Ultraman Senki

Chapter 92 The Ancient Village

A ray of sunlight shone on Xingye's face through the glass of the cockpit. Xingye felt the harsh sunlight shining on his eyes, shook his dizzy head to try to wake himself up, and then opened his eyes.

The warning lights around the cockpit were still flashing, and many places on the dashboard had red warning lights. It seemed that the damage was serious. Dagu in the front seat was still in a coma, and Xingye turned his sore neck to look outside. His last memory is that Feiyan No. 2 was spinning crazily, and then he lost consciousness and didn't know anything.

Outside is a blue mountain, lush and full of various unknown plants. Looking ahead, you can see that the head of Feiyan No. 2 has basically got into a mound of soil. Countless clods of soil churned up and scattered messily on the glass in front of the cockpit.

"It seems that it stopped after crashing into the mound." Xingye was a little lucky because there was a rock in front of him. If Feiyan No. 2 hit it head-on, the consequences would be unimaginable, especially when he and Dagudu were in a coma: "We two If he died like this, he would probably be the most useless Ultraman to die."

Xingye touched his body to unbuckle the seat belt, and then patted Dagu on the shoulder.

"Hiss!" Da Gu woke up holding his forehead and Gu Lai looked around in a daze: "Where are we?"

"I don't know, let's go out and have a look." Xingye said, opened the cockpit and got out of the cockpit.

"Huh!" Xingye took a deep breath, and a breath of earth and fragrance penetrated into his nose, which refreshed Xingye's drowsy brain.

"Where is this?" Dagu followed and looked around and asked in doubt. Then he pressed the button under the helmet: "Headquarters, headquarters, have you received it?"

But there was only a rustling noise in the headset, and there was no sound at all.

"Is the radio broken?" Dagu patted his helmet suspiciously, but it didn't work at all.

Xingye took out the small computer he was carrying with him, turned it on, swiped it a few times, but there was no signal.

"Sigh, there is no satellite signal at all. It seems that we were taken to another time and space by that monster's power of time and space." Xing Ye installed the computer and said helplessly.

"Ah!" Dagu was so surprised that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. Although he had seen the girl who traveled through time and space before, he still couldn't believe it when it was his turn.

After being stunned for a moment, Dagu reacted and asked eagerly: "Then is there any way for us to go back?"

"Fix the Magnus 1 on the Feiyan, and then find the weak point in time and space, maybe you can go back." Xingye was also a little uncertain.

"How to find the weak point in time and space?" Dagu looked at the towering mountains around him, feeling embarrassed.

"Since we appeared here, there should be a weak point in time and space here." Xingye looked around and guessed the location.

Dagu opened the shell of Feiyan, and a burnt smell came out immediately. Dagu fanned his nose and waited until the black smoke dissipated, finally saw the scene inside, and was dumbfounded.

Xingye leaned over and took a look, and sighed helplessly. The wires inside were mixed together in a dark manner, and more than one-third of the wires were blown out. He hurriedly asked Feiyan No. 2 to start up and check Magnus. No. 1, luckily Magnus No. 1 is not a big problem, just need to replace some parts.

"How is Xingye?" Dagu looked at Xingye nervously, afraid of hearing something wrong from him.

"It can still be used, but we can't take off Feiyan-2, so we can only wait for the time-space fluctuations to change to a certain level." Xingye turned off the main engine of Feiyan-2 to save energy and said to Dagu.

"How long will it take?" Dagu asked eagerly.

"I don't know. If I'm lucky, it may be enough in a while, but if I'm unlucky, it may take a lifetime." Xingye turned his head and glanced at Dagu.

Dagu was silent, and turned his head to look at the surrounding green hills with confused eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Are you also from the sky?" At this moment, a crisp voice broke the silence, which surprised Dagu and Xingye and turned their heads to look at a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old in linen clothes, standing not far away. Shouted to Dagu and Xingye from the hill there.

"Is this Japan?" Dagu walked towards the boy with some joy, and asked as he walked. After all, it is so lucky to meet humans here.

"What is that?" The young man looked at Dagu with a puzzled face, not at the victory team uniform on Dagu's body. He pointed at Dagu: "Do you have any companions? I just rescued Dagu." I found someone who wore similar clothes to yours."

Dagu and Xingye were startled when they heard the words, they looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. Perhaps Xincheng and Horei were also swept in by the space-time wave.

"Then where is he?" Xingye came over and asked.

