Ultraman Senki

Chapter 89 The Correct Posture for Speaking Science

"Do you really think so? This girl is very cute?" Lina smiled very kindly, and Dagu smiled dryly and nodded with sweat dripping down his back: "Yes, yes!"

Xincheng and Juejing were still arguing over who should go, but Jujianhui said, "Ye Rui!"

"Ah!" Ye Rui raised his head in astonishment, then nodded excitedly: "Yes!"

Xincheng and Hori sat down with dissatisfaction on their faces, watching Jayerui leave the command room step by step.

When Xingye walked in, what he saw was Xincheng and Horei sitting there with the word "unhappy" written on their faces, staring at Yerui in the surveillance screen with unfriendly eyes.

"Is this the girl who suddenly appeared?" Xingye took a deep look at the girl and there was nothing special about it.

"Well, the bag in her hand is nothing but a few textbooks used in the 1920s and 1930s." Ju Jianhui was also full of puzzlement and doubts.

And here Ye Rui also started to ask, the girl opposite was very nervous and scared, but Ye Rui was more nervous and scared than her, this was the first time he did such a thing. Moreover, the monitoring in the corner will present the victorious team in the command room in 360 degrees without any dead angle.

"I want to behave well!" Ye Rui secretly cheered on himself, with what he thought was the most kind smile on his face and raised his head to look at the girl's face, but his face was startled, and a sense of familiarity suddenly flashed in his mind, as if where Met this girl.

The girl turned her head awkwardly, and Ye Rui came back to his senses and realized that it was really inappropriate for him to be staring at the girl all the time. A reminder came from the earphones: "Ye Rui, start asking questions."

"Oh." Ye Rui quickly turned on the computer, and before he could speak, the girl opposite asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Oh!" Ye Rui was taken aback, didn't it mean that the girl was so frightened that she couldn't speak? No matter facing Lina or others, she looked like a frightened little rabbit, but now facing him with a dissatisfied and questioning tone.

"You let me, let me go home, okay?" The girl's tone was already crying.

Facing the girl who was about to cry, Ye Rui was at a loss and quickly comforted him, "I'll send you back immediately after I finish asking."

"I'm very scared, what is this place? Tell me!" The girl asked loudly, Ye Rui opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer, the roles of the two had been reversed, and Ye Rui looked like a person being interrogated Same.

In the commander's room, Junhui rubbed his forehead helplessly, and Hori and Xincheng gloated at Ye Rui who was at a loss.

But in the end, Norui still had a good communication with the girl. The girl's name is Tezuka Yuri and she was born in 1915. This also means that this girl has come here across half a century, which is really amazing.

"She traveled through time and space from the distant past to the present." Ju Jianhui still couldn't believe this, so she turned to ask the specialist.

Horei began to show off his knowledge to Xincheng: "If this is true, then this is a big discovery. It's like Urashima Taro turning into an old man when he opens the box."

"Who is Taro Urashima?" Almost everyone looked confused, not understanding what this was about.

"Simply speaking, this has already involved the theory of quantum mechanics. For example, it is like Schrödinger's cat. It is impossible to determine whether the cat is dead or alive without opening the box." Xingye explained.

But other people are even more crazy and just want to say are you sure this is the simple explanation? Who is Schrödinger? Make it clear to me!

"That's right, so it is impossible for this girl to travel through such a long time without changing. In this case, she should be in the quantum world of existence and non-existence, but she has been in this state for a long time and can be recognized by others You know this is impossible?" Hori nodded in agreement with Xingye's point of view.

"Then is it possible to think of it this way? Although she is at the dividing point between existence and non-existence, the consciousness of her existence can still be recognized by others. In other words, this girl still exists in her time and space, but The consciousness of her existence has been sent to the entire time and space." Xingye also began to express her views.

"That... what are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything!" Dagu's eyes swirled, and his head was full of question marks. Everyone in the command room looked like this, listening to the discussion between the two as if they were listening to a bible.

Hori and Xingye looked at each other and saw a sense of superiority in each other's eyes. The happiest thing is to understand that others don't.

"It's very complicated to explain. It starts with the origin of quantum mechanics..." Masao Hori sat in a tight position and opened his mouth, ready to make up a long speech.

"Could members of Horei speak briefly?" Ju Jianhui hastily interrupted Horei's words.

