Chapter 88 Time and Space Sonata

Since the appearance of a different-dimensional demon god and a different-dimensional beast last time, the space-time world on the earth has begun to change drastically. Half a month ago, a monster of a different dimension was awakened in the lion-nosed tree sea. He created a monster in the forest. An independent different space attracts people to hunt for it.

This monster was eventually wiped out by Tiga, because the guy's eyes were too low and he could only see moving objects. However, this guy provided a very rare material for different space research.

The so-called gravitational waves and anti-gravity waves that were urgently developed last time to curb the dimensions of alien beasts and demon gods actually used the power of the Nexus light, and what humans really provided was to manufacture those two machines.

The appearance of this monster just provided a place to study the dimension, but without the power provided by the monster, this different space is constantly declining and the entrance has become very unstable, but even this makes the researchers of the institute ecstatic.

That forest has been completely blocked by a large number of TPC armed personnel, because many large vehicles cannot enter due to road restrictions. For this reason, armed helicopters were used to transport equipment and instruments, but the forest changed drastically in a day.

The forest is full of tents around the entrance of the different space, and the thick and long lines are connected everywhere like spider webs. Countless detectors are racing against time to analyze the various data changes in this different space.

Facing this extremely cherished different space, all the researchers have been researching without sleep and food. Even Hori has put down his work of the Victory Team and devoted himself to research all day long. Everyone's eyes are bloodshot. Work and dinner are two mouthfuls and it's over.

"Is this really okay?" Ju Jianhui was a little worried. Every researcher she saw had dark eyes and tired but extremely excited faces. You must know that the most elite scientists in the world are concentrated here, and if there is a problem, it will be a huge loss.

"No problem, this different space has been maintained for four days at most, and it will disappear completely the day after tomorrow. Let them have a good rest at that time. For us, every minute and every second here is extremely precious now. , It may be difficult for such a different space to appear second, as long as we analyze the space here, we will no longer be afraid of those enemies from different dimensions." Xingye rubbed his temples and said, he didn't take much rest these days.

Since the appearance of the demon god and the alien beast last time, Xingye clearly felt that the fluctuation of time and space has become very unstable. And the feeling of starry night coming to the Lion's Nose Tree Sea is even clearer. Places with weak time and space barriers like the Lion's Nose Tree Sea all over the world react the most to changes in time and space fluctuations.

This also made Xingye more certain that there must be a very powerful alien creature heading to the earth, and it is likely to be a chain reaction caused by the alien beast breaking into the space-time realm last time.

The seemingly incomparably calm space-time world is actually pregnant with violent storms, just like even a small stone dropped on a calm water surface will cause ripples on the lake surface.

The morning sun had just risen, and a man who had finished his morning exercise ran to; er, he stopped at the door of his house and picked up the towel around his neck to wipe his sweat. Then I picked up the milk in front of the door and prepared to replenish the energy consumed.

Just when he raised the milk in his hand, he heard a "pop!", and the cup in the man's hand fell to the ground, spilling milk and glass shards all over the floor. The man stood there in a daze, his eyes almost popping out, and he pointed at the huge ship in front of him with trembling fingers.

Just now he only saw a flash of lightning, and then the 10,000-ton ship appeared in front of him. In this small town with only a few small buildings, this 10,000-ton ship seemed extremely huge.

At the same time, when the giant ship appeared, a piercing siren sounded in the TPC. Through the analysis of the different space of the Lion's Nose Sea of ​​Trees, the latest detection device for space-time waves has been optimized and manufactured. It was less than a month after it was built that the alarm sounded.

"What's wrong?" Xingye hurried over and asked.

"Strong space-time fluctuations have been found in the N8 area, and they are still intensifying." The index of the time-space wave on the screen is screaming upwards, and there is no downward trend.

"Something's going to happen."

The victory team hurriedly dispatched to investigate. Looking down from the sky, the giant ship occupied a large open space outside the town. Compared with it, other buildings in the town seemed extremely small.

"Is this a mirage?" Lina looked at the giant ship below through the cockpit, and there was a layer of water waves on the surface that looked very blurry.

"No, there is a metal reaction." Zong Fang looked at the report sent back by the detector and denied.

"How could such a heavy thing be transported here silently?" Dagu looked at the giant ship with a length of 100 meters on the big screen in the command room and was very puzzled. It is extremely difficult to transport tons of huge ships here, and it takes a particularly high price. Who would do this when they are full and have no food.

