Chapter 934 The Third Ebolon Monster

"This... this..." Asuka looked at Yamazaki and was speechless in surprise, and he was completely impressed with Yamazaki in his heart. No wonder this guy can do such crazy things, because he is cruel enough to himself.

Fudo Kenji looked at Yamazaki gloomyly, and walked towards Yamazaki step by step, while reaching behind with his left hand, he said, "Is this what you call evolution?"

"Isn't it?" Yamazaki walked slowly to the front of the table, swung his right claw suddenly, and his five sharp nails slid across the steel tabletop. It is made of alloy with a thickness of several millimeters, but under Yamazaki's claws, it was actually scratched with five deep claw marks, which completely penetrated the layer of steel plate with a thickness of several millimeters.

"Look how powerful this is. It is infinitely stronger than the extremely weak human body," Yamazaki enthusiastically raised his deformed ten fingers. Under the light, his hands were as old as bark. The skin is completely exposed in the eyes of Asuka and Fudo Kenji.

"Are you crazy, so what if you have great power, is such a 'person' still a human being?" Asuka was now completely sure that this guy must have mental problems, and that normal person would be willing to turn himself into this.

"Hmph, a stubborn guy who doesn't know how to adapt," Dr. Yamazaki pouted, not caring about the laser guns in Asuka and Fudo Ken's hands, and walked directly to the glass wall behind him: "The human body is too fragile to survive in the universe. Standing in the middle, Ebolon cells are a gift from the universe to us humans. I have successfully opened the path of human evolution, and this rocket will be full of God’s gifts to humans.”

"There is only one God I know, and he will never appear in the real world." Kenji Fudo pulled out a strangely shaped laser gun from behind, and pulled it the moment he raised it When the trigger was triggered, an arrow-like laser beam roared towards Yamazaki, hitting Yamazaki's chest precisely.

"Boom!" A violent explosion sounded, and Yamazaki was directly blown out and hit the glass wall heavily, knocking the glass wall out of a spider web crack, and then fell to the ground, lying motionless Life and death are unknown there.

Asuka turned around in astonishment, and looked at Fudo Kenji in disbelief: "What are you doing? Kill him, how do you stop the rocket from launching?"

Fudo Kenji reinserted the laser gun in his left hand into the bulletproof vest on his back, and glanced at Asuka: "Don't you realize that this guy is delaying time? Hurry up and find a way to cancel the rocket launch program."

Asuka also knew that it was useless to pursue his responsibility now, so he hurried to where Yamazaki was just now, looking at the rows of buttons and multiple screens on the console, completely at a loss as to what to do.

"Xiao Wu, what should we do now?" Asuka hurriedly pulled the headset and asked loudly.

Lu Chuanwu yelled into the headset while typing on the keyboard quickly: "Plug the thing I gave you earlier into the main control computer, and Xiao Yao will finish everything."

"Understood." Asuka flipped it up in a hurry, and inserted something that looked like a USB flash drive into the main control computer.

Fudo Kenji stood next to Asuka and looked at a large amount of data on the screen. At the same time, he quietly took out a plastic bomb with his left hand and placed it in a hidden place under the main control computer.

"Puchi!" At this moment, Yamazaki, who was lying behind them, suddenly opened his eyes. There was still a big hole in his chest where he was hit, but he stood up quickly, and the five sharp claws of his right hand fiercely inserted Into Fudo Kenji's body.

"Uh!" Fudo Kenji cried out in pain, a strand of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, he wanted to struggle but his body seemed to be hollowed out, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

"What? Damn it!" Asuka was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned around to see Yamazaki with a grim face, his left hand was already raised high, ready to slap at Asuka. Asuka reacted quickly, turned around his right leg and kicked Yamazaki's chest fiercely with his left foot. The powerful force of Asuka's instant burst kicked Yamazaki into the air, and hit the glass wall behind him again. The originally shattered glass wall shattered directly, Yamazaki let out a long exclamation and fell directly into the deep and huge space behind, and it took a long time before there was a dull landing sound.

"Kenji, Kenji, cheer up!" Asuka yelled, tearing off the clothes behind Fudo Kenji, and then plugged Fudo's wound.

And Yamazaki was lying on the steel floor below, and he smashed a big dent in the floor below. Yamazaki opened his mouth and made a few unintelligible sounds, and his right arm, which was almost connected by a little flesh and flesh, actually moved. On a button at the waist. And he was thrown like a rotten bottle with a smug smile on his face.

What is even more frightening is that Yamazaki's body was completely shattered, but now it swells up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Countless and slender muscle strips connect all the fragments, and the cells increase at an infinitely faster speed. Yamazaki's body grew rapidly, but the longer he grew, the less human he looked.

"Crack! Crack!" At this moment, there was a sound of mechanical operation, and then Asuka was shocked to find that the top of the huge space that Yamazaki fell just now opened to reveal the dark cosmic void and dense meteorites outside.

"Huh!" The tail of the rocket standing in this huge space sprayed out scorching flames, and then amidst the rumbling air waves, the rocket rose slowly.

"The rocket is launched? Xiao Wu, what should we do now?" Asuka was startled and hastily put down his hands, shouting while raising the Brest pistol to shoot continuously.

"The launch program of the rocket has been activated in advance from other places, and the code is being deciphered." Xiao Zou's voice sounded in the bird's headset, and the bird kept pulling the trigger, but only had time to fire a few laser beams, and the rocket flew off base.

"Damn it!" Asuka hung down the Brest pistol in his hand in great disappointment, and heard several beast-like roars in the huge space where Yamazaki fell just now, followed by the sound of steel tearing.

Asuka hurriedly walked to the place where the glass was broken, wanting to see what happened below, but just took two steps and suddenly a gust of wind blew from below, and then a huge head poked up from below, opened its mouth wide He yelled at Asuka, the sound was deafening, causing Asuka to cover his ears immediately, and backed away uncontrollably.

"Monster!" Asuka turned his head and glanced at Fudo Kenji behind him, lying there with his eyes closed, Asuka immediately took out the flashing sword and lifted it high, his body turned into a stream of light and rushed out. Hua's hands grabbed the monster's neck fiercely, and flew him away.

After quickly rushing out of the base, Dyna could see the whole picture of this monster clearly. Most of its body looked like a monkey with lush hair. Its right hand had three sharp claws that were 20 meters long, and its left hand was a long claw. It has long whip-like tentacles and a long tail behind it.

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