Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 168: Recruitment

Under the siege and interception of humans, the demons have completely lost their living space on the earth. They have no physical advantages except their eyesight, and under the influence of human society, they have become wastes that only know how to enjoy.

The sudden exposure of their identity, no matter what kind of resistance they make, will only increase the pain of survival and delay the time of death.

After three months of siege, the demons have not completely disappeared from the earth, but they have gradually disappeared from human sight. Now people are more concerned about the changes in world order brought about by the demons.

Border defenses have been strengthened in some areas that were not dealt with. The United States, which was once the dominant country in the global village, suffered the most from this turmoil. Moreover, in the chaos, a large number of illegal immigrants poured into the United States, making this already chaotic country even worse.

The results of the general election came out a few days ago. The people talking in a bar in New York were not the high-ranking governors, but the owner of the logo, the umbrella company, that had been dangling in front of their eyes for three months.

Ever since this company announced its existence to the world in a high-profile manner, the whole world seems to be deeply influenced by umbrella companies.

There was no shortage of conspiracy theorists in the bar. They ordered a small drink and gathered around the bar, watching the news on TV about umbrella companies calling for global emission reductions and discussing some of the content.

A middle-aged white man with a gray beard held a beer bottle and pointed at the flashing content on the news: "Look...this umbrella company must want to raise fuel prices! I heard that all the assets of those monsters are They were all taken away by the Umbrella Company!”

Another white man wearing a leather jacket said alarmingly: "I heard that they have bought all the real estate companies. Is there a possibility that the price of houses will rise in the future?"

"No way? Do you know the news about these sons of bitches?"

On the other side, a middle-aged white man wearing a turban made a mockery, took a sip of wine, and said: "The Umbrella Company has acquired all the big companies. Now, everything here belongs to the Umbrella Company. At least in New York, there is nothing The things don’t belong to the Umbrella Company! They just want to use those monsters to control our country!”


"Sour radish bichi!"

“Does the antitrust law not matter?”

"What? The court is now full of people from the umbrella company!"

The middle-aged uncles were filled with indignation, and a younger white man who had been listening silently for a long time couldn't help but interjected: "But the umbrella company allocates high-paying jobs to ordinary people, and can sign long-term labor agreements, promising to work according to price fluctuations. Salary increase, no salary reduction for ten years, and full insurance... I can’t find a better company than Umbrella Company []”

William is one of the beneficiaries of the Umbrella Company. During the Demon Crisis three months ago, he participated in labor as a volunteer. After finishing his work, he was assigned to a logistics company under the current Umbrella Group based on his ability. As an ordinary delivery person.

Because he has a low education level and was previously a deliveryman, it is actually normal for him to return to his old job.

But what surprised him was that the benefits in the re-drafted contract were not only greatly improved, but also the salary was increased by 60% than before, and it was promised that the original salary would be increased by 10% every year. Delivery workers with excellent work ability every month , and an additional 5% salary increase.

This means that as long as he works hard, he may be able to afford the products that he once only dared to look at but dare not touch, such as a spacious house, a motorcycle that is his faith, and the Colt Company small arms set that he has longed for but has been unable to get.

After the Umbrella Company forgave his debt and offered him a high salary, he finally walked into the gun store yesterday, took out a loan to buy a Colt small arms set, and played with it on the shooting range.

Now is the period of fatigue after a good time. Come to this old bar to relax quietly.

The Umbrella Company gave William a life that he could not imagine before, so when he heard these stubborn and conservative old guys telling those malicious rumors,

I couldn't help but say a few words for the umbrella company.

But his words made the old white men who were scolding them unhappy. They banged on the table and loudly said that William was short-sighted and didn't understand capitalism, which made him a little jealous.

"Shut up, you old guys. Now the Umbrella Company has done nothing and raised my salary, but you are here spreading rumors based on the information you heard from that damn place! Don't you all Forget who made us aware of the existence of those monsters and who killed all the monsters in New York!”

William, who was drunk, stood directly on the bar. Under the helpless gaze of the bartender, he said to the other drinkers who were attracted by the sound: "Listen, I'm not kidding! The Umbrella Company is still recruiting a large number of workers, and the salary is It's several times higher than other companies. I'm just a courier. Do you know how much my weekly salary is? 3,000 US dollars! I work 8 hours a day, read a book two days a week, and have 3,000 US dollars! Oh! Sorry, I forgot, you hate Umbrella Company, so you definitely don’t want to go, right? Let me take a look..."

William took out his mobile phone, glanced at the screen, and exclaimed: "Oh! Today is already the 16th. I remember that the recruitment deadline for the umbrella company seems to be the 18th. You may not have a chance. What a pity!"

After saying that, he jumped off the bar, sat back in his chair and drank his drink.


The old white men, whose faces were red with anger, slammed the table and pointed at William, shouting, "Do you think the money is still valuable now? Wait, prices will rise in the future, and you can't buy anything with your salary!"

William shrugged indifferently, burped and said, "Sorry, it is written in the contract that if prices rise, wages will also rise in proportion."

At this time, many drinkers have left the bar.

Even the bartender who listened to the whole process slowed down his bartending movements, obviously very interested in the salary of the umbrella company.

The old white men were still unconvinced, and they were sulking one by one, saying that the umbrella company would reveal its true face sooner or later. After drinking the drinks in the cups, they angrily said that they couldn't drink this meal, and then paid the bill and left the bar.

William seemed to have seen through something, smiling but not saying anything.


When the next working day came, William, who didn't have much work, went to several recruitment locations of the umbrella company and wandered around. At the exit, he saw the old white men holding the employment notice with excited expressions.

Facing the happy old white men, William did not make any sarcastic remarks. He smiled slightly and drove away silently.

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