Ultraman Senki

Chapter 91 The Disappeared Feiyan No. 2

At the moment when the anti-space-time wave was launched, the largest vortex in the center of the space-time world split a golden lightning, and the monster that appeared before appeared again. Just in the way of the anti-space-time wave.

The anti-time-space wave hit the monster, emitting a dazzling light that suppressed the sun in the sky. The four closest to Xingye couldn't help but close their eyes to avoid being stabbed by the strong light.

The anti-time and space wave hit the monster, and the monster let out a roar. The monster, which was originally like a black and white photo, showed its shape.

There are fine golden scales all over the body, but each scale is still one or two meters long and wide, very similar to the dimensional monster that appeared in the Lion Nose Tree Sea last time. However, the legs are thicker, and the sharp claws of the hands are very sharp, shining coldly under the sunlight.

"Attack!" Zong Fang put down the binoculars and pulled the headset over his ear and ordered.

Dozens of tanks had already aimed at the monster and opened fire immediately after hearing the order. The green lights on the surrounding automatic mines also turned red and then fired at the monster. Cannonballs hit the monster's body one after another like meteors, and the shells exploded on the scales of the monster's body, splashing violent sparks.

Tanks and automatic mines poured out firepower, and as many as a hundred meteors hit the monsters every second. The whole body of the monster was immediately enveloped in the flames and smoke of the explosion. The horns on the monster's head suddenly shone brightly with a roar. At the same time, several cyan lightning bolts shot out from his horns, sweeping across the front. tank.

The place where the lightning passed exploded, and the huge shock wave turned the soil on the ground up to a height of 100 meters, and the solid steel tank in the front was blown up like a toy, and the interior also exploded and turned into scrap iron. It was smashed down, and half of the tank troops disappeared in the TPC's armed sequence with just one blow.

The remaining troops did not retreat at all and still poured firepower at the monster. The Phoenix on one side also flew over, and several spike missiles flew over and hit the monster and exploded. The huge impact pushed the monster back a few steps, and the heavy footsteps hit the ground, causing the ground to vibrate, and every step made deep footprints on the ground.

"Pull up Magnus 1 and Clafus 1, and attack the space-time realm from the ground!" Seeing this, Xingye quickly notified Zongfang by radio.

With a wave of Zong Fang's hand, the trailer behind pulled the huge machine to a place not far from the space-time realm. The thick and long cables continuously delivered energy to the two machines, and a muzzle was raised in the middle of the machine. The muzzle has become brighter after receiving the energy supplement, and then slowly moved to aim at the space-time realm.

"The angle has been corrected." In a tent not far away, staff in uniform were busy in front of dozens of computers with the TPC logo printed on them. Ye Rui sat in front of the host and put his hands on the keyboard but couldn't keep typing. The girl's voice and smile and Xingye's last words kept echoing in her mind: "To be honest, after destroying the time and space world, that girl may return to her era because of the loss of the power of time and space, or she may lose time and space." The power of protection and disappearing... In short, it is possible. With our technology, it is impossible to send her to the era she is in, you have to understand this."

"What should I do?" Ye Rui was very agitated, unable to concentrate all the time, the data on the screen that was usually very familiar and exciting now seemed extremely irritating.

"Have you heard Yerui?" Zongfang's impatient voice came from the headset: "After the Magnus 1 and Clafus 1 are fully charged, you will control the launch. Remember that there must be no Any mistakes."

"Obviously..." Ye Rui whispered, raising his right hand and slamming it on the keyboard weakly.

"All attack, attract the monster's attention!" Zong Fang picked up the binoculars and ordered again.

The remaining tanks and automatic landmines opened fire again. Lina also flew over in the Phoenix, and the lasers and missiles hit the monster for nothing.

The monster was immediately shrouded in flames again, and had no time to think about anything else.

The fluctuation of the time-space wave on the screen has coincided with the anti-time-space wave. It was a good time to attract the monster's attention. Ye Rui's finger was trembling on the top of the launch button, but he couldn't press it anyway. His mind was full of It looks like a girl suddenly disappears.

"What's the matter with Yerui? Can't you attack yet?" Zongfang's anxious voice came from the headset, and the tanks and automatic landmines that attracted the monster's attention in just a while were all destroyed by the monster's lightning. Heaps of scrap metal glowing with fire and smoke.

"I understand!" Ye Rui quickly pulled himself together and carefully looked at the changing curve of the space-time fluctuations in front of him again.

"Hoi, get ready to do it again." Xincheng and Dagu had already adjusted the angle of the plane. Although it is very flexible to be loaded on the Feiyan, the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the energy cannot be replenished. Although all the weapons are removed to save energy, it can still only attack four rounds.

"Understood!" Horei smiled confidently and concentrated on looking at the fluctuation chart, typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands, adjusting the machine.