"In fact, it's just the concern between people's cognition, consciousness, and matter. According to the theory of quantum mechanics, these things are actually separated. Just like why Dagu is Dagu, why everyone knows he is Dagu when they see him. What about Gu?" Xingye began to explain.

"My name is Dagu!" Dagu said aggrievedly.

"You can be called Dagu, he can be called Dagu, everyone can be called Dagu, so how do you tell the difference?" Xingye asked.

"Uh! What does this... have to do with that girl?" Lina didn't understand.

"It does matter, each of us is actually matter, and when others see us and call out our names, that is the cognition of matter. As for consciousness, it exists in matter but can be independent of matter, manipulate It affects our cognition. The three are completely independent of each other but are interrelated. The girl who appears in our world now actually appears in our cognition, but the material is not necessarily in this world. The girl has her own If her consciousness is not an image, then her consciousness is also in this world." Hori began to make up a long story.

"Still don't understand!" Everyone racked their brains for a long time and still couldn't understand. Dagu had already given up and lay down on the table with his eyes closed to rest his overloaded brain.

"All in all, this girl is probably just sent her consciousness to our cognition by some kind of force..." Horei wanted to start talking again, but was interrupted by Norui who came in.

"Captain, I want to send that girl home!" Ye Rui stammered.

Ju Jianhui glanced at Ye Rui and smiled: "Yes!"

Ye Rui was overjoyed: "Thank you Captain!"

"After such a long time, the buildings of the last century no longer exist." Xingye shook his head and said.

"It's fine for Ye Rui to take her out for a walk, this base is too depressing and not suitable for letting go of nervousness." Ju Jianhui said with a smile.

The TPC staff in the small town were nervously building various equipment. At this moment, the vortex of time and space appeared above the sky again, and a golden lightning flashed down, unexpectedly appearing a huge monster.

The monster is very similar to the monster that appeared in the Lion's Nose Tree Sea last time, but the scales on its body are more scattered than that monster. But the monster just roared a few times and then disappeared.

Zong Fang put down the binoculars and reported eagerly: "Captain, a monster has appeared."

Although the monster appeared for a short time, it was still clearly photographed. The monster is clearly visible in thick ink and light colors like a black and white photo.

"Did you send the monster over this time?"

Xincheng was startled when he saw the message from the detector: "My God, how is this possible?"

"What's the matter?" Xingye came over and was startled when he saw that the space-time fluctuations there were already high enough, but now they have risen again dozens of times, almost like a space-time black hole there.

"The magnetic fields in all the mysterious areas all over the world are concentrated on Sakura Hill." Xincheng said in an extremely surprised tone.

"Time and Space Realm!" Xingye spit out these three words one by one.

"Time and Space Realm?" The Victory Team heard a new term again, as long as Hori and Xingye get together, they can always hear some words that sound very tall and unclear. It is completely possible to go out and bluff technology noobs and people who are not familiar with this field.

"Bermuda, the lion-nosed tree sea and other places with weak dimensional barriers all over the world have the power to distort time and space. Their power gathers together to form a time-space realm. The time and space in the time-space realm are chaos. Yes, this can also explain why the girl and the giant ship appeared, it is definitely the monster that gathered these forces to form a space-time realm that can travel through time and space." Xingye explained.

"We must not let the time-space realm be left alone, otherwise the earth's time-space will be completely confused. Other than that, if some people who have changed the course of mankind in human history are passed on, or our people are sent to the past, then the human History will definitely be in chaos." Hori's face was very serious.

"Is there a way to destroy that space-time world?" Jujian Hui also realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly asked.

"The time-space realm is a very precise and rigorous thing, so there is no room for mistakes. If you use Magnus 2 and Clafus 2 to launch anti-magnetic and radioactive anti-gravity waves, the interaction between the two will produce anti-space-time Realm energy can cause disturbance to time and space, causing the space-time realm to collapse. But..." Xingye hesitated at the end.

"However, once the energy gathered when the space-time world collapses, the whole of Japan may sink into the sea." Hori's tone was very heavy: "So when destroying the space-time world, we must grasp the timing. Every minute and a second difference will cause irreparable and serious consequences.” (There is an exam in Maogai in the afternoon, and I can’t type. There is only one update today, and I will make it up in the third update tomorrow.)

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