Ultraman Senki

Chapter 914: The Promised Oath

Asuka stood up and didn't know what to say. Having the same experience, he was very aware of the child's inner pain and sorrow. After standing for a long time, Asuka realized that it was already seven o'clock in the morning, and turned around. Going out to get this kid some breakfast.

Just when Asuka turned around, the child's voice came from behind: "Where is Ultraman?"

"Huh?" Asuka turned around and looked at the child in confusion. The child raised his head and glanced at the faded Tiga doll in his hand. Some parts of the doll were pinched and deformed. He raised his hand and threw the doll out vigorously. The Tijia doll fell to the ground and bounced a few times before it disintegrated and turned into a pile of parts scattered all over the ground.

"Why didn't Ultraman come?" The child buried his head deeply on his knees, and said with tears in his eyes, "Why didn't you save Dad and Mom? I always believed in Ultraman, not that as long as Can you convey your heart if you believe in Ultraman? Why didn't Ultraman appear?"

Asuka stood there silently without knowing what to do, let alone how to comfort the child who lost his parents. Seeing this extremely sad and painful child, Asuka couldn't help but lower his head, stood for a while before walking out of the tent, took a deep breath of air outside, and felt the dullness in his heart eased a bit.

"What's wrong? Is it hard?" Xingye said lightly, looking at the rising sun.

"Eight years ago, I had been living a carefree life, and everything was handled by my father, but suddenly one day I was told that my father would never come back." Asuka walked forward slowly and said I kept holding back the words in my heart: "I was sitting at the door alone, thinking that if I waited a little longer, my father would appear at the door and call my name. I didn't cry, I just sat there for a whole day without eating or drinking. , and then... I slowly got used to living alone, until now. This child reminds me of myself back then, full of fear and confusion, and I don’t know how to face the future life at all.”

"Time will heal the scars in my heart, and it will also dilute all the sadness," Xingye said flatly: "It will only leave warm memories in my heart that I can never get back, and occasionally I can re-experience the warm memories when I dream back at midnight. The moment of reunion, even though it is illusory, is still extremely cherished."

"Ah?!" Asuka was taken aback, then realized that Xingye was the same, Xingye sighed and looked up at the sky and said: "Actually, I was not as good as this child at the time, I hated it, why did I suffer such bad luck? In the first few years, there was only hatred in my heart, and I couldn’t tolerate anything at all. Later, I realized that life is fair, everyone has their own misfortunes, good and bad depend on each other.”

Asuka said with some guilt: "It would be great if I got out of that monster's body earlier, and I could save the parents of that child, and the child would not lose their parents, and live alone from now on."

"Ultraman is by no means a god. No matter how hard we try, there are lives that cannot be saved, and ideas that cannot be achieved." Xingye said in a flat tone: "I never imagined that I could save everything, and some only saved one more."

Asuka looked at Xingye very puzzled: "Is there any difference between these two? If you have the idea of ​​saving one more, can't you save everything?"

"Asuka, if you had a choice between saving a hundred people or saving ten people, which would you choose?"

"Oh?" Asuka was taken aback, not knowing what Xingye meant.

"You can't save the one hundred and ten people, so all you have to do is choose the side with more people. It's really unfair to the ten people, but it saves at least ninety people in comparison." Xing Ye watched Looking at the child shivering in the tent, he sighed and said, "It is true that we would have saved a lot of people if we went out two minutes earlier, but if we act rashly without understanding the situation and make the situation more difficult, I'm afraid it will cause more serious consequences, and more people will lose their lives."

"Senior Xingye, have you ever faced this choice?" Asuka couldn't help asking.

Xingye turned around and glanced at the child who was still buried in his knees, walked to the door of the tent and whispered to the child inside: "Instead of complaining about the injustice of fate and your own misfortune, it is better to raise your head and move towards tomorrow, although You lost the most precious thing until yesterday, your heart was torn, you were stunned by unimaginable malice, and you had to face the horror of reality; but at least you are alive, and you must rise again. Because you are not alone , you have to work hard to live with your parents' expectations of you, and make your life more exciting than yesterday."

The child raised his head, with tears still remaining on his red-eyed face, and said in a hoarse voice: "Liar, I have always believed in Ultraman, but my heart has not been conveyed to them, and neither has Ultraman." Appear."

"Relying on the strength of others is not enough. A man can only rely on himself. Even if he is alone, he must work hard." Xingye looked at the child and said seriously: "Stand up, as long as you work hard, one day you will be able to You can use your own strength to defeat monsters."

The boy bowed his head and stopped talking. I didn't cry anymore, I just curled up in the corner silently. Asuka came in with a breakfast and put it in front of the boy. The boy glanced at Asuka, and slowly stretched out his hand to pick up the rice grains in his mouth.

Seeing the boy start eating, Xingye finally breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that the child's most confused moment had passed, even though he still had hesitation and confusion in his heart, he would not let the child be depressed anymore.

"What's your name?" Xingye slowly walked over to sit beside the child and asked softly.

The boy stopped chopping the rice, and after a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "...Dahewang!"

"Then Dahe, do you want to be a brave man who can fight monsters that destroy peace?" Xingye asked.

"I think, I want to defeat those monsters with my own hands." Da He gritted his teeth and said.

"Then you have to work hard. The selection of the Super Victory Team is very strict. If you don't work hard, you will not be able to join the Super Victory Team through the selection process and fight monsters." Xingye said seriously: "So you must Get yourself together as soon as possible, and work hard from now on, so that you can fight monsters when you grow up."


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