But within ten seconds, the two of them pressed the launch button together, and the two beams of light gathered together and turned into an anti-space-time wave, spiraling towards the space-time realm hundreds of meters away.

Just when it was about to attack the space-time world, the monster that was a hundred meters away suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of the anti-time-space wave. The defensive cover formed by the double horns instantly blocked the anti-space-time wave attack from bouncing back, and the two fighters hurriedly avoided the bouncing back attack.

"Damn it." Zong Fang put down the binoculars and hated it. It was a good opportunity to attack, but he didn't expect the monster to appear suddenly: "What's going on?"

"The time and space in the time and space are chaotic. The monster's body is actually in a different time and space. He just shows the body of one time and space. Although only one time and space can be displayed, the body of each time and space can be replaced at will. So We have to attack on both sides at the same time." Hori was surprised when he saw the results on the probe.

The monster roared angrily at the Feiyan, probably because it knew the danger of the time-space world, so although it was angry, it never took a step out of the time-space world, but kept firing lightning attacks with its two horns.

As a result, the two Flying Swallows had to leave far away to avoid being shot down, and even the high-speed fighter Phoenix driven by Lina temporarily avoided the edge and stopped attacking and flew away from the monster.

"Did Ye Rui hear that?" Zong Fang immediately contacted Ye Rui after hearing the words.

"Understood!" Ye Rui swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded nervously, with trembling fingers hanging above the button.

As the time passed by second by second, everyone looked at the curve change graph on the screen nervously, and every beat affected everyone's nerves. Ye Rui's incomparable contradiction in his heart, his teammates used their lives to lure the monster to give him a chance to attack, but the girl's figure flashed in his mind.

The anti-time-space wave was finally adjusted again, and the machine made a "ding!", and Ye Rui suddenly raised his head and pressed the button forcefully, as if he saw the girl in front of him: "I'm sorry!"

The beams of light from the bright muzzles of Magnus 1 and Clafus 1 converged into an anti-space-time wave and rushed towards the space-time realm, and its intensity far exceeded the attack on the Feiyan. The monster flickered again in front of the anti-time-space wave to block the blow. At this moment, Feiyan hurriedly approached the space-time world and quickly adjusted the angle and distance. Xingye and Horei pressed the launch button at the same time.

When the monster was still proud that it not only blocked the attack but also rebounded the attack and wiped out the Magnus 1 and Clafus 1 that launched the anti-space-time wave, it was shocked to find that the Feiyan not far away had already issued the familiar beam He really wanted to defend the beam of light, but it was too late. The anti-space-time wave had already collided with the space-time realm.

The anti-time-space wave instantly breaks a big hole in the space-time boundary, and the cyan spiral beam of light instantly turns into light particles and cancels each other out with the space-time boundary. The ever-expanding space-time boundary stopped expanding and then began to shrink.

The monster roared angrily, and with a flash of its horns, it sent out a bolt of lightning to attack Feiyan, which was still floating in the air and launched an anti-space-time wave.

"Boom..." The big ancient machine was hit by the lightning from the monster before it could dodge in time, and the tail of the machine suddenly burst into flames and began to shake violently.

"The engine stopped." Dagu hurriedly checked and then said anxiously.

"Persist for a few more seconds." Xingye gritted his teeth and said, as long as there is another anti-time-space wave, it will be enough to completely cancel the space-time realm.

The Phoenix flew over and attacked the monster desperately, but the monster ignored the firepower of the Phoenix and walked towards Feiyan.

"Leave immediately!" Zong Fang quickly ordered when he saw black smoke pouring out of the big ancient machine and gliding towards the ground.

Dagu barely turned a corner in the plane, and the Feiyan glides away from the space-time realm.

The world of time and space shrinks rapidly. The monster is helplessly wrapped in the shrinking world of time and space and recedes. At this time, the vortex in the air has a strong suction force, which sucks all the fighters, space shuttles and ships that suddenly appeared on the ground into it.

"It's out of control!" Dagu shook the control stick a few times and said in shock. No matter what happened before, he could control the wings to adjust the direction. But now no matter how much the control stick is shaken, the Feiyan will not respond.

At this time, a strong attraction came, Feiyan no longer glides to the ground but flies into the air.

"We are attracted." Dagu panicked.

"Quick skydive!" Xincheng said hastily when he saw the big ancient machine flying towards the whirlpool.

"No, we've already been entangled by the suction force. If we skydive, we'll fly faster." Xingye said helplessly.

"It seems like this is the only way!" Xingye sighed and opened the zipper of the flight suit, stretched out his right hand, and touched the evolution trustee inside.

At this time, several vortexes in the sky merged into one, and the attraction increased greatly. Feiyan No. 2 disappeared into the dark vortex instantly, and the space-time realm was also sucked in by the vortex and disappeared. Only the wreckage of tanks and the ruins of the town's buildings are left to tell the story of the battle. (Second more, there is another chapter)

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