Ultraman Senki

Chapter 7 Monster Reappearance

Director Sawai sighed helplessly knowing that this meeting was about to enter an endless debate.

Xingye's words brought a smile to Director Ji Gang's face, while Staff Nanyuan and Captain Ju Jianhui frowned.

Xingye tapped a few times on the computer in front of him, and the center of the circular conference table lit up, gathering a 3D model of the earth.

Xingye glanced at everyone in the room and introduced: "This is the global satellite defense system I developed. This system is planned to be a global defense network composed of a total of 354 attack satellites including spare satellites distributed in high earth orbit. Satellites The high-power laser weapons that will be mounted on it are enough to intercept anything that threatens the earth outside the atmosphere. As long as this defense system is completed, no matter whether it is a monster or an alien spaceship, it will never be possible to act recklessly on the earth as before."

"Huh," just after Xingye finished speaking, a staff officer sitting next to Nan Yuan's staff snorted and objected: "Have you forgotten what we are? We are the Earth Peace United Organization, a peaceful organization that deploys powerful How do you make people all over the world look at TPC, they will say that we are developing and deploying powerful space-based weapons under the cloak of peace."

"I think Dr. Starry Night's plan is feasible. Once we complete this plan, we can stop the threat from the outside of the earth. This is very beneficial to the earth. We are here to protect the peace of the earth from alien threats." A staff officer sitting next to Xingye agreed.

"But the countries don't think so. They only think that our TPC is developing a powerful armed force." The staff officer slapped the table and stared.

"Is it okay to leave human safety behind just for this?"


"Okay, stop arguing!" Director Sawai said, although the voice was not loud, but the majestic voice made the two blushing people stop arguing and sit down.

"Starry night," Director Sawai turned his head and stared at Hoshino: "What is the budget for this plan?"

"A satellite needs about 300 million US dollars." Xingye said calmly, as if saying how the weather is today, as if it was not enough, he threw a bigger bomb: "And the need for corresponding supporting equipment and personnel is just the initial stage. Just put in."

"What?" His words were like dropping a depth charge, and the originally peaceful meeting room instantly became chaotic.

"Impossible!" The second person who objected was Moto Hirano, the director of TPC's financial department. He stood up, stared at Hoshino and panted heavily as if he was about to eat Hoshino: "Do you know what you are talking about? This plan Absolutely not, the $100 billion budget is a joke."

"Yes, and the actual role of these satellites is still unknown."

Everyone objected one after another, Xingye still looked at the messy meeting room with a smile on his face, some people objected, occupying so much budget would definitely reduce the budget of other departments, even if it was correct, some people would object. This is already a practice. Every plan will be discussed and discussed in various meetings, debates, and compromises before it is finally finalized.

Director Sawai was a little dazed. From the slightly opened mouth, it could be seen that he was also frightened by Xingye's big hand.

"Dr. Xingye, the weapons you installed on the Phoenix are not authorized by the headquarters." A staff officer suddenly changed the topic here.

"Phoenix is ​​a test machine. I remember that I have already submitted experiments on weapon systems." Xingye narrowed his eyes unconsciously as he looked at the aggressive staff officer.

"Is today's behavior an experiment? This is tantamount to telling the world that our TPC has fighter jets that can be used in actual combat. If you do this carelessly, it will destroy the peaceful situation." The staff officer put on big hats aggressively.

"Hmph," Xingye snorted coldly and looked at him with unfriendly eyes: "It's not up to you to take care of the affairs of our research department. When and what method will be used for the experiment is my business. You just need to take care of your own affairs. Now, I don't need you to worry about it. Do you understand?"

"What's your attitude?" The staff officer was irritated by Xingye's contemptuous attitude and wanted to say something when he was pulled away by the person next to him and sat down angrily.

Xingye no longer paid attention to this guy, but talked slowly: "If we humans don't arm ourselves, how can we protect the earth? Only when we become stronger can we not be afraid of any challenges. I think this system is necessary to protect our planet. No matter how big the investment is, it’s worth it.”

"Alas," Director Sawai looked at the meeting room which was once again caught in quarrels with some headache Questions and then bickering again.

