Chapter 915 Human Struggle Instinct

"Hum!" A fighter plane hovered in the air quickly, making a series of difficult movements such as rolling, spiraling, and moving and shooting. A target like a triangle. I saw that the fighter jet was spinning, hitting all the targets without missing a single target. The hit rate was as high as 100%, and during the attack, the fighter jet did not slow down at all.

"Okay!" Asuka's extremely excited voice came from the radio. This test flight of the test machine was carried out by Asuka, the most technically skilled bird of the Super Victory Team. The new fighter is redesigned and refitted on the basis of the Alpha fighter, forming an Alpha Sperio with two characteristics of high precision and high speed, but it also sacrifices the destructive performance of the fighter.

The Super Victory Team has discovered one thing in several street battles, that is, if you are fighting monsters in the city, once you launch an attack, you must ensure that you can hit the monster, otherwise if the laser hits empty and lands in the city , causing unpredictable losses.

Therefore, in the street fighting with monsters in the city, the accuracy of the fighter jet has become the most important part. The problem exposed in the actual combat was fed back to the scientific research department, and this new fighter jet with high precision and high speed was born. Alfa Sperio, after repeated experiments, has now finally started the final test flight.

"Yes, the stability and accuracy of the fighter jet have reached the estimated value," Xingye looked at the various values ​​of the fighter jet on the screen, turned to Captain Xibi and said, "It has completely reached the standard for actual combat, and it can be delivered for use." .”

"Now you don't have to worry about fighting in the city," Asuka smiled and drove the new fighter into the sky: "If monsters dare to appear again, I will use this to teach them a good lesson."

Liang pulled the headset and said very displeasedly: "Asuka, the test has been completed, come back to me quickly."

"What, it's over so soon!" Asuka reluctantly pulled the joystick to make Alphasperio return slowly. The performance of this new fighter made Asuka very satisfied, and Asuka looked out the window comfortably: " I can finally display my true strength, and I don't need to attack slowly and timidly."

"Whoosh" an illusory shadow flashed past Asuka's eyes. Asuka was startled, but when he looked closely, there was nothing. He looked at the radar on Alphasperio and saw nothing. Asuka shook his head, feeling Maybe I misread it and didn't care that much.

On the third day of the successful test flight, the Super Victory Team held a press conference to announce the launch of the latest fighter jet. What's more important is to let the citizens know that the Super Victory Team has new weapons, and the improved combat effectiveness can better protect the citizens.

The press conference room was bustling with media reporters from all over the world. Captain Xibi presided over the press conference, while Liang was responsible for explaining the performance and usage of fighter jets.

Liang first played the performance of fighter jets in several urban battles, and the difference between the new fighter jet and the previous Alpha machine.

"Battles in cities place great restrictions on destructive fighters. In order to better fight against monsters that appear in cities, the new fighter Alphasperio, which focuses on accuracy and speed, will be put into use. In the future battles, it will be a sharp weapon for urban warfare in the future." Liang introduced the performance of the new fighter: "The teams of TPC's various branches will also be equipped with this fighter one after another, so as to better protect the citizens."

Seeing that Liang had finished his introduction, Captain Xibi took a step forward and said, "Okay, now it's time for questions. Do you have any questions?"

"Shua!" Almost all the reporters raised their arms, and Captain Xibi casually pointed at a reporter.

The reporter stood up and said, "I'm Hasumi from the Neon Daily, and I want to ask the Super Victory Team a question. You have been pursuing to become stronger and constantly enhance your combat effectiveness. Shouldn't you first review your own strength? Mechanism issues, and then examine whether it is necessary to continuously invest in new weapons?"

Captain Xibi was stunned for a moment, then he thought of something and said: "You are Mr. Yusumi, I have read all your articles, and you have a lot of harsh criticisms of our Super Victory Team."

"I'm reporting based on the facts. Compared with the previous Victory Team, don't you think that the current Super Victory Team is too strong as an armed force?" Hasumi sharply accused: "The current TPC is also The road to the development of armed forces has gone further and further, which is completely different from the scientist-centered TPC thirteen years ago. Isn’t this a question worth thinking about?”

"The purpose of our military development is not for war, but to deal with the challenges that human beings may encounter as they move forward." Captain Xibi said slowly.

Yu Xumi snorted and sneered: "It's really a high-sounding word, especially from the mouth of you, the strongest commander of the TPC's armed forces."

"Then I want to know how do you think TPC and the Super Victory Team should develop?" Xingye stood up and looked at the reporter and asked, "Should we collectively lay down our weapons? Then when monsters and aliens attack the earth, what should we do?" How to do it?"

"You are Dr. Xingye from the scientific research department." Yu Xumei took a closer look at Xingye before she said, "You are a person worthy of respect, and you have the ability to develop the scientific research department from a small department to the largest department in TPC today. .I remember that you were the most staunch supporter of armed TPC when you were a scientist-centered TPC, so can you explain to me, why is it necessary for human beings to develop such a powerful force? You must know that the ruins in the K3 area are still there It hasn't been cleaned yet."

"With the opening of the era of the new realm, human beings have overcome the darkness of destruction and marched towards a new era. At the same time, human beings are constantly being invaded by alien planets. If human beings put down their weapons in this kind of thing, what will happen? What happened?" Xingye said in a flat tone: "The Super Victory Team is constantly developing new weapons to fight these powerful invaders and protect the safety of human beings on Earth."

Yu Xumi was silent for a while and shook her head: "It's not so much to protect the safety of human beings, it's better to say that human beings' fighting instinct allows human beings to continuously develop force, but if this continues, it can really protect human beings and not let human beings be destroyed. Is it in your own hands?"

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