Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 164: Rebuking Tony

At this point, the moon landing ceremony ended and the Valkyrie space shuttle returned.

Until everything settled, Tony failed to arrive within the stipulated time. Instead, he had someone send a message that the battle situation had changed, but nothing happened.

Originally, Duncan wanted to show his face and make his presence felt, but because of this piece of news, he handed over the final stage of the ceremony to Calvin, the person in charge of the Space Launch Center.

When they came to the Marvel world, the sound of artillery fire here was much louder than before. The camp was so busy that they could not find their way around. A large number of wounded soldiers were sent back to the camp, and after being given healing potions, they were hurried back to the battlefield.

Medicines are being consumed at a terrifying speed. The warehouse that was just replenished originally contained more than 10 million treatment potions, but now the boxes piled high in the warehouse have been reduced by nearly two-thirds.

There are also a steady stream of soldiers carrying the medicine, and they will desperately deliver the medicine to other battlefields for the soldiers there to use.

Across the world, the United States has been the most invaded.

The Umbrella Company replenishes 10 million medicines every three days, which is not as fast as they consume.

Duncan looked at the energy shield that was constantly being attacked by missiles, and was worried whether the shield would collapse.

If it collapsed, more than 80,000 people in the camp would die.

This gloomy camp is just like the black and white battlefield that Duncan saw in the documentary, but it's even more terrifying here. The gloomy sky seems to be swallowing up everyone, it's horribly depressing!

Just like last time, the two ignored them, did not contact the special forces, and went to the underground base alone.

The maintenance workshop is still as busy as usual, and everyone is like a machine operating at full capacity, burning themselves to survive this difficult period.


As he walked towards the rest room, Duncan heard a familiar voice. He turned around and saw Colonel Quachi, whom he had not seen for a month.

Colonel Kuach now looks very embarrassed. One hand is fixed in front of his body with a bandage. There are many tiny burn marks on the exposed skin. There is also a circle of blood-stained gauze wrapped around his head. The free hand is still Holding a wooden stick, he limped towards Duncan.

"My boss, our soldiers have suffered too many casualties, we need stronger firepower!"

"The next batch of supplies will not be delivered until 8 hours at the earliest..." Duncan sighed, took out his mobile phone and sent a message back, using working capital to purchase emergency medicines from the market, "Tell me what the situation is now."

War is a waste of money. Nearly one-third of Umbrella Company's current funds are used to produce military supplies. Almost all of the drugs and specially-made weapons in these supplies are sent to Marvel.

Colonel Quaqi felt more relieved when he heard that there was material support. Although eight hours was quite long, they actually fought back and forth with the aliens. It was just that the monsters did not give them time to rest, so they looked so embarrassed. .

"The problem is huge. That flying bitch has no strength. Alien bastards have surrounded the earth and are attacking the city!"

The situation is probably that after Captain Marvel flew into the spacecraft continuously for more than ten days, he finally lost the strength to continue crashing into the spacecraft, entered a de-forced state, and had to take a rest.

Without the obstruction of Captain Marvel, the earth is now like the aliens' back garden, and they can enter wherever they want.

Dozens of ring-shaped spaceships flew to large industrial cities around the world to drop bombs and delivery cabins, carrying out devastating blows to human industrial cities.

Everyone was busy putting out fires everywhere without even touching the ground.

The ring-shaped spacecraft cannot be identified by radar and requires manual or artificial intelligence for precise guidance. The casualties are not as large as when the attack first started, but they are still severe enough. Society is completely shut down, and everyone is hiding from alien artillery fire in the air-raid shelter.

The mages of Karma Taj are also running around the world, using their teleportation spells to transfer devastating missiles to other places.

"Can they hold on?" Duncan didn't understand the ability of the Thanos Legion to attack the enemy.

The current situation can only be judged based on Colonel Quachi's words.

Colonel Quachi remained silent for a moment and said frankly: "A small country cannot hold on."

In the face of the catastrophe, the principle of falling behind and being beaten comes true. Those small countries that cling to the power of one-third of an acre have paid the price of irreparable pain.

In this war, the big country can barely save most of its citizens, and it requires all the people to fight.

A big Asian country... India, they want everyone to take up arms, but they don't have enough firearms. They always hope to get assistance or spend money to buy weapons for defense. It's a pity that no one can sell them weapons in this situation. Even Transportation channels have also been cut off early, and countries are in a semi-closed state, making international exchanges almost impossible.

The current situation is that all countries are consciously dispersing people into several large shelters and actively opening transportation channels to continue to circulate materials to meet the rapid consumption of arms raw materials during the war.

"But it's not that bad. There's a lightning man with an ax who can destroy a donut with one swing of his axe, but he's just not as fast as that bitch..."

The earth is too big and there are too few enemies. The casualties may seem huge, but in fact they are still only a small number compared to the more than seven billion people.

"I understand, you should go and rest first." After hearing the situation assessment, Duncan couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with Tony.

After letting Colonel Quach recover from his injuries, he took Alice to the lounge.

The image of the sand table in the lounge turned into a globe, with countless red dots flashing on the land plates of the globe.

Barton, who had injured his leg before, sat in front of the sand table. Even with the accelerated recovery of the healing potion, it would take three days to recover. He was now doing battlefield observation work and giving timely reminders to teammates in battle.

Seeing Duncan appear, he signaled that he could sit down and continued to stare at the changes on the globe with full concentration. uu reading

Soon after, Duncan connected Tony's communication. The situation on his side seemed not very good, and the whole person was shaking violently.

"What's the matter? I'm a little busy now..."

"Busy?" Duncan bit the word and said with some amusement: "You don't have to fight in person. If you really want to help, you can go to the laboratory and develop weapons, or make an automatic surgery machine for the soldiers who are fighting!"

"Ha... I agree!" Barton, who was listening, couldn't help laughing, but he quickly restrained himself.

No one had said such words to Tony before. At least he worked really hard in battle and solved a lot of troubles for the team.

It's just that the laboratory is the place where he can really display his talents!

Duncan's words, which were a bit of a reprimand, really hit the point.

Even Tony was choked and couldn't speak for a long time. The face in the picture was still shaking. Soon after, the shaking picture returned to normal and he finally had time to speak.

"I... I know, but I can't watch them fighting... I can't do it."

Such a reason is simply untenable. Like anxiety disorder, this behavior of seeking far away is just a manifestation of mental illness. Tony may not be aware of this problem due to his own experience.

Duncan couldn't bear to see Tony wasting his talents to do something that didn't work, and scolded him: "You are wasting your talents. Soldiers and people are struggling painfully on the hospital beds. You could have done something, but you are wasting your talents on the front line! Don't make excuses for yourself, go to the position you should go. I have negotiated with the officials over there. They will give you aid materials according to the severity of the situation. Go and talk to them about this matter, and then go into the laboratory and continue your research."

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