Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 190: Protection and Education

"Daddy, the spaceship seems to be rising!"

The eyesight of adults is generally not as good as that of young people. The man has retired from the army for four years. Looking at the three children around him, you can tell that he and his wife have done a lot of things that cost them their energy and blood.

The man's vision was no longer as good as before. After being reminded by his little daughter, he suddenly realized that the aircraft carrier floating in the sky was rising. After staring for a moment, he said with a slight disappointment: "Let's keep going."

Glancing at her husband with some worry, the woman began to greet the children and continued on her way in the forest.

I thought that the flying aircraft carrier was a secret weapon of the Electric Eel Army and was here to save them, but my expectations were in vain.

There are dangers when walking in the forest. If you encounter parasites, you will be attacked horribly. Those parasites evolve too fast, and they don't want to see them again.

"There is a source of life below the forest, possibly survivors gathered together, Captain."

An aircraft carrier is also a ship, and a flying aircraft carrier is still a ship. Of course, the highest command on the ship must be called the captain.

Facing the adjutant's report, Captain Garden, who was standing in the center of the command hall with his hands behind his back, showed some hesitation. He wanted to consult Duncan before deciding whether to send a plane to take a look over the forest.

Captain Garden's former military rank was colonel. Captains on aircraft carriers are not people who can issue orders at will. They usually follow the instructions of the Ministry of Defense and act.

Now that they are in mission status, the first thing they need to do is to reach the highest point that the space carrier can reach, and let the aircraft place various satellites in orbit. Sending a plane rashly to rescue people may lead to a situation of knowing the small and forgetting the big. frivolous image.

If he was sailing alone, he would fly as soon as he flew, but the top officer, Duncan, was still on the ship, and his attitude needed to be corrected.

Seeing death and not being an option, Captain Garden simply contacted Mr. Duncan, who was about to transfer supplies, and raised the issue tactfully.

Duncan's enhanced brain heard what Captain Garden meant, and solemnly said: "You are the supreme commander of this ship. The captain who sets sail has the right to judge how to sail based on his own experience. As long as he can think before making a decision, If it doesn’t affect the mission, you can do what you want.”

"Yes, I understand."

After giving a clear answer and confirming that Duncan is not the kind of person who likes to hold on to power, Captain Garden can safely send a Quinjet with a medic to go down and bring the five people up.

Five minutes later, a family of five who were struggling to move on the ground saw the frightened birds in the woods. Due to the unique tall trees of the American continent, they were unable to spot the Quinjet immediately.

The jet-propelled Quinjet made little noise when hovering. It was not until the plane appeared diagonally above a family of five that they met the plane.

The children were confused, but the men and women were very nervous.

They did not hide, but just stayed where they were, because they had been in the military and knew that trees and human bodies could not block the Quinjet's wings and bottom rotor cannons from firing.

Now that he has been discovered, he can only let it go and wait for his next fate.

The plane is hovering over the trees. The trees here are very dense. It is unrealistic to lower the plane. The work of bringing people on the plane can only be done by the medical delivery drone and the people in the plane.

The tail hatch of the Quinjet opened. Two medical soldiers and two soldiers wearing heavy combat uniforms jumped directly from an altitude of more than 20 meters. Following them fell a medical delivery drone with a shape like Like a flying hospital bed.

"Oh my God!"

The woman who witnessed the four people jumping off the plane exclaimed. Her poor imagination could not imagine the scene of falling more than 20 meters high and still being unscathed.

He hurriedly pulled his children back, fearing that the few who fell would hit the branches and change direction, thus killing these poor people!

High-end aircraft carriers, high-end aircraft, and then...suicide parachuting soldiers?

After the four soldiers bypassed the branches of trees and landed on the ground, the family of five discovered that their imaginations were too poor. There were devices that could slow people down, and hospital beds that could levitate... Who had they encountered? ?


"Please relax, we are here to help." The medical soldier comforted the sluggish family, lifted up the green box with a red cross on it, and heard a dull voice from under the combat helmet, saying in English: "Please cooperate with us to complete the inspection. , I will take you to a safe place, okay? "

The two gun-wielding soldiers of the special operations force, working with the medics, did not turn their eyes or bodies towards the vigilant family of five. Instead, they acted as if they were protecting those within the circle and alerting those outside the circle.

This is very effective, especially for the couple with military experience. They only need to confirm one more thing before they can put down their weapons and follow this group of very suspicious people on the plane to the so-called safe place.

"Who are you? Which country and army do you belong to?" The man blocked his child with his body and asked the most common question when facing strangers.

"We are a joint military organization, a special operations force. We are here to build a large shelter in a cold place. There is no need to worry about you being in danger. We will stop the monsters."

The medic did not move his feet. He could see that the man opposite him was very vigilant and had signs of professional training. If it were an ordinary person, he would have covered his face and cried when he saw them dressed up, and ran up to ask for this and that with confidence.

Although they would still help, they still preferred people who were vigilant. At least they would not think that free things were really free.

In order to further dispel their concerns, the medic said: "We will gather the survivors and distribute food and drinking water. When the time comes, you will need to participate in the labor..."

The dull collision sound interrupted the subsequent words, and the family of five also showed a horrified expression. Two rifles quickly aimed at the special operations soldier on the left.

The two medics and another special operations soldier quickly turned their heads and saw that a zombie with a rotten body and limbs and arms was suddenly lying on the back of the special operations soldier.

The zombie that suddenly appeared was shaking. Its four arms, which were 1.7 meters tall, wrapped around the neck of the 2-meter-tall special warfare soldier. It couldn't even push off the ground, and its teeth bit on the protective suit, making a strange sound like chewing sandpaper.

The special warfare soldier was hit by the zombie from behind, and his body just shook for a moment. After finding the zombie behind him, he loosened one of his hands holding the gun and went around behind him, easily pinching the zombie's neck, and slammed him to the ground like a sack and stepped on him.

He aimed the rifle in his hand at the zombie's head and wanted to shoot, but suddenly saw three children not far ahead. They had fear on their faces, panic in their eyes, and a weak temperament, which made people want to protect them.

The special warfare soldier softened his heart and decided to put away his gun and tear it apart with his hands instead...

The best way to protect children is to teach them how to adapt to the environment quickly!

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