Chapter 940 Humanity's First Space War

Xingye sat in front of the computer on the side of the cabin, tapped the keyboard quickly with both hands, and said to the headset at the same time: "Xiao Zuo, immediately notify Jupiter's Ganymede base to prepare for re-orbiting work, and mobilize nearby satellites to go to Pluto's second orbit." The orbit where the KJ456147 probe satellite is located, notify the Mars base to start preparations for the dispatch of the Atdis, and notify the F4 hangar to let the Helios immediately depart for Mars orbit.”

"Understood!" Xiao Zuo asked immediately after finishing speaking: "Do you want to regain control of the ice city?"

"Let's act, the other party's back hand has been revealed, there is no need to act with the other party." Xing Ye nodded and agreed: "Contact Director Shen Jian, and there will be a video conference of the general staff in ten minutes after the notification."

Mayumi sat by the side and listened to Xingye's series of orders, and asked a little uneasy: "What happened?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded, then contacted Director Shen Jian, and said very seriously: "I'm afraid something big will happen, I really hope my guess is wrong."

The monster that has been chasing Starry Night and the others has landed on the Antarctic ice cap. The three fighter planes of the Super Victory Team are constantly attacking the monster, and laser beams hit the monster with fierce sparks.

And in the deep seabed, the Bingcheng, which had already turned off the lights, suddenly lit up brightly again, and at the same time, the hatches went 'shua! Swish! ’ fell down, isolating the many fish monsters in the ice city, no matter how hard these fish monsters scratched with their sharp nails, they couldn’t break through the hard alloy doors.

"The self-inspection of the system is complete, and the function of the base has lost 15.25%. The main system is normal, and the seawater cooling system has resumed operation." The ice city's broadcast sounded a cold voice, and the pipes that had stopped began to operate again, constantly stirring the ocean currents to let the seawater temperature continued to drop.

At the same time, the monster on the ice cap suddenly stopped and opened its mouth wide, and let out a somewhat proud voice from its mouth: "Damn humans, do you think it's great to take back a small underwater base? How dare you resist the greatness?" Messenger of the gods, Schum will kill you all and offer your souls to the gods."

"God? Is this guy crazy?" Everyone in the Super Victory Team was stunned. The monster said nothing, but why did the words reveal a strong religious flavor, and the gods?

The multi-functional airship also arrived at the sea headquarters of the TPC Scientific Research Department. Before Xingye even had time to change her clothes, she hurriedly explained to Mayumi and hurried to the meeting room. The latest news came from Xiao Zuo just now. The two detection satellites in the orbit of Neptune suddenly lost contact before they even sent out an alarm signal. According to this speed, the other party may reach the orbit of Jupiter in less than three hours. It would be bad if the other party attacked the Ganymede base. You must know that in order to build the Ganymede base far away from the earth, there are a large number of excellent technical personnel of TPC concentrated there. These are the most precious wealth of mankind.

"Drip! Dip!" Xingye walked to the door of the meeting room, the communicator at his waist rang, Xingye opened it and saw Ye Rui appeared on the screen, Ye Rui said a little puzzled: "What happened to Xingye? Why? Want to change the trajectory of Ganymede?"

"It's too late to explain, start the planetary engine quickly, let Jupiter hide under the ecliptic plane of Jupiter. But I am inclined to evacuate the Ganymede base as soon as possible, after all, the base's armed forces are too weak, Atdis It will take three hours for the No. 1 to arrive at your place." Xingye said worriedly: "A few warships should have been stationed at your place."

"Is something important going to happen?" Ye Rui's face also changed, and he was going to use the fleet. Although the human space fleet is a showpiece and has never been on the battlefield, the firepower of the various weapons above is still super strong, but the main gun is inferior.

"Maybe humans are going to have a cosmic war with alien civilizations." Xingye sighed: "I have connected the signal of Xiaozao to the Ganymede base. Leave it alone and get out of there immediately."

Ye Rui also knew the seriousness of the matter, and nodded: "I understand."

Xingye walked into this virtual reality meeting room, and the empty meeting room lit up with dim lights, and then more than 20 people gathered together. This kind of virtual reality meeting is for holding meetings in emergencies .

"Dr. Xingye, why is there such an urgent need to convene a general staff meeting?" The head of the North American branch asked puzzledly, "Is it a problem with the ice city? Or is it a monster that appeared in Antarctica?"

"These are just minor problems." Xingye waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "It is now suspected that a group of unknown alien fleets have entered the solar system and are flying towards the earth."

"..." The huge conference room was silent for more than ten seconds, and the expressions on everyone's faces froze. It took a long time for Staff Miyata to react, and said with a stiff face and a jerky tone: "No way. ,how come?"

His words seemed to ignite the atmosphere in the meeting room. Everyone was blown up, making a noise like a vegetable market. No one could believe the news.

Director Shen Jian raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, even so, it took more than ten seconds before they finally quieted down.

"Is this true?" Director Shen Jian's face was also a bit ugly. If it wasn't for Xingye who said this sentence but a person on the street, no one would believe it, although there have always been aliens They came to the earth to try to invade the earth, but most of them brought a spaceship and a monster, and now there may be a large-scale fleet......

"Well, when Xincheng and the others arrived at Pluto, they released more than a dozen probe satellites along the way, but the KJ456147 probe satellite that orbited Pluto half an hour ago lost its signal after it issued an alarm. The two detection satellites between the orbits of Pluto and Neptune also lost contact," Xingye said, waving his hand and a star map appeared in the middle of the conference table: "The light quantum radio telescope shows through the energy curve fluctuations that there are a large number of Particle ember reaction, and this has only been seen in zero-driven experiments."

"Zero drive? Is it the speed of light test machine for the Max power system?"

"That's right, this kind of particle will only appear in the space after flying at the speed of light, which means that a large number of spaceships traveling at the speed of light are flying here."

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