Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 163: Space

This scene touched so many people. The real-life scenes without any modification can give people a sense of immersion and touch people's souls.

The 20-minute farewell ceremony ended hastily, and 500 lunar engineers put on helmets and lined up in several teams according to instructions.

The aerospace carrier began to slowly descend in altitude, and soon broke through the clouds and appeared above the space launch center.

The members of the delegations of various countries looked up at the slowly descending aerospace carrier, and their expressions were particularly solemn, because they didn't know how many such air carriers there were on Earth.

The number 4 engraved on the side of this aircraft carrier means that it is not the aerospace carrier No. 3 that was originally monitored by various countries and suddenly disappeared.

That aerospace carrier has been taken to the killer world by Duncan, and naturally it will not appear here again. So far, the aerospace carrier still has a certain role.

As a deterrent weapon, it is very useful. The anti-gravity engine uses clean energy and there is no need to worry about air pollution. The emissions are much smaller than those of airplanes.

When the real interstellar battleships are built one day, these space carriers can be sold to other worlds for continued use. If they want to be eliminated, they should wait until the Umbrella Corporation produces starships like dumplings.

How long will it take?

Maybe it will only take ten years, because most of the technologies for manufacturing starships can be gathered in the three known worlds.

However, what can be manufactured are only small starships of five or six hundred meters, and ordinary aircraft without space jump technology. To go to a place five light years away, it takes several years of continuous acceleration to sail backward spacecraft.

The space carrier, which can be regarded as science fiction in the eyes of modern people, slowly enters the hatch near the lunar landing spacecraft. The 10-centimeter distance between the deck and the hatch is well controlled. The camera also gives a close-up of the astronauts crossing the gap when they enter the hatch.

The navigation status and capabilities of the space carrier are clearly displayed, with an error of less than one centimeter. Precision control represents high precision, and high precision represents powerful technology.

The astronauts enter the spacecraft and wave goodbye to the camera.

Leaving the Earth, entering the boundless deep space, and reaching the moon, which is extremely far away from the Earth, is a very psychological test.

You can go and watch the actual footage of the Apollo astronauts landing on the moon. The loneliness and horror of watching the Earth gradually disappear in the dark can be felt clearly even if you stand on the Earth through the screen, let alone experience it in person.

The Earth is the cradle of life. When humans walk out of this cradle and enter the unknown starry sky, everyone will be shocked by the vastness of the universe and feel the fear brought by the unknown.

Five hundred astronauts successfully entered the moon, and the spacecraft entered a sealed state. After arriving in the deep space environment, the spacecraft will be pressurized to ensure that the astronauts can survive on the moon.

There is not much lengthy commentary for this exciting moment. There was originally, but it was deleted by Duncan.

At this time, a corner of the space launch center suddenly opened from both sides, and the replica of the Valkyrie space shuttle hidden in the underground hangar was slowly raised by a hydraulic push device.

The huge aircraft, 3 meters wide, 73 meters long, and 8 meters high, attracted countless people's attention as soon as it was unveiled.

The mission members on the ground were also looking at it, but they were suddenly asked to get on a car and go to the Valkyrie space shuttle for a look.

Several ground service cars carried the missions of various countries and the news TV reporters who were fortunate enough to participate in the filming to the interior of the Valkyrie space shuttle.

Before entering the space shuttle, Duncan took out his mobile phone to check whether Tony had arrived, but he saw a message indicating that he could not participate. He could only shake his head and walk into the Valkyrie space shuttle to continue the launch ceremony.

The space inside the space shuttle is very large. In the Avatar world, this aircraft is used for outer orbit navigation and internal atmospheric transportation, but here, it has no demand for cargo transportation for the time being.

Before the establishment of the lunar base, the Valkyrie space shuttle could only be used as a space sightseeing aircraft, so there were some less practical horizontal seats inside the cabin,

which allowed people to see the scene outside the aircraft through the glass of the cockpit.

Two pilots were doing the final inspection of the aircraft. The delegation and reporters were arranged to sit in their seats and fastened their seat belts.

The countdown for the lunar spacecraft began. In the countdown that people all over the world were looking forward to, the button representing the launch was pressed, and the engine at the bottom of the lunar spacecraft ejected blue plasma. Under the power of the anti-gravity engine, the huge spacecraft gradually broke free from the constraints of gravity and began to take off, and the speed was faster than expected.

After reaching an altitude of 500 meters, the four high-power thrusters at the bottom of the lunar spacecraft began to exert force, allowing the spacecraft to fly towards the universe under the huge reaction force.

The Valkyrie space shuttle also started at this time. The four jet thrusters allowed the huge space shuttle to take off on the spot. Driven by the dual fusion engine at the tail of the aircraft, the space shuttle chased the lunar spacecraft flying into the sky.

The live broadcast footage also changed from ground shots to internal shots of the Valkyrie space shuttle.

Countless people were stunned to see the footage of the Valkyrie space shuttle catching up with the lunar spacecraft, and finally reaching the last atmosphere on par with the lunar spacecraft.

Ordinary rockets need to fly around the earth for a period of time before breaking through the constraints of gravity, but the lunar spacecraft and the Valkyrie space shuttle have great power. As long as the thrust is sufficient, even a square house can go up to the sky.

The spacecraft and the plane drove side by side, escaped the gravity of the earth, left the outer orbit, entered the deep space flight mode, and flew towards the moon together.

When looking at the moon from the earth, it is like a small dot. The real moon is not grayish white, nor does it emit golden light. It looks brown, which is more desolate than many people imagine.

The sun is not orange-red, but white, bright and dazzling.

There are no twinkling stars in the space, only deathly silence. Only the moving spacecraft and the earth behind the spacecraft have the rhythm of life.

Duncan sat in the space shuttle, feeling the light body, and was a little dazed.

Is this what it feels like to enter space...

Compared with his mood, the members of the mission and the journalists who were lucky enough to be invited to record content in space were so shocked that they could not express such things in words.

They thought they came to this plane to take close-up photos of the last picture of the lunar spacecraft, but they didn't expect to chase the lunar spacecraft to the moon for a tour!

The energy of the Valkyrie space shuttle and the lunar spacecraft was sufficient. In less than 3 hours, they had reached the moon, flying in a straight line and accelerating. After arriving on the moon, they could directly use the thrusters to reverse and slow down, without any need to slow down and fly around the moon.

Finally, the lunar spacecraft and the eyes of countless earthlings arrived on the moon and landed at the selected place. 20 minutes later, the bottom hatch of the lunar spacecraft opened, and one after another engineering vehicles fell from the mechanical sliding device to the moon and explored in all directions.

Fifteen engineering vehicles, six drilling machines and sixty special engineering robots were all on the spacecraft.

Engineers in space suits arrived on the moon one after another through the slide. They wore more sophisticated metal space suits outside the space suits, which were much lighter than the bulky space suits.

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