Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 189: Useful weapons

After a night of preparation, Duncan called back Alice who was on vacation to wait on the aerospace carrier.

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After ten days of anxious work, the exploration team had to go back to work overtime just after passing the disease test. It was quite hard.

Duncan, wearing bright silver armor, waved his hand to open the portal, and then disappeared from this world and entered the zombie world, and saw an aircraft carrier anchored not far from the port.

His appearance was naturally discovered, because there was no intention to hide. After all, the sound after flying could not be hidden anyway, and the armor flew very fast.

The Black Watch soldiers and Marines near the dock pointed their guns at the uninvited guests on the edge of the empty container. Looking at the cool appearance of the robot, they were a little undecided. Do they need to shoot?

If this robot is some special weapon and is damaged, they may not be able to pay for it, and there is no need to prevent infection for a full-metal robot.

The stalemate did not last long, and Duncan spread his hands and quickly took off under the push of the plasma jet, and soon rushed into the dark red cloud and disappeared.

New York is too popular and too chaotic, which is not suitable for the current development of the umbrella.

Duncan flew to the Electric Eel Country adjacent to the United States, and asked the armor to capture radio signals, listen to those intermittent communications, and understand the state of this world.

The most radio signals are calls for help, and there are also warning calls from official departments to warn people in the disaster area not to move easily, and various killing permits have been announced. As long as their lives are threatened, they can shoot in self-defense.

The United States is the country most affected by the disaster, but it is also the country with the largest number of firearms per capita. When the authorities cannot protect them, they still have firearms stored at home for self-defense.

The number of gunmen in the neighboring country of the United States, the Electric Eel Country, is much smaller. Facing the threat of parasite zombies everywhere, they do not have enough weapons to protect themselves, and people there are dying at an alarming rate.

A long blockade line was quickly set up on the US-Canada border, which is jointly managed by the US Army and Black Watch.

In order to prevent parasites from entering the United States from the Electric Eel metropolises of Kingston and Brockville near New York State, the Army has called for multiple rounds of bombings, dropping a large number of thermobaric bombs without caring whether there are living people in the city.

High temperatures can kill those parasites, and the oxygen-free environment will cause parasites that are not hosted in organisms to die quickly.

Although the practice is cruel, they did intercept the harm of parasites at the border line to prevent residents inside the border from being harmed.

When arriving above the border between the two countries, Duncan happened to witness a round of bombing.

The two-meter-long thermobaric bomb falls freely with gravity, and triggers a three-stage explosion after contacting the ground. The air wave and firelight collapse the high-rise building, and the tiny black dots run wildly, and are finally blown away by the air wave and fall into the wreckage of the ruins.

Some unlucky parasite zombies may be affected by multiple consecutive thermobaric bombs, rolling back and forth in the air, and finally being torn apart.

Thermobaric bomb washing effectively curbs the spread of parasites. The high temperature will squeeze into every gap where they can hide and kill the parasites.

Thermobaric bombs, known as sub-nuclear weapons, have great killing power and low cost, and have become the strongest weapon to deal with zombies and other strange creatures.

The air force bombers only linger near the border. It’s not that no one survived in the city here, but after the US military showed its ruthlessness of dying friends rather than dying poor Taoists, no one dared to approach the border again.

There are still many people alive in the Electric Eel Country, which has only more than 30 million people. Thanks to the deep low temperature environment, diseases are not rampant in this country. The closer to the Arctic cold zone, the more people are alive.

It was a unanimous decision of the World Development Department Group to come to this country to build a shelter.

Duncan also agreed with this idea.

The problems of this world cannot be solved in a short time. They need to produce several vaccines for zombie viruses. This is not a simple matter. After making the vaccine, there must be a place to produce it.

The Electric Eel Country is also a country with good technological development. There is no shortage of equipment here. The environment is good at the moment. It is better to establish a base here.

Before, the Umbrella branch was established in the United States because the country was rich and powerful, but the United States in this world is a big cancer. All kinds of monsters are in it. If a branch is established in the current United States, it will have to withstand the endless impact of the zombie tide.

The resources required to do so will greatly increase...

Duncan flew over half of the Electric Eel Country and finally came to an empty forest. In this remote place, it was rare to see a little sunshine... The sky over New York was still blood red.

After determining the location, he opened the door in mid-air and returned to the world of Resident Evil.

Soon after, the aerospace mothership with the number "7" printed on it slowly poked its head out of the void, and the hull slowly appeared.

The portal has the characteristic of blocking energy transmission, so the new generation of aerospace motherships has added multiple micro-arc reactors as reserve energy for many important components in different positions.

The front half of the aerospace mothership is a relatively dense detection area. The equipment that stopped working for a short time quickly resumed. The detector swept the forest below and found a figure hiding in the dense forest.

The height of the aerospace mothership is 800 meters. Looking up, you can see a clearer outline and details. The few people who have been discovered below have also discovered the aerospace mothership.

These are a few survivors who fled into the uninhabited forest in a panic. The army of the Electric Eel Country has not collapsed under the impact of the parasites, but they will not protect ordinary people. Instead, they will stay in important areas and build solid shelters for the grandfathers.

Ordinary people can only rely on a small number of firearms to fight against parasitic zombies and go to cold places to seek a little life.

The five people who fled below are a family of five. The tall and burly husband holds a C7 rifle in his hand. He is very professional in hiding under the tree with a slightly bent body. He is wearing a tactical vest and looking up at the aerospace mothership that seems to appear out of thin air in the sky.

The man's wife also holds the standard C7 rifle of the Electric Eel Country Army in her hand. She protects the three half-grown children in the middle in a similar posture. While observing the aerospace mothership above her head, she is also paying attention to the surrounding environment and staying alert to the surrounding environment at all times.

There were three children, two boys and one girl. The two boys were older than the girls. They were also carefully half-crouching in the bushes, looking at the aerospace mothership in the sky like their parents. They were curious and wanted to ask something, but they didn't speak because their parents had told them to keep quiet beforehand.

Their family was very lucky because the husband and wife were both retired soldiers from the Electric Eel Army. They had a common interest in guns and collected a lot of weapons in their relatively wealthy home. They lived in a remote place.

When they were attacked by the parasite, they took their family and some supplies and left the chaotic town, entered the forest and prepared to go to the holiday cottage that had just been cleaned up to take refuge.

With military literacy, weapons, supplies, and most importantly, three children who didn't know the importance of the important things and loved to make trouble, after escaping to the holiday cottage by the Danshui Lake in the deep mountains and forests, it was definitely a high-end survival in the doomsday.

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