Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 146: Capturing the Elders

The mercenaries who turned and fled did not run far. The life scanning system of the AMP mecha had already reflected their figures. The machine gun on the right hand fired across the building, and the wall was directly blown through. The mercenaries were also turned into a large mass of rotten meat under such violent attacks.

For the mercenaries who survived by chance, the unmanned attack aircraft would fly directly into the building to replenish the guns, ensuring that the mercenaries ended their pain as soon as possible, showing the humanitarian spirit of the Umbrella Company.

Behind the AMP mecha, there were special combat troops soldiers who were ready to clean up the battlefield and enter those places that drones and mechas could not take care of to eliminate the hidden enemies.

The team of the High Table messenger was completely disintegrated. Under the power of the Umbrella Company, most of the military forces in this world could only sigh in despair.

No matter how much the river rolls, it can't compare with the vast sea.

The combat system and intelligent AI that surpass an era are the existence that the current military forces of the killer world cannot resist, unless the High Table has some heaven-defying technology.

When the New York War was in full swing, extremely secret assaults were also being carried out outside New York.

Two Quinjet fighters appeared in the sky above Peanut Village without anyone noticing. John Wick, wearing a new combat uniform, worked with two special operations teams. Their mission goal was to capture the elder of the High Table, McKinley, without alerting anyone.

Ever since the Red Queen subsystem successfully invaded McKinley's mobile phone, McKinley's every move has been under the surveillance of the Umbrella Corporation.

This elder of the High Table likes the old European aristocrats very much, and also likes to enjoy the services of human technology in the city. In addition to eating, drinking and having fun every day, he handles official business.

McKinley has a serious job in human society. He is the chief consultant of the Lide Lobbying Group. He is responsible for collecting money from certain large companies, persuading the federal government to introduce favorable regulations, or doing things to help those groups make more money.

In addition to serious business, some conversations between McKinley and the elders of the High Table were also recorded in real time. There are a total of 6 elders of the High Table, all of whom are monsters disguised as humans.

According to the communication signal tracking, these six elders are in different parts of the world, including Daiying, Maoxiong, Italy, Morocco, and another signal is in a desert, which is more difficult to track.

But all these people are the targets they want to capture tonight.

Only by controlling the upper level of the High Table and knowing more intelligence can we win the war at a lower cost.

The Quinjet is hovering over the target office building, and John Wick is still familiar with the equipment on his body and the helmet on his head.

Less than 24 hours after taking office, he has undergone incredible physical enhancement and has been assigned such an important task. His own value and talents have been valued, and he can also understand that the Umbrella Company is really going to war with monsters.

Now they are all waiting, waiting for other teams participating in the operation to arrive above the target.

The capture mission requires the elders of the High Table to be captured at one time, and no information can be leaked, causing panic among ordinary monsters and causing chaos to society.

The lights of the teams in the combat helmets are lit one by one, and only the team that went to the desert to capture the elder hiding in the desert has not found anyone.

The team sent back news that the monster elder was in a mobile state, moving all the time, and did not carry too many electronic products. It would take some effort to determine the specific location.

Another half an hour later, the battle in the Bronx had gradually subsided, and the last team finally sent a definite message that the last monster elder had been found.

"OK, open the hatch and start the action!" After confirming that the other teams were ready, John Wick's team leader stood up from the seat of the plane with the weapon equipped with a muffler.

The hatches of the two Quinjets over Huashengtun opened, and the soldiers in black light combat uniforms jumped down from hundreds of meters in the air one after another.

The soldiers did not adjust their falling posture, and this task was handed over to the flight module controlled by AI.

John Wick hesitated instinctively in front of the hatch. He was not as familiar as the soldiers who were trained in professional schools, but he still completed that step, gritted his teeth and jumped from hundreds of meters without a parachute.

Either be crushed to pieces or complete the mission.

The combat helmet marked the target location and nearby security guards. The flight system continuously adjusted the flight status in the air. As long as they could keep their bodies straight and stable, they could fly steadily to the roof of the building.

Soon after, the ten people successfully arrived at the top of the building. The whole process was quite fast and light, and did not attract anyone's attention.

After confirming that each other was in good condition, the action began. They only had three minutes and had to make a quick decision.

The eight people entered the building in an orderly manner through the small door on the rooftop, and two people kept watch.

The special insoles on their feet and the special materials used in the friction between the clothes can minimize the noise generated when they move.

The target mission is on the top floor of this seven-story building. In addition to the two security guards guarding the door, the rest are servants dressed as servants, with a total of thirteen people.

The soldiers used serious lurking skills, sneaked to the corridor, and used micro cameras to check the status of the two bodyguards in suits at the door of the office.

Very professional, but not enough!

The team leader took out a spider robot the size of a billiard ball and placed it on the wall. The robot's six legs moved back and forth alternately, and it sneaked up to the top of the two bodyguards' heads through the cracks in the wall.

Two thin needles with strong anesthetics shot out and instantly pierced the arteries in the necks of the two bodyguards.

The stinging sensation in the neck made the two bodyguards subconsciously raise their hands to touch the injured part, but the next second the strong dizziness knocked them down.

Six soldiers rushed out from the corner quickly, leaving two people to stand guard again.

John Wick supported the body of a bodyguard and gently put it on the ground. Then the two stayed outside the door, and he followed the other three into the room.

After the four broke into the office, McKinley was still mobilizing more drones to understand the battle situation in the Bronx.

The sound of the door being pushed open did not make him look up, or even say a word.

It was not until four anesthetic needles shot into his face that he realized that the people who came in were not servants delivering midnight snacks!


McKinley looked up stiffly and saw the four soldiers. His brain, which had not yet lost consciousness, instantly remembered another group of guys with different clothes but the same helmets.

Umbrella Company!

Three soldiers and John Wick stepped forward. John Wick had no experience as an agent, so he was responsible for dragging McKinley aside.

The other three soldiers, one used a wrist scanner to check if McKinley had a tracker, another inserted a USB drive into the computer McKinley was using, and another searched for valuables in the office.

When the three of them finished doing this, only two minutes had passed.

At the last minute, they began to evacuate with the looted information. Everything went smoothly along the way. They returned to the rooftop, activated the flight device to return to the Quinjet, and disappeared silently in Peanut Village.

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