Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 325 Clues that came to you automatically

The headquarters attached great importance to Jill's discovery. They sent three Quinjet fighters and all the members of the nearby exploration team. In view of the anomaly Jill discovered, the World Development Department also sent a team of super soldiers to Silent Hill.

When the temporary base was ready to take people to Silent Hill to support Jill, they did not forget the leader who was on a mission in another place. They sent a message to John Wick in Derry Town asking if he needed assistance.

When John Wick received this strange inquiry message, he was looking for some old things in the second-hand grocery store in the town. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the message. He thought about it and didn't think there was any need for support in this mission, so he typed a response.

[The mission is still in progress. No specific abnormal target has been found for the time being. If necessary, support will be requested. ]

The reply given by the World Development Department was "received", and then there was no news.

John Wick put down the old books in the second-hand store, just bought a few early newspapers and left the second-hand grocery store. He got in the car and walked around the town while reading the newspaper.

The primary target of the investigation is the whereabouts of the missing people in the town. With the power of technology, these things can be done very easily.

The town is not very large in total. After John Wick released the dense mechanical flying insects from his back, he lay in the car and read the newspaper, looking for new information from the reports and waiting for the superconducting computer installed in the car to give the results.

The last time the old newspaper published a missing case was more than a year ago. The missing person was a six-year-old boy. The report said that it happened to rain that day. The last time the boy was seen, the old grandmother only heard a scream, and then the man was gone. When she went out to check, it seemed that the boy had never appeared in the world.

The biggest suspect was that he fell into the underground pipe system, but because of the complexity of the sewer and the low moral level of the town police, the case was closed after a hasty search.

For a period of time afterwards, the town newspaper only had encouragement for the family who lost the child and grief for the case.

After reading about this incident, John Wick turned up another case, also a case of missing children, but that was a girl's disappearance, a few months earlier than the boy's case.

In fact, it's not that there are no clues at all. In a corner of the newspaper, there is gossip about another case.

A boy disappeared, and the adults who were looking for him found his clothes near the water tower, and there might be a forearm that was chewed by some beast...

It is possible that it is true, but the newspaper did not report it in detail. If you want to find the adult who found the boy's hand, you may have to go to the police station in the town to find the file.

But at this time, the car window was knocked by a white and fat hand.

John Wick looked at it without surprise. It was the fat boy he rescued a few hours ago.

The fat boy had cleaned himself up, his messed up blond hair was straightened, his nose was no longer bleeding, and he had a shy and embarrassed smile on his face.

John Wick rolled down the car window and asked the uninvited fat boy, "What's up?"

"Uh... Hello, my name is Ben, thank you for saving me today, uh..."

The fat boy Ben's self-introduction was a bit stumbling, and his introverted personality made him stutter, and his eyes were looking around, not daring to look John Wick in the eye.

"I saw what you were looking for in the library... I know the town well, I hope I can help you... Thank you for your help!"

Until he talked about what he was good at, Ben showed confidence and stopped stuttering.

However, this state disappeared after a long silent gaze, and he lowered his head awkwardly, and his hands hidden behind the car door were kneading the corners of his clothes.

John Wick looked at the fat boy in front of him, and he saw some courage in him, but these things generally don't require a child to participate.

However, he recalled the details of the case sorted out today. Almost most of the missing townspeople were teenagers and children. He felt that the children might have some special insights here, or might become the next target.

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Maybe we can use this. Thinking of this, John Wick unlocked the door and gestured to the fat boy Ben who was still waiting, "Get in the car."

Ben felt relieved and opened the back door neatly and sat in. He was not afraid that John Wick would close the door and take him to a strange place. After all, John Wick looked like a good person, but his appearance was a bit deceptive!

He must be a good person if he would save a passing child!

Seeing Ben with a pistol next to the handbrake of the car, he comforted himself in his heart.

"Well, sir, I don't know your name yet."

John Wick observed Ben's every move through the rearview mirror, took out an FBI certificate from his suit pocket, covered the half-exposed pistol, and then said: "John Wick, federal agent."

"Uh, oh oh oh! Cool!" Ben was very calm and even exaggeratedly stroked his chest with his hand.

It turned out to be a federal agent. He was so scared that he thought some assassin came to the town to kill the mayor!

"You know the town well?" John Wick confirmed again.

"Yes, Sir John, I know many things about the town..." Ben was still very confident about this, but he paused and asked curiously: "Chief John is here to investigate the recent disappearances in the town. If it’s a confidential mission and it’s not convenient to talk about it, just pretend that I didn’t ask... I can keep it confidential and I will never tell anyone about it!”

John Wick did not expect to hear the disappearance from this child, and it was very recent. He did not deny or admit it, and asked: "Tell me about the recent disappearance in the town."

It was as if Ben had discovered a very cool secret base. He was shaking with excitement. As if he had become the strong backing of a secret agent. In an instant, he made up the long plot of several years in his mind, and transformed the image of himself in his fantasy. He is portrayed as the most calm and decisive commander.

Before I even started thinking about the details of the incident, I filled all my thinking space with fantasy.


John Wick snapped his fingers twice, causing the absent-minded little fat man to refocus his distracted boy's eyes.

"Sorry, where did you go?" Ben was still a little confused, thinking that he had already told the information.

John Wick's face was expressionless, "You haven't said anything yet..."

He began to wonder if it was too much to ask a teenage boy to help. After all, he was just a child. Wouldn't it be better to just send him away with a rescue signal?

But soon, Ben's description of the recent disappearance made John Wick give up that prejudiced idea.

Although the little fat man is a bit introverted, he does have the strength to match his self-confidence. He has done very professional and detailed research on the town and the missing cases. It would take a lot of money for an average adult to reach his level. Long effort.

John Wick learned that several missing children had indeed occurred in the town recently, but the adults here did not seem to care about it, and even the local newspapers did not publish these things openly.

The reason may be that people have become accustomed to the periodic disappearances in this town.

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