Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 143: The last test, social experiment

Monsters hide in human society. They have lived in human society for decades. They have a very clear understanding of the development of human society and know how to control humans. →

Today, almost all the upper classes in the United States have fallen into their control. The Human Elimination Plan is a law that they have formulated to satisfy their own desires. It is an outrageous bill for humans.

Even though this law is outrageous at first and will cause humans to fall into endless killing, there are still many stupid humans who support it.

They know that losing the rules will turn humans into pure animals, but they still think that only they can abuse the weak because of their inner greed and luck.

The monsters originally planned to choose Staten Island for testing this stupid bill in mid-November, because there are more poor people on Staten Island, there are not so many expensive goods in the business district, and they don’t have many industries in that place.

But the emergence of the Umbrella Company made them change their minds.

The monsters do not think that the people of the Umbrella Company are human beings, but individuals who have been disguised like them.

The reason for this conclusion is all due to the scene of several special operations soldiers dismantling a van one day.

Ordinary humans cannot have such outrageous physical fitness, let alone carry an airborne minigun and run while shooting.

They have been studying humans for nearly 40 years, and they know that ordinary humans cannot do such incredible things. In addition, they suddenly appeared and disdained the laws and rules of human society. It is reasonable to judge that they are not human.

The elders unanimously believed that the "people" of the Umbrella Company just used more advanced technology to disguise themselves as humans, and the Umbrella Company also tried to use its own technology to harvest the resources of this world.

This is a very smart approach, but there is already a new owner on this planet, and the humans on the planet are their resources, and it is impossible to hand them over to outsiders easily.

The elders of the High Table, disguised as a monster named McKinley, contacted several other elders urgently before talking to Duncan.

After careful consideration, he had that conversation with Duncan.

To this day, McKinley and other elders do not know how the Umbrella Company appeared in New York, nor do they know how powerful the Umbrella Company is.

They have tested the Umbrella Company many times, and the multiple invitations of the Judge were tests.

If Duncan really joined the High Table, McKinley would let the CIA and the National Guard enter New York directly to capture all these outsiders.

Because it feels that only weak forces need those promised convenient resources, and the strong will always go their own way. ♝♦  ♦♦

The continuous rejection and the tough attitude shown have successfully made McKinley and other elders fearful and dare not really confront head-on.

Today, they will make the last test of the Umbrella Company.

On the night of legal crime, the Bronx with an area of ​​109 square kilometers will become a battlefield. There will be only two players in the battlefield, the "thugs" who have obtained a large number of weapons, and dear Mr. Duncan!

The final deadline, the Bronx population of 1.2 million has fled 300,000 one after another, and the remaining people will not be able to leave much on the last day.

The Bronx was once glorious, but later, due to the influx of a large number of new immigrants into New York, the living area was reduced, and all white people moved to other places. The Bronx was gradually occupied by more people of color.

Bronx time, 13:11.

There were less than 11 hours left before the experiment began, and the Bronx had been completely blocked. Citizens who still wanted to participate in the removal plan could only leave in secret.

Six thousand National Guard soldiers and one thousand police officers blocked all the roads leading to other districts in the Bronx. Every National Guard soldier and police officer was given the freedom of weapons. After the experiment began, if someone wanted to leave before the end of the experiment, they would be attacked by the military and police.

Residents who still wanted to flee gradually realized that they could not leave the Bronx, and all returned home to prepare for the disordered world that lasted for 12 hours.

Emergency food, medical kits, life insurance (guns), and an optimistic spirit in the face of difficulties.

At 16:00, the last emergency preparation in the Bronx was over, and the number of people and cars still moving on the streets was sharply reduced, but there were still many people on the streets.

All wearing bulletproof vests, holding different types of civilian rifles, talking and laughing with their companions, these people are ordinary people who come to participate in social experiments.

Those who are in groups, wearing ordinary clothes, and talking together, these are local gangsters.

Those who sit in cafes and various restaurants like ordinary people, these are killers disguised as ordinary people.

Those who wear full body armor and helmets on their heads, these are...wait, who are these?

In the fringe area of ​​the Bronx and Danbury, there is a piece of land that the Umbrella Company has bought, and the building has been built three floors day and night.

Duncan didn't want the engineers of the engineering team to see their work collapse under the artillery fire, so he sent all 2,000 soldiers out. They will build a defense area three kilometers outside the company to protect the property still in the Umbrella Company.

The appearance of the soldiers made the residents of the residential buildings surrounded by the defense line feel a little uneasy.

These troops, who looked like regular troops, built a defense line with special metal shields at the door of their homes, which seemed to provide a lot of security, but also had an inexplicable feeling of unease.

Soon, this feeling of unease became a reality.

The soldiers walked into the residential buildings near the defense line and asked the residents to bring food and water and spend the night in the underground parking lot.

The faceless soldiers claimed that the Umbrella Company would protect their safety until the end of the social experiment, and also alarmistly told the residents that a large number of gangs and criminals would fight tonight.

Most of the residents in the building chose to obey. After all, the Umbrella Company had driven out armored vehicles, and force represented authority and forced them to believe.

If they stayed in the building, they would most likely become innocent passers-by who died tragically in the game map, and they would not receive any compensation.

Some obeyed, and some did not. Those who did not want to leave their homes mostly had other thoughts, or did not believe in the Umbrella Company.

In the face of these people, the Umbrella Company did not say much, but only explained that the situation might be very bad, and asked them to stay at home and try not to show up no matter what happened.

If they were killed by mistake, the Umbrella Company would not compensate them. This is the power given to them by the new father of the country.

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