Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 144: Come on

The eyes of the whole world are on America today, on the Bronx, which is usually not very eye-catching.

The military and police have set up a large cordon, and trucks with the Bronx Zoo logo are entering the Bronx through a special channel.

There are enough trucks parked in the zoo that has entered a blockade. In addition to the messengers of the High Table, these trucks also have a large number of powerful weapons.

A total of 2,000 High Table messengers, plus 300 deceived gangsters and more than 3,000 mercenaries, formed a joint force to encircle and suppress the Umbrella Company.

In modern warfare, the number of soldiers plays a smaller and smaller role in the war. The 5,000 people here are not the most important in the battle. What really plays the biggest role is the weapons of mass destruction they secretly transported into the Bronx.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.π–Όπ—ˆπ—†]

The elders of the High Table also inherited the bad habits of the old European aristocrats. One hour before the fight, they sent so-called messengers to put a sign of war in front of the defense line of the Umbrella Company.

The practice is like saying: I am going to fight you, just to exchange ideas, and accidentally hurt the harmony.

In the European aristocratic era, the lower class fought to death, and it did not prevent the upper class from chatting and laughing. McKinley and other elders thought so. Isn’t this the tradition of mankind?

But Duncan did not accept this tradition, and pulled five AMP mechas from the world of Resident Evil.

As time approached twelve o'clock in the morning, there were no more figures moving on the streets. They either hid in the building waiting for someone to fire the first shot, or were plotting a bigger plan.

The defense line of the special operations force is constructed with special alloy bunkers and expansion bags. It is winding and can barely block howitzers and mortars.

The staff of the special operations force headquarters had anticipated that the high table would use the zoo as a temporary base. The big cats that had been used in the previous battle with the ninja changed their posture early and lurked in the zoo.

They peeked at the every move of the high table messengers through the cage, and transmitted all the weapons and equipment and personnel characteristics to the headquarters through the brain computer.

Before the battle started, the special operations force had accumulated a lot of advantages.

This time was not like the previous small fight. The attack of thousands of people, plus various missile attacks, might cause many casualties.

Duncan didn't want too many of his people to sacrifice. Once the war started, the first thing would be missiles to wash the ground, drones to call names, then mechas to charge, and finally infantry to clean up the mess.

Maybe his soldiers were eager for this battle, and they were not afraid of injuries and disabilities under superb medical support, but Duncan didn't want to see his soldiers playing all kinds of hell jokes with their broken limbs and the death of their comrades after the war.

Time passed little by little under the intense combat readiness, and soon there were only 30 minutes left before the night of legal crime.

Although Duncan was not very nervous, he still wanted to show his face, and went to the command center to start an online mobilization. Duncan's upper body appeared in the combat helmets of all soldiers.

"Warriors, the truth of war never appears in the mouths of the guests. Many of you have participated in many battles, away from your own country, deceived in another land, and carried out meaningless killings again and again. The importance of thinking has been mentioned many times in the assessment of joining the Umbrella Special Operations Forces, hoping that everyone can keep their original intentions in the frequent wars in the future, and have firm beliefs."

The soldiers either hid behind the bunkers or stood in the buildings, quietly listening to the leader who brought them countless miracles and dreams.

Duncan looked at the camera facing him, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, staring at those calm faces, "Tonight is just the opening song of the war. In the future, a long war may break out in this world, but please don't be sad, don't waver. The compatriots here need our salvation. The monsters treat them as slaves and livestock. They all live in sad and hateful lies."

The soldiers saw many pictures, the monsters talked and laughed while cooking human limbs on the oven, and the helpless expression of the little girl imprisoned in the cage.

The corpses of the same kind often represent dangerous signals. The limbs cooked on the oven made every soldier shudder. Seeing the body used as food, they could immediately associate it with despair and helplessness.

The little girl in the cage made them feel strongly angry. The instinct and empathy of protecting the same kind of cubs engraved in their DNA made them turn the panic when they saw the corpse into anger towards the monster.

"No matter how long the road is, we can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, we cannot reach it without taking steps. We will not tolerate bullying by any race. The glory of mankind cannot tolerate being trampled by ugly monsters. Pick up your guns, pull the monsters off the heads of our compatriots in this world, and crush them with the tracks of the chariots, for the sake of mankind!"

Duncan's speech ended, and the soldiers were also led to a strong desire to fight.

They were angry at the monsters' slaughter of humans, and they were also full of fighting spirit for their firm beliefs.

Kill the monsters riding on their heads, fight for the glory of mankind, and illuminate this land shrouded in lies. In the face of Hongda's beliefs, death may not be an unacceptable thing.

An army built by beliefs will be invincible.

The soldiers began to check their weapons and moved to the designated positions before the war.

A large number of drones took off in the night, the mechas began to warm up, and the drums of the micro-missile launchers were neatly stacked.

The High Table messengers in the zoo left the zoo one after another, and went to the defense line of the Umbrella Company with the mercenaries and gangsters.

In the high-altitude observation of hidden surveillance and drones, the gangsters who were used as cannon fodder were the closest to the defense line of the Umbrella Company.

There were only two minutes left, and some ordinary people who did not understand the form and had ulterior motives began to walk on the street, ready to commit robbery and theft.

Some shop owners have already thought that their shops may be robbed, and they all looked outside the shop with guns, ready to defend their property.

Outside the field, people around the world who were paying attention to the crazy ideas of the Free Land were also paying attention to the Bronx on TV. All TV stations responsible for live news broadcasts deliberately ignored the defense line of the Umbrella Company and the figures of the High Table messengers, and only broadcast some scattered people wandering on the street on TV.

As time passed, a 30-second countdown began to appear on TV.

Outside the Bronx, billions of people were waiting in front of their TVs, and inside the Bronx, hundreds of thousands of people were holding their breath in front of their TVs.

30, 29, 28...

The gangsters gathered near the Umbrella Company loaded their brand new rifles and shotguns, and everyone was holding back their laughter and spinning around excitedly.

In the eyes of some not-so-smart people, the war might just be a real-life CS:GO. As long as they were careful enough after the war, they would not be the ones to die.

In the last five seconds, the gangsters were ready to fight, and the Umbrella Company's headquarters and the commanders of the High Table's messengers had issued orders at the same time.

The shrill whistling sound broke through the blockade of the night, and a lot of flames rose into the sky.

The night of legal crime officially began, the gunshots rang out as promised, and the sky of the Bronx also appeared like star-like spots.


The gangsters shouted and leaned out, shooting at the Umbrella Company's defense line.

Then in the next second, a large number of micro missiles fell, and the intensive explosions blew them all into pieces. Most of the brand new guns in their hands had only fired two or three bullets, and many of them lost their owners before they could even fire a shot.

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