Ultraman Senki

Chapter 941 War Order

After Xingye finished speaking, everyone in the conference room was stunned, their mouths were slightly opened, and everyone's faces were full of astonishment. Although they don't understand many things in Starry Night's Talk, they at least know that humans travel at the speed of light. So far, humans only have a zero-drive test machine, but the enemy's spaceships travel at the speed of light.

"The other party is obviously not good at coming. I'm afraid that monster in Antarctica, including hijacking the ice city, is trying to attract our attention." I am afraid that we are still paying attention to the Antarctic monster and the ice city."

"But you can't assume that there is a space fleet just based on those Jhin, and even if it is a space fleet, it doesn't necessarily come for aggression, and there is no evidence to prove that the Antarctic monster is related to the space fleet." A staff officer said somewhat He hesitated to deny it, completely ostrich mentality or luck.

After all, even though we have never met, the strength of the enemy is not to be questioned. This kind of unknown strength is the most frightening. In the face of this kind of unknown powerful enemy, human beings are always afraid. For example, even though ghosts know that they are nothingness, many people still fear because of the unknown.

"Anyway, I don't think the other party will drive so many warships to enjoy the flowers. The Artdis has already rushed to Jupiter's Ganymede base, and the Helios has also dispatched to the Mars base." Xingye said casually : "The Artdis will conduct an early investigation to collect information on the opponent, so..."

As Xingye said, he turned his attention to Director Fukami's live projection: "Director, issue a war order. Hurry up and mobilize the space fleet and the fighter teams of each space base, or it will be too late when the enemy hits the door."

"Wait a minute," Staff Officer Quan Teng stood up with a flash of uneasiness in his eyes: "How can Artdis and Helios go to Jupiter and Mars bases without permission?"

"The Ganymede base has gathered a group of TPC's best technicians. What if they have a problem?" Xingye glanced at Quan Teng's staff and said, "The Artdis is there to investigate the situation in advance. It reaches the speed of light, but once it enters the gravitational circle of Jupiter, even the enemy cannot drive to the speed of light."

"Yeah!" Director Shenjian nodded, and after thinking for a long time, he slowly raised his head: "Notify all bases to be on alert immediately, and all fighter teams to take off immediately. After all, if the alien fleet is malicious, it will not be beaten. They are caught off guard. And once the opponent has no time to warn, they will launch an attack immediately after crossing the asteroid belt, and the enemy must not be allowed to enter the orbit of Mars."

Director Fukami then added: "In the end...do your best to have a dialogue with the other party, and it is best to avoid war."

Director Fukami stood up and said seriously: "Everyone, this may be the first real space battle between us humans and alien life, everyone must do their best, this is for our future generations not to be killed. Enslaved, free to live in this universe's battle for survival."

"Yes, director!" Everyone stood up and responded loudly.

After the meeting, Xingye didn't get up, but the projector that had been dimmed for two minutes turned on again, showing the virtual figure of Director Sawai. Director Sawai's face was full of worries, even his face was a little old, and he looked at Xingye tiredly: "What are the chances of winning this time for human beings? The other party is an alien life form whose technology far surpasses ours. I didn't expect to be the first to order It turns out that I am the one who will have an all-out war with aliens, how will future generations judge me?"

Director Shen Jian said with some self-deprecation that there is too much pressure on his shoulders now, because he is the director of TPC, the highest leader of human beings, and the decisions he makes will determine the direction of human beings in the next step, not to mention It is a war against alien life that has far surpassed the level of human technology.

"Director, don't worry, humans will definitely win," Xingye said with a smile, "Ultraman is the light that guides the progress of mankind. As long as humans don't give up hope, Ultraman will definitely be able to defeat any enemy."

"Yes, having the guidance of light is the greatest blessing for human beings." Director Fukami said with great emotion: "Ultraman is destined to be an important stroke in human history."

After Director Shenjian issued the order, TPC's bases all over the earth, the moon, Mars, and outer space were all put on alert, all weapons were unlocked, and fighter jets flew out from various motherships and space bases. Humanity's seemingly powerful space battleships also set sail and head towards Mars, which is the most important place for human beings now and in the future, second only to the mother planet Earth, and must ensure the safety of the city of Mars at all costs.

At this time, the battle on the Antarctic continent has undergone new changes. Although the Super Victory Team tried their best, they still lost to this ferocious monster. The flame column ejected from the mouth of the monster Rechubas can easily shoot into the stratosphere.

After the fighter jets were shot down one after another, a dazzling silver beam of light bloomed on the ice layer. The bright light was refracted by the ice layer, making it even more beautiful. The light quickly converged to form the figure of Ultraman Dyna .

"It's Dyna!" Nakajima, who was shivering from the cold, climbed out of the cockpit and looked at Dyna standing on the ice with some surprise.

Kariya next to him didn't feel anything at all, and looked at Nakajima who was shivering with some surprise: "Are you so cold? Aren't you wearing a uniform?"

"I don't know either!" Nakajima tremblingly pulled out the laser gun, and pulled the trigger several times at the monster, but the laser was off by a thousand miles, not even touching a single hair of the monster. .

"Ha!" Dyna raised his arms in a fighting gesture, and then strode towards the lobster-like monster.

"Hmph, are you the protector of this planet? Do you want to face the great god with such a little power? It's simply beyond your control." The monster made a little girl's voice, and the monster waved two lobster claws The same paw strode towards Dyna.

Dyna quickly bent down to avoid the lobster's pincers swing, then immediately got up and kicked the lobster monster Rechubas in the abdomen, kicked him back a few steps, then flew up with his arms wide open. Holding the arms that hugged the monster, both arms exerted force at the same time and directly knocked the monster to the ground.

PS: Everyone, there is only three shifts today. There is not much time to code words after the exam in the morning and going home, and the two shifts that are owed will be made up in two or three days.

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