Ultraman Senki

Chapter 8 The Beginning of the Battle

The personnel guarding outside saw a member of the search and rescue team who had just entered crawling out from the inside, and immediately stepped forward to help. The man's face and body were covered with bruises from the collision, with a frightened expression as if he had been greatly frightened.

"What's the matter?" The squad leader came over and saw him like this, he was shocked, looked at the entrance of the mine, there was no one else, and quickly asked, "Where are the others?"

The man grabbed the squad leader's shoulder and said a word trembling with horror and horror on his face: "They were turned into stone by the monster." After finishing speaking, he passed out.

"Cheer up, cheer up." The medical staff hurried forward.

"Jakuma, it's really Jakumar." The miners were more sure that it was Jakumar who had seen the TPC staff say so, and even the miner boss who had been denying this just now stopped talking. He denied that Jakumar thought it was just a rumor and didn't want this rumor to make the miners reluctant to go down the mine, but now that TPC, as a professional, said so, it must be true.

"You guys are TPCs who destroy monsters. Hurry up and destroy this monster." The boss immediately stepped forward and said anxiously that if this monster cannot be destroyed, the mine will be unusable and he will lose a lot of money. He never thought about it from the beginning to the end. All he thought about was money.

"Everyone, rest assured that we will definitely destroy this monster. Now please evacuate immediately to avoid accidents. You must believe in the power of our TPC." The squad leader immediately began to deploy. First, he evacuated the surrounding people, and then reported the situation to the headquarters for support. They're just search and rescue personnel who don't have any weapons and can't fight monsters at all.

When the news reached the Far East headquarters, Director Sawai pursed his lips while looking at the report in his hand. I couldn't calm down for a long time, and when Director Sawai raised his head, his eyes were full of determination.

In the command room, the Victory Team was discussing the pyramid and the giant with the Nanyuan staff.

Suddenly the figure of Director Sawai appeared on the big screen: "Urgent notice, a monster has appeared on Jiuliang Island in the Southwest Islands. Many quarry miners and investigators have been killed. Now the monster has nothing to do but I don't want to Someone else was killed."

"But how can the current victory team fight against monsters?" Ju Jianhui said hastily, the current situation of the victory team is very embarrassing.

"I know that," Director Sawai sat down and said, "Immediately start transforming the victory team's planes into fighter jets."

"I understand." Staff Nanyuan nodded, as Director Sawai's trusted subordinate, since Director Sawai has made a decision, he will try his best to do it.

Ye Rui immediately notified the victory team: "All gather in the command room, all gather in the command room."

Staff Nanyuan conveyed the meaning of Director Sawai. To sum it up, the leaders have high expectations for you and you must work hard to produce results, while everyone in the Victory Team said that we will live up to the expectations of the leaders with our actual performance.

"Dr. Xingye, the director has decided to change the aircraft of the Victory Team into a combat aircraft. I want the Phoenix to also..." the commander's intermediary Hui asked this question. After all, the performance of the Phoenix last time was well known compared to nothing. The Flying Swallow and the Phoenix, which has combat experience, have already gone through actual combat.

"No," Xingye shook his head and refused. Seeing that Jujianhui and everyone in the Victory Team looked unhappy, he smiled and said, "I know what you are worried about. The Phoenix has not completed the final test and cannot be put into long-term high-intensity training." Fight. The current Phoenix is ​​not suitable for equipment."

"We can only modify the Feiyan, but the design of the Feiyan didn't consider the issue of carrying weapons. From the perspective of safety, I think it's better to wait for the test of the Phoenix to be completed. After all, the Phoenix is ​​a plane specially used for combat." Kashiwamura Reiko said worriedly that she is the person in charge of weapon research and development and is very familiar with these weapons.

"But now we can only use Feiyan to deal with that monster." Hori said anxiously that there is no time to wait for the Phoenix test to be completed. The equipment is even more distant.

"It doesn't matter. Although the Feiyan is not an aircraft dedicated to combat, it can be modified to add a weapon interface." Xingye thought about it for a while and said that his words made everyone's eyes light up: "I am going to install the big gun on the armed satellite." The size of the power laser weapon is completely suitable, and it can be installed on Feiyan-2 with only a little modification, and the modification of the system connection part will not take long."

"Really?" Lina said happily.

"Well, this laser cannon was designed to meet most TPC models, and Feiyan-2 can meet the requirements of the laser cannon." Xingye said with certainty: "I'll help, after all, no one is better than me. Get to know it. This way the time can be greatly shortened.”

"Thank you very much." Jujian Hui said gratefully.

