Ultraman Senki

Chapter 933 Yamazaki Oka

"I've got you." Asuka said, snatching the opponent's weapon, and then pulled off the protective mask of the man in black uniform, only to be surprised to find that there was a handsome face under the mask, and he didn't start by himself at all. Yamazaki is the middle-aged man in the photo you saw earlier.

"Oh?!" Asuka was taken aback for a moment, then asked vigilantly, "Who are you? Why did you appear here?"

The man didn't pay any attention to the Brest pistol on his head. He turned his head and looked at Asuka with a cold look in his eyes. He said in an emotionless voice, "You are the Asuka letter of the Super Victory Team."

"You know me? Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

"The purpose, of course, is to carry out the mission," the man continued to walk forward, not caring about the Brest pistol in the hands of the vigilant Asuka: "I heard my brother said that you, if it wasn't for you, My brother will be on the Super Victory Team."

"Your brother? The Super Victory Team?" Asuka was taken aback, and carefully identified the young man's face. Another person with a similar face appeared in his mind, and suddenly realized: "I remembered. , It’s Fudo Taken, so you’re his younger brother. Haven’t seen that guy since he joined the Super Victory Team, how is he doing?”

"Shua!" The young man stopped immediately, his voice still so cold: "My brother is dead."

"What?" Asuka was startled, and couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise.

"After failing to join the Super Victory Team, my brother chose to become a test pilot to sharpen himself and make his flying skills stronger, but during one flight, the test plane exploded in the air..."

Asuka opened his mouth, but he didn't expect the extremely strong man to die like that. Although they were rivals at that time, Asuka still admired the button because he was inferior to him in other aspects except flying.

The man in front turned his head slightly and continued: "I don't mean to blame you. I have always aimed at my brother. Now I have become the ace pilot of the Black Storm team. If you can pass through this meteorite belt, I will also Yes and faster than you."

"Really?" Asuka chased after him and fought side by side with the young man: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Fudo Kenji!"

Asuka said seriously: "Actually, I really want to have a fight with your brother. He is a respectable opponent."

Fudo Kenji took over his laser gun and said with a fighting spirit in his eyes: "Then let's have a fight, our target is Dr. Yamazaki, whoever catches him first will win."


The two of them came to the iron door in front of them while they were talking. Fudo Kenji took out a plastic bomb and placed it on the iron bolt on the door. After installing the detonator, he immediately hid.

There was a loud bang, and the lock on the iron door was blown apart immediately. Asuka and Fudo key looked at each other, nodded, raised the laser guns in their hands and walked into this passage one after the other.

In the experimental area of ​​the Rockland base, Yamazaki sat on a chair and watched the surveillance screen displayed on the computer screen in front of him. It was the picture of Asuka and Fudo Kenji blowing up the door.

"Come on, let's play with you two mice before the rocket launches." The skin on Yamazaki's face showed cracks like scales, making his smile even more ferocious.

Asuka and Fudo Kenji are walking cautiously in this dimly lit corridor, or pipeline passage. Pipes and lines of various specifications were densely erected on the walls on both sides, and suddenly a voice sounded in the passage: "Welcome to the cradle of human evolution, I have prepared a grand welcome ceremony for you."

"It's Yamazaki, he found us." Fudo Kenji immediately stopped and looked around vigilantly.

"Crack! Crack!" The sound of machinery running continuously resounded around, echoing in this empty passage, causing Asuka and Fudo Kenji to immediately turn back to back and look around vigilantly.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps, as if there were many people approaching here, Asuka and Fudo Kenji immediately raised the laser guns in their hands, and under the dim light, many black shadows could be seen walking towards this side.

After getting close, the two of them could see clearly what was coming. Although it had a human form, its appearance was not human at all, but looked like various beasts, and all of them had labels on their arms without exception. s things.

"What is this?" Asuka immediately pulled the trigger, and a laser beam flew over and hit the monster in front of him, piercing a big hole in the monster's body.

"Is it a by-product of the Ebolon cell experiment?" Kenji Fudo kept pulling the trigger as he spoke, knocking down the monsters that came one by one.

Monsters fell one after another, but various monsters continued to come out one after another, which made people feel endless.

"Asuka, there is a ventilation duct above you, and you can enter the main control room from there." Lu Chuanwu's voice sounded in Asuka's helmet headset. Asuka quickly raised his head and saw the ventilation duct network, and immediately pulled the trigger. He hit it down, greeted Fudo Kenji and quickly jumped up.

According to the map provided by Lu Chuanwu, the two bent over the ventilation duct with twists and turns, and then jumped down from the room marked as the control room on the map, and saw that the person they were looking for was sitting here carelessly. In the middle of the room.

"You guys are here," Yamazaki sat on an iron chair, the wall behind him was made of transparent tempered glass, and he could clearly see the rocket erected in the huge space behind him.

"Crack!" The laser guns in Asuka and Fudotake aimed at Yamazaki at the same time, and Asuka said proudly, "Do you think those things can stop us? Just grab them without a fight."

"The rocket launch is three minutes away!" At this time, a mechanically synthesized female voice sounded in the room, which surprised Asuka and immediately strode forward: "Hurry up and stop the rocket launch."

"Why do you want to stop?" Yamazaki slowly raised his head, the scale-like face was clearly visible under the light of the room, and Asuka looked at Yamazaki in surprise.

Yamazaki stood up slowly, the white coat on his body was stained with dark red blood stains in many places, and was cut several times by an unknown sharp weapon.

And because he stood up, Asuka and Fudo Kenji saw his hands, which were no longer human fingers at all. They were covered with monster-like biological cuticles, and the black nails were ten centimeters long. Very sharp.

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