The boy pointed to the place where he came: "It's in the village, let me take you there!"

"Then thank you!"

The boy walked in front and the two followed behind, but after turning over two hills, they saw the village he mentioned.

This is a peaceful small mountain village in the depths of the mountains. People live at sunrise and sunset. There is a river not far from the small village where you can see many people in animal skins and linen clothes fishing in the river. , and some people are picking wild vegetables and fruits. The village is built in a valley. At the entrance of the valley, there are tall wooden piles. Every one or two meters, there is a wooden pile with a diameter of one meter and a height of more than ten meters. The buildings in the village are very low, and many of them are thatched houses. . There are also some wooden houses in the middle of the village.

The closer you go, the more things you can see. There are many steps paved with natural stone slabs in the village. The whole village is very scattered and huge, occupying the entire valley. People in the village were all wearing various linen clothes or clothes made of animal skins, and their feet were either straw sandals or shoes made of unknown materials.

"What are these stakes for?" Dagu touched the stakes curiously and asked. These wooden piles are built too high, and the gaps in the middle can pass through people, so it is impossible to guard against wild animals.

"This is to guard against monsters!" Dagu and Xingye were taken aback by the boy's answer.

Are there monsters here too?

There were already quite a few people around the two of them pointing at their clothes, even those who were very strong and reinforced the fence at the entrance of the valley looked here from time to time.

Walking in, I saw a row of very huge bows and arrows along the valley mouth. The arrows were covered with a layer of iron-like things that were very sharp. There are also things that look like trebuchets, and a lot of stones have been piled on the frame behind them.

Dagu and Xingye were amazed at their weapons against monsters, and most of them admired them. If such a simple weapon can deal with monsters, then TPC can rest and sleep and don't need to bother to develop high-tech weapons.

"Are they people from outside too?" At this moment, a familiar female voice came from above.

Dagu and Xingye looked up and were shocked: "Captain Jujianhui! Why are you here?"

"Huh?" The woman was wearing a linen dress with a layer of light gauze: "I am You Shalei, the wizard of this village!"

"Captain, stop joking with us, how did you get here?" Dagu said cheerfully, seeing acquaintances in this strange place is always exciting.

"I'm not your captain." The woman who called herself You Shalei shook her head and said, "Are you here to find your companion? He's inside, please follow me."

After speaking, You Shalei walked towards the village. Dagu still didn't believe that the familiar face he saw all day at the base could be someone else.

"Maybe she's really not Captain Jianhui." Xingye shook her head and pointed to the surroundings and said, "Everything here shows that we may have come to the past, maybe this woman just looks more like Captain Jian. Let's go and see first." Let’s see who that companion is and make plans.”

Dagu nodded silently. Since he woke up, he has been hit hard enough, and his mental capacity has shown a straight-line upward trend.

People walking in and out of the village pointed at them, feeling that the two of them seemed to cherish animals, and some children shrank their heads in the thatched cottage and looked at them secretly at the door.

"This village has not been visited by outsiders for a long time, so everyone is more curious." The boy explained.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet?" Xingye said, looking at the young man beside him.

"My name is Amuyi."

"Then, can Amu Yi tell us about our companion?"

"I found him in the mountain in the morning. A bird like yours hit the mountain wall and died. He passed out on the grass next to me and I carried him back to the village." Amu Yi said simply. Checked the process.

"Can the fence you built block monsters? What do those monsters look like?" Xingye asked curiously.

"We have blocked the monster's attack several times. Those monsters hate the high and hate the high. Ten of me are stacked together to be as tall as the monster." Amu Yi introduced in a surprised tone.

Xingye couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, there was a problem with the cultural barrier and communication. Those monsters were probably some tall beasts. After all, the dinosaurs on the earth far exceed the height of the monsters described by Amuyi. It seems that the monsters here are different from modern monsters, the difference is too much in size alone.

However, this village is pretty good. I didn't find any yellow and thin people along the way. There are many stone tables and chairs in the village, and there are many simple pottery on them.

"Your companions are inside," You Shalei, who was leading the way, had already stopped in her tracks. In front of her were the few wooden houses in the village. Dagu and Xingye nodded and walked in. The room was small and lying on the thatched bed in the center was a young man about twenty years old wearing a red and white uniform lying there. The most conspicuous thing was the familiar TPC logo above his chest. (The third update is finally completed, I'm so sleepy!!!)

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