"Although the ideas are different, everyone is thinking about the earth, right? Don't think of me so narrowly." Xingye made a small joke at the end.

Although it wasn't funny, everyone laughed, which seemed to be a little bit of grievance.

The modification of the model went very smoothly. Xingye and Hori worked together overnight to draw out the drawings of the parts that needed to be modified. Lina, on the other hand, disassembled the Feiyan together with the people from the equipment department, and installed the weapon port.

"The latest blueprints are here." Hori said happily, waving the blueprints in his hand with a pair of panda eyes.

"Hoi, you...haha..." Lina laughed out loud looking at Hori, and then saw Xingye laughing even happier.

The two looked at each other and laughed. After getting the blueprint, they immediately began to modify it. The laser cannon was carefully transported by the ground crew and installed in the center of the belly of Feiyan No. 2 under the command of Xingye for debugging. .

"You have worked hard." Ju Jianhui said sincerely, looking at the renovation work that had come to an end, and then at the exhausted people.

Horei patted the flesh on his face to wake himself up: "It will be finished soon, and our victory team can also fight monsters."

"Yeah!" Jujian Hui nodded vigorously, and couldn't help but think of the broken families and destroyed streets in Akita City, thinking to himself: "I will never let monsters act recklessly on the earth."

"Dr. Xingye, thank you for your hard work." Ju Jianhui looked at Xingye who was tired but still guiding the transformation, and thanked him.

"It's just a trivial matter. I used to stay up for three days and three nights for a project." Xingye yawned with a pair of dark circles under his eyes and looked at the already installed Feiyan No. 2: "For the time being, use Feiyan first. No, when the Phoenix completes the test, the combat effectiveness of the victory team will be improved to a higher level. I am currently researching new equipment for the victory team. Your laser guns, protective clothing, helmets, etc. need to be replaced. Fighting monsters, fighters must not lose the battle because of equipment problems."

"Thank you very much." Ju Jianhui said gratefully about the two people's ideas. Sometimes in the meeting, Jun Jianhui often opposed Xingye's proposal.

Ju Jianhui turned his attention to the huge muzzle of the Feiyan No. 2 machine belly and smiled gratifiedly: "The victory team is no longer powerless to fight back."

Xingye stood up and introduced to Jujian Hui: "Although it is a temporary modification, the power has not been reduced, but due to time, the energy supply problem has not been resolved and we can only rely on the reserves on Feiyan No. 2, so we can only fire two rounds."

"Enough," Hori came over and said confidently, "This laser cannon can flatten a hill with one shot."

"But this is only temporary. I plan to refit the energy device on Phoenix and install it on Feiyan-2 so that the laser cannon can not only increase the range, but also increase the number of times." Xingye said: "The research institute has already started Yes, I think it will be finished soon. Maybe we can catch up with this battle!"

"However, it is not a fighter type, so it can only be transformed into this." Reiko Kashiwamura came over and said regretfully.

"Okay, Hori, let's go to rest quickly, if something happens, you won't be able to get on the plane like this." Xingye greeted Hori and walked to his room.

In the early morning of the next day, Director Sawai and Xingye arrived at Kura Island by plane, and the person in charge came up to greet them just after getting off the plane.

This is a standard mountain environment, with exposed rocks, tenacious grass in the crevices, and gravel and gravel on the ground.

"How's the situation?" Director Sawai asked with concern as he walked.

"The monster is still lurking underground and there is no movement for the time being. Three miners, six investigators, all died."

"All the workers present, have you seen Jakumar?" Director Sawai asked the workers.

"Yes," said the old worker, "that monster looks like a rock, and has a horn on its head."

"Oh, Dad, you remember wrongly," another worker came up and said, "Jakuma has two horns on his head."

"I remember clearly that it was a horn."

"It's two horns."



Sawai looked disappointed at the arguing workers and said, "It seems that no one has actually seen Jakumar."

Walking into the tent that had already been set up, which was filled with various instruments and computers, Xingye looked around and then turned his head and asked, "How is the monitoring of the monster?"

"We have installed acoustic wave detectors and infrared detectors, and we will find out as soon as the monster moves." The operator sitting there replied respectfully.

"We have to find a way to drive that monster out of the ground to destroy it. Xingye, what can you do?" Director Sawai walked in and said.

"Just change the frequency of the sound waves of the sound wave detector and increase the intensity, so that the monsters staying underground will be disturbed by strong noise, and the monsters will come out of the ground." Xingye said, sitting in front of the computer and began to operate: " As long as we arrange it in advance, we can destroy this monster."

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