wick's face.

The dark environment of the sewer seemed to become bright in an instant, and the body lying in the sewage suddenly turned into a figure that John Wick was very familiar with.


Looking at the woman who appeared in his memories day and night, John Wick couldn't control his body trembling, and the gun in his hand fell into the sewage.

Taking two steps forward, John Wick even forgot where he was in great grief and fear. He threw off the sunglasses on his face, and the red eyes behind the lenses still burst into tears.

He forgot the falsehood of this world, and hugged Helen in pain sadly, calling her name softly, and speaking out his thoughts and sorrows day and night over and over again.

"Helen... Helen..."

John Wick also reached to his waist, took out the healing potion, and wanted to inject Helen.

But his hand was caught and stopped in front of Helen's chest.

Helen, whose mouth was bleeding, seemed to be full of strength again. Her voice was no longer intermittent. She gritted her teeth and angrily questioned: "Why... why did you shoot me! My death is all because of you. Because of your identity, why did you kill me! Why!"

The more she talked, the louder Helen's voice became, and her delicate face became as hideous as a female ghost.

John Wick stood there in a daze, listening to the questions, and his heart was tortured like never before.

Finally, Helen's face cracked in front of him and turned into a red balloon, which exploded in front of his face with a bang.

Her disappearance made John Wick's body tremble more obviously, and his sweat-soaked hair covered the hideous face.

The trembling now was not sadness, but anger.

This unprecedented anger would be difficult to catch up with even if he had to go through the night of killing dogs and seizing cars again.

John Wick's hand was hanging in the sewage, the healing potion wrapped in the metal shell was crushed, the green liquid dripped into the sewer, and the words squeezed out from the teeth, "You, blasphemed her..."

"Woo hehe hahahaha..."

In response to him, there was a series of erratic and sharp laughter, which seemed to be deep in the sewer, but also seemed to be around, adding fuel to the already terrifying anger.


John Wick knelt in the sewage and let out a series of shouts to vent his anger that could not temporarily identify the culprit.

After shouting for a long time, he stood up silently, retrieved the dropped pistol in the sewage, and left the sewer without saying a word.

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