Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 147: The game of big fish eating small fish

The actions of each team went very smoothly. The magic soldiers descended from the sky, anesthetized the monsters and took them away, then stole the data and left. Except for the team operating in the desert, which needed to engage in direct firefights, the other teams did not alarm anyone.

After learning the news, Duncan did not let the plane return to New York, but asked them to send people to Borneo and send them to those scientists. After forcing them to reveal the methods of tampering with human thinking and affecting computer operations, they could let the scientists take these monsters for research.

As long as the true face of the monsters can be shown to all countries, all the launch buttons of nuclear bombs can be properly controlled, and then the human cognition of monsters can be restored, the world can return to its original trajectory, or the Umbrella Company can guide the world back to the normality of the Umbrella Company's understanding.

The elders represented by McKinley spent six hours and finally gathered together. They were tied up and stuffed into several separate glass isolation rooms.

In order to destroy the enemy's will, Red Queen also temporarily built a game corridor in the hangar where the big fish eat the small fish. While conducting the experiment, it can also put huge psychological pressure on the monster elders to better force out the desired information.

But before the game starts, Red Queen must first digest the data in the computers that are not connected to the Internet, and this process will last about two hours.

The computers of the elders of the High Table record a large amount of important data, all of which are encrypted with the most stringent encryption, and the computers are always disconnected from the Internet. If no one deliberately does it, there is almost no possibility of loss.

Even if it is lost, the High Table, which masters cutting-edge technology, will not worry too much about the encryption technology being cracked, because they master the top technology of this world.

The subsystem of Red Queen from another world is the nuclear weapon of the Internet world in the killer world. No firewall can stop its invasion. The superstitious belief of the High Table in human technology has caused them to fall.

The comfortable life has also paralyzed the elders of the High Table. They are used to the efficiency and convenience of the Internet on weekdays, and they can't put down this kind of super-fast communication device.

The computer records a lot of personal information of monsters, and the text language used to record this information is also English.

Through the digestion of data, the Red Queen subsystem confirmed the number of monsters, 34 million.

In addition to quantity, quality is also of great concern. Nearly half of these monsters are upper-class people in human society. They are either rich or in high positions. Anyway, nearly 80% of the rich people in the world are monsters, and nearly 60% of those who control power are monsters in disguise.

This American organization is full of monsters.

According to the meeting record 13571 on the computer, the development of the world's medical field has made many humans accidentally produce special drugs that can cut off interference signals when trying to develop drugs to relieve mental illness. If they want to continue to show off their power on the earth safely, they must make enough noise to attract the attention of the world and stop them from investing in the development of mental drugs.

The anthropologists of the monsters proposed a theory of surprise, which can be simply summarized as follows: as long as a major event that is big enough to affect the world is created, the energy of human beings can be dispersed, thereby causing a series of chain reactions and leading to a development bias in society.

The human elimination plan came into being. They will clean up the poor among humans and send the bodies of those who died on the day of crime to their tables.

Red Queen extracted a word "brain" from various meeting records that did not appear frequently, but was enough to attract people's attention.

The word "brain" appeared quite abruptly in the text meeting records, for example: there was an error in the operation of the brain, Kada said, "The load of the brain will increase with the increase of the number of humans, and we must find a way to limit the reproduction rate of humans"...

Two hours later, the six elders who were locked in the glass corridor gradually woke up.

"Where is this...?"

McKinley propped himself up and found himself lying in a closed space with three sealed and opaque sides and only bulletproof glass in front, with an area only enough for him to open his hands.

Shaking his dizzy brain, it looked forward and was frightened by a chimpanzee lying on the glass.

"Damn it!"

After this shock, his head became clearer. McKinley cursed angrily. He remembered the last scene in the office. Umbrella Company crossed the river and demolished the bridge, not giving them any chance to cooperate, and was determined to monopolize this world.


All human security teams are trash!

Thousands of people were protecting the mobile building, and various top high-tech equipment were scanning in turn, but he was still kidnapped by those damn guys from the Umbrella Company.

McKinley couldn't figure out how he ended up here. Could it be that those people from the Umbrella Company could fly and evade the various security checks to take him away?

"Is anyone there?"

Anger was no longer helpful. He forced himself to calm down, began to observe the surrounding environment, and tried to call the head of the Umbrella Company.

After careful observation, McKinley found that the gorilla that was looking at him was also behind a tempered glass. Behind the glass was a sheep that was also looking at this side. Behind the sheep was a monkey. Behind the monkey was also tempered glass, and there seemed to be an ostrich inside...

All the way to the end, there was an animal in the glass partition room. Thanks to its excellent eyesight, it could see that there were 21 glass partitions in total.

If the stupid gorilla in front of him hadn't blocked him, McKinley could still see what animals were in all these compartments, but soon a holographic screen unfolded on the glass answered this question for him.

In the first compartment was a very ordinary experimental mouse, but there was not only a mouse in the compartment, but also a strange mechanical device, and the glass inside was filled with a blood-red solution.

The shooting angle was very strange, McKinley turned his head to look for it, and sure enough, he found the camera in the upper left corner of the sealed compartment.

The layout here gave McKinley a bad premonition, and he didn't even care about the incredible things like the appearance of holographic images, and shouted resignedly: "I know you are watching, Mr. Duncan, you win! The High Table will give you compensation and give you power, let's talk!"

McKinley didn't get a response, or maybe he got it, because a question appeared on the screen on the glass, "How many of your kind are there on this planet?"

"What does Mr. Duncan mean? Want to kill them all?!" McKinley turned pale after seeing this question.

A big red exclamation mark popped up on the screen, and the device containing the solution in the first compartment exploded, and the red liquid filled the entire compartment. The experimental mouse naturally could not escape the bad luck.

Then there was a long waiting period. After about 20 minutes, the mouse's hair fell off and a huge compound eye grew on its back. The screams of the mouse could not reach McKinley's ears. He could only see the mouse struggling alone in the compartment on the screen.

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