Yerui has already started to compare the number, shape and characteristics of the giant ship in the database, and the central computer quickly screens out the ships that match the characteristics.

"I found it," Ye Rui said quickly: "This American transport ship, the Zapolis, according to records, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle 70 years ago!"

"My God, it looks like this ship was still sailing in the ocean yesterday!" Hori looked carefully at the ship in the image, there was no trace of rust, and the paint on the ship looked very good new.

The results of comparing the data and the report submitted by the research department on the drastic changes in space-time waves over there have attracted TPC's attention. In addition, there have been multiple monsters in different dimensions in recent months, so we have to suspect the strange appearance of this ship. It is estimated that the giant wheel is the ghost of another dimension monster.

Director Sawai personally issued an order, and the TPC, a huge machine, started to move. The police station began to evacuate the residents of the town. The residents dragged their families and walked out of the town under the guidance of the police station.

There are several roads connecting the town to the outside. On one side, there are cars driving to evacuate residents outside the town, while on the other side, heavy trucks with TPC logos are constantly driving into the town. It was loaded with TPC personnel and various large equipment and instruments. The residents of the town left the town in an orderly manner while looking curiously through the window glass at the armed helicopters and heavy tanks that could only be seen on TV before. And TPC armed men carrying various guns.

The medical department began to build a field hospital not far away, the logistics department brought a large amount of supplies, and the armed forces began to deploy infrared automatic landmines around the giant ship in the town... Almost all the victory team dispatched to the town, Feiyan EX and Phoenix stopped at the temporary airport.

There were no residents left in the town, only TPC people were left. As many as a hundred heavy tanks carrying large-caliber heavy artillery were divided into three parts along the streets of the town under command, all of which aimed their muzzles at the direction of the giant wheel.

Zong Fang stared at the giant ship with a telescope outside the command post not far away, and what looked like water waves on it was still covering the giant ship. The giant wheel has been there for several hours but nothing has changed.

"The evacuation work for nearby residents has been completed." Lina came to report.

"Yeah!" Zong Fang nodded in satisfaction, but the evacuation work was completed in half an hour, which is already very good.

At this moment, a drastic change occurred, a vortex appeared in the blue sky without warning, and the black vortex expanded rapidly and covered a range of kilometers in an instant. It was as if there was a hole in the sky.

A bolt of lightning suddenly burst out from the dark vortex and hit the road less than a hundred meters away from Lina and Zongfang. The two opened their mouths in surprise when they saw it. The lightning quickly disappeared on the ground, but it remained behind. A girl stood there without knowing what to do.

Lina covered her mouth in surprise, her face full of disbelief. The girl was only a teenager, with two ponytails, a black bag in her hand, and a school uniform from the world, her face full of anxiety and fear. He looked at the armed men who surrounded him.

"Who are you?" The girl shrank back in fear and couldn't stop walking.

"Don't be afraid." Lina came over and waved her hand to signal the people around to back off. The TPC personnel took a few steps back and put down the gun in their hands, but their fingers were still on the trigger.

"What's your name? Where are you from?" Lina bent down and asked, the girl looked up at Lina, eyes full of fear. Lina asked for a long time but did not get an answer from the girl. The girl held the bag tightly in her hand, bowed her head and said nothing.

Lina sighed and looked at Zong Fang. Zong Fang folded his arms and looked at the girl for a long time, so he could only bring her back to the base with Lina.

Along the way, the girl sat quietly on the back seat, huddled like a frightened cat, looking outside from time to time, her complexion getting worse and worse.

"This girl was frightened a lot. I want her to answer the questions properly. I think it's better to choose someone who makes her feel safe." Zong reported the girl's affairs to the victory team.

"Yeah!" Hori and Xincheng nodded in agreement and looked at the pure and lovely girl on the screen. They stood up at the same time and said, "I'll go!"

The two looked at each other at the same time, their eyes full of hostility flashed lightning, pointed at themselves and emphasized at the same time: "I'll go!"

"Papa!" At this moment, there were several applause from the side, and the two turned their heads to see that Dagu had just put down his hand, pointing at himself with a smile on his face: "I think I am the most suitable."

"Cut!" Xincheng and Horei looked at Dagu with contempt, and Lina on the other side came over and looked down at Dagu with a kind face: "Dagu team member, what did you just say?"

The smug smile on Dagu's face disappeared instantly, and he said with a serious face: "I mean I'm the most inappropriate!"

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