In the end, this meeting did not discuss why it came, but Xingye never thought that this plan would be passed at once, and even if this plan was passed, it would need to move forward slowly.

After the meeting, Director Sawai called Xingye to his office.

"Xingye's plan, I think you still need to slow down. It is true that once this system is established, the defense of the earth will be greatly strengthened, but it is not suitable for this period." Director Sawai looked at Xingye and said seriously.

"I see, Director!" Xingye nodded in understanding: "But I still think the sooner it is established, the better. Recently, hunters have found many aliens hiding on the earth. I am afraid that the earth will be given away by some aliens." Watching."

"Oh," Director Sawai sighed, "I know, how is the construction of Artdis?"

"Max's power system has entered the final stage of testing. Dr. Yatsuo is working on the final research. The test machine has been built and can go to outer space for testing after the final data is checked. If everything goes well, there will be another year. Si can start a test flight." Xingye introduced the situation.

"Then how is the testing situation of the Phoenix?" Sawai asked with concern: "When will it be put into use?"

"The test of the peak missile has passed, and it has successfully connected with the system of the Phoenix. The flight test has also entered the final stage. I think the test will end soon and enter the final stage of the whole machine test." Xingye submitted a document, Director Sawai took it seriously and looked at it, nodding frequently.

In a mine on Jiuliang Island, a group of miners are working hard, and they exchange their hard work and sweat for the rewards they need in life.

A miner wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked into the depths of the mine where the lamps could not illuminate: "Do you think Jakuma really exists?"

"Really," an old miner said with certainty, "Jakuma really exists."

"Father, tell us about Jakuma." A miner approached with a smile.

"Don't think it's just a legend." The old man glanced at it and said seriously: "Jakuma is the patron saint who lives on the island. He has a yellow horn on his head and can turn anything into stone. . . . " The old miner told the story he had heard.

Several young miners secretly laughed and said, "Dad, have you seen Jakuma?"

"Yeah!" Dad nodded with certainty: "Then I used to work in the abandoned mine nearby. Once the whole mountain shook after an explosion. We thought it was a landslide and ran out quickly. I accidentally When I looked back, I saw a huge horn with yellow light, and then the whole mine collapsed. Only a few of us escaped, and everyone else disappeared, even the corpses were not found. They must have been turned into Stone. I still can't forget that yellow horn."

Just as they were talking about this, the mountain shook suddenly and gravel fell on top of their heads. They were still discussing about Jakuma just now, and now it happened. The miners froze for a moment and ran out immediately.

"Jakuma is here, run away!"

People fled from the mine in a panic. Pickaxes, helmets, and miner's lamps fell all over the ground, but no one dared to go back to pick them up. Now they only regret that they lost two legs.

At this time, a huge glowing horn appeared behind the three miners who were behind, and a blue light swept across the miners who were swept by the blue light, and immediately turned into stone statues.

After the stumbled miners ran out, they calmed down and counted the number of people, only to find that three people were missing. The old miner looked in horror at the fear revealed in the mouth of the deep mine: "It must be Jakumar, they must be killed. Jakumar turned to stone."

In the panic, someone called and reported to TPC. After receiving the report, TPC sent a search and rescue team here to carry out rescue work according to the mine accident.

After arriving, the search and rescue team immediately dispatched a search and rescue team with life detectors to enter the mine to carry out search and rescue work. They walked carefully through the gravel-lined mine and finally came to the place where the life response signal was the strongest.

"No miners who died were found." A search and rescue officer looked at the instrument in his hand and reported to the outside.

"Impossible. That's where the life signal is strongest. The miners are probably trapped on the other side. Go find it."

"Understood." The leader of the search and rescue team said, turned to the two people and said, "Go over there and have a look."

Those two people walked over with the detector and saw a huge glowing horn appearing in front of them just as they passed by. The flashlight saw a huge head appearing in front of them, and they hadn't screamed yet. When a blue light swept across his body, he turned into a stone strangely.

The people behind were completely startled by this change beyond their common sense. Before they could react, another blue light swept from the depths of the mine, turning the two of them into stone statues again. The remaining search and rescue personnel shouted in horror and ran out. Before they ran far, two more people were turned into stone statues.

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