Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 167: The

The development value of Pandora is not limited to this. In a special development and evolution, a planet will inevitably produce special species that meet the environmental requirements.

The bacteria and viruses on this planet are also a rare treasure chest, and biologists are trying to open these treasure chests.

The original strain of the t virus showed a few symptoms of acclimatization on the creatures on Pandora. The infected monkeys basically had a headache and fever for a period of time, and a few blisters on the body healed on their own.

The creatures on Pandora have a body structure that is completely different from that of Earth life. There are many places where they can be studied. For example, can the immune cells in the organisms on Pandora be extracted and injected into the human body after processing to repair the lesions?

Can the bacteria on Pandora be absorbed by humans after adjustment to help humans maintain physical health, just like the flora that helps in intestinal digestion, to achieve a symbiotic relationship.

So far, the research speed of scientists at the Umbrella Company is still slow, and only breakthroughs have been made in the transformation research of the t virus and neural connection technology. It will take about one or two years for these breakthroughs to be transformed into substantial results.

After learning about the current situation of the Avatar world, Duncan couldn't help but stay on Pandora for two days. The natural and quiet environment always makes people forget about work and temporarily immerse themselves in private enjoyment.

Two days later, Duncan took Alice back to the Resident Evil world and then went to the Killer world.

Only three days have passed, but it seems like a century has passed in the Killer world.

The demons who were forced to survive by humans have done a lot of crazy things, such as bombing infrastructure, carrying out terrorist attacks, and trying to rush into nuclear power plants with bombs.

While all countries are in a mess, the Umbrella Corporation is also busy taking over the assets left by the demons in the United States. Now the Umbrella Corporation is a huge group with hundreds of companies with a market value of tens of billions, and it secretly controls American society.

The new election will come in three months, when everything will be settled and the Umbrella Corporation's office building will be built.

Every employee who suddenly became a member of the Umbrella Corporation was ecstatic because their salary increased a lot, and they also held a part of the shares. The company really became their home.

A large number of factory construction plans and economic recovery plans were rushed out like products on an assembly line. Umbrella Corporation no longer has to worry about being accused of collusion between officials and businessmen by established pharmaceutical companies, because those established pharmaceutical companies are now part of the Umbrella Group.

Duncan brought an artificial intelligence activation card, which contained a new artificial intelligence program. The source was the Umbrella Corporation programmers who absorbed the computer knowledge submitted by Tony. The name was still Red Queen, and the virtual image and voice were still the same as Alicia's childhood, which was a way to prove her existence to the deceased old lady.

After the Red Queen entered the superconducting computer, she began to integrate data for hundreds of companies to be incorporated into the Umbrella Group. This was a very long process with a huge amount of calculations. The computing power of superconducting computers exceeded that of traditional supercomputers, but it would take three months to completely process the complex data, which happened to be the day when the general election was reopened.

After activating the worker system, Duncan and Alice also tried to hunt those demons as a punching bag. After all, these demons had the face of capitalists before, and they also made Alice's memory disorder. They must be beaten (physical).

For a period of time in the next period of time, in addition to urging the construction of the Umbrella Group, the two of them killed demons for fun.

Although it seems a bit perverted, it feels really good to fight a group of novice monsters with artifacts (war armor/superpowers). You can experience the pleasure of bullying, and at the same time you won't have any guilt.

The experimental project in the aerospace mothership has brought some good news during this period. The artificial cultivation technology of the immortal flower has been developed, and the plant seeds currently obtained are growing well in the laboratory.

The g substance contained in the immortal flower has been extracted and a rough medicinal transformation has been carried out. The therapeutic agent has been further improved to increase the cell division and healing speed in a short time. This improved therapeutic agent is named g1 type.

The control test of multiple groups of experimental subjects has fully proved the effectiveness and safety of this g1-type therapeutic agent, and it can be put into production.

However, the amount of g substance is scarce, and all experimental materials can only produce 12 groups of g1-type therapeutic agents, each with 100.

Such a number is just a drop in the bucket for Marvel Battlefield, so it is better to continue to develop new uses for g substances.

Compared with g substances, the research and development of g viruses has also entered the analysis of experimental subjects.

The development of g organisms born from g virus infection has too many restrictions, and they are destined to be unsuccessful new species.

Because scientists have discovered that after the birth of g organisms, they will use individuals with the closest genes to themselves as infected objects to achieve biological reproduction behavior.

They will produce g larvae, let the larvae enter the body of the object with the closest genes to themselves, and finally form a new g organism through infection and engulfment. The process is like inserting a tube into the other party's mouth, and then inserting the embryo of the alien...g larvae, and waiting for it to hatch.

And if the newly born g organisms want to reproduce, they also need to target individuals with the closest genes to themselves.

If the larvae are injected into an organism that does not have its own genes, the g larvae will abandon the host after absorbing enough nutrients, slowly grow themselves into a new g adult, and have no reproductive ability. The g larvae produced can only be used as disposable consumables, and they do not have the ability to grow into g adults.

In this way, the g organisms produced by the g virus are quite unsuccessful in terms of transmission.

The virus cannot survive in the air for a long time, and after entering the host and growing into a g organism, it also loses its ability to infect, and can only seek receptors that are directly related to its own genes for reproduction.

This organism has nothing special except its tenacious vitality.

For the time being, scientists only use the g virus as a special biological transformation weapon, apply to use the ne-alpha parasites that make the pursuer, and add brain chip technology to make g organisms with tenacious vitality, as a biological weapon to spread fear.

In a sense, the g organism's near-zero transmission ability is also an advantage, which can reduce some concerns when using biological weapons.

However, the experiment of weaponizing g organisms cannot continue on the aerospace mothership. Weapon testing often requires a larger space, and it is necessary to wait until the killer world establishes a more professional research institute before this horrific test can be carried out.

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