Chapter 47 Extreme Rescue

"You will regret it if you don't have time to deal with it." Chief Ji Gang glanced at them angrily, turned around and left. He also knew these regulations. His police department only has light weapons, and the only troops with heavy weapons and combat aircraft are the Victory Team and HUNTER. To use the aircraft requires more troublesome procedures and the pilot is more difficult. It is better to let the Victory Team dispatch it.

"We won't be too late." Hori said ruthlessly in his heart, speeding up He Yerui's search for information. TPC's information can be said to be as vast as the sea, and finding suitable information is no less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Confidential ones cannot ask a large number of people to help.

"I found it," said Hori, who had been looking for it for a long time, ecstatically: "The southern light is a special shield developed in the old Defense Force era, which uses a special electromagnetic generator to defend against electronic equipment and signals from the air. "

"Captain, look here." Ye Rui said happily that he had been watching the video of Director Sawai's speech, and finally he found the evidence that the video was fake. For a moment, Director Sawai's two eyeballs looked to both sides respectively. Go, this can completely prove that it is not Director Sawai himself.

"Send him to the advertising department immediately." Ju Jianhui said happily, now it is necessary to reassure the countries, let them know that the words were not published by Director Sawai, so as to reassure the countries.

"This defensive cover can only defend against the sky but cannot block the seabed. We can use submarines to secretly enter the island from the undersea tunnel and then destroy the launch tower." Horei analyzed.

"Dolphin 202." Dagu immediately thought of the latest submarine combat submarine.

"But only two members of the Phoenix have been trained so far. I have sent the pilot of the marine survey team here." Captain Jun Jianhui said, the new equipment of the Victory Team will be rotated for training, and the rest will wait for training. Stand by in the command room at all times.

"Dagu team member, you carry out this task." Ju Jianhui said with a smile, Dagu became ecstatic and nodded vigorously after hearing this.

Feiyan EX and two black Feiyans set off from the base, and together with the Phoenix, they waited for the aurora aurora to dissipate in the sky, and then entered the Cremos Islands to gain air supremacy and wait for more troops to arrive.

The dolphin 202 quickly approached the Cremos Islands from the sea surface, then dived from the offshore area and secretly entered the Cremos Islands through the undersea tunnel.

After Dagu entered, he found out that the pilot sent by the marine survey team turned out to be Director Ji Gang, a high-level TPC, and he was shocked.

"I was born in the submarine navy, and this submarine has my hard work in it." Director Ji Gang looked at the cab as if he was looking at his own child and pushed the propeller firmly: "We set off to take Sawai Save it."

The speed of Dolphin 202 on the sea surface was several times faster than that on the bottom of the sea, and it only took a while to reach the coastal waters of the Cremos Islands. Dolphin 202 immediately dived down and found the secret submarine tunnel according to the structure map of the Cremos Islands, and slowly drove into it.

"Did you know Sawai before?" The autopilot system was running, and the two people inside started chatting with nothing to do. Director Jigang didn't have the aggressive appearance at the base, but was as kind as the old man next door .

"Well, Director Sawai was hijacked by an alien spaceship three years ago. At that time, I was driving a transport vehicle in the Ministry of Transportation, and I jumped from the roof to save Director Sawai." Dagu told the story of himself and Director Sawai. The process of knowing.

Director Ji Gang nodded and said in a joking tone: "I know about this, so you entered the victory team like this?"

"Yeah!" Dagu said with some embarrassment, and soon lamented: "But I found out the problem only after entering the victory team. I am not a graduate of the military academy like Lina and Xincheng, and Hori is a scientist at the research institute , Yerui has super high computer technology and I..."

"Anyone who expects special treatment is a fool!" Director Ji Gang said bluntly.

"I didn't expect special treatment!" Dagu hurriedly explained: "How could it be?"

"No? Not at all?" Director Ji Gang looked at Dagu with probing eyes.

Dagu smiled embarrassedly and gestured with his hands: "Only a little bit." At that time, the victory team was the most elite team in the entire TPC, and the salary was definitely higher than that of all departments. At that time, every TPC person wanted to join the winning team. I guess everyone imagined that a chance to join the winning team would come suddenly. Dagu is no exception.

"Haha!" Director Ji Gang laughed loudly, and looked at Dagu with emotion: "It really looks like him!"

During the pleasant chat, the time passed quickly, and the Kung Fu Dolphin 202 passed through the long submarine tunnel in a short while. Director Ji Gang manipulated the Dolphin 202 to surface, and what appeared in front of him was a remote valley. The two came out of Dolphin 202 in a rubber boat, rowed across the valley to the shore, and carefully came to a place not far from the building to observe the situation on the island.

A tall tower with a strange shape stands on a small hill not far away. It is certain that it is the launch tower of the protective cover above. As long as it is destroyed, the team members on standby in the air can come in.

"You go and destroy that, and I'll rescue Sawai." Chief Ji Gang said.

"It doesn't matter if you are alone!" Dagu said with some worry.

"Don't treat me like an old man." Director Ji Gang smiled and ran towards the building thinking about the laser gun.

Behind the stable line of defense in the building, the garrison left half of the troops to continue to protect Sawai and the others, while other soldiers began to clean up the biological weapons in the building layer by layer. The agility could not be brought into full play at all, while the well-trained soldiers rolled and jumped in the corridors with ease, cleaning up the biological weapons layer by layer.

Director Ji Gang turned over a small hill and saw that the tall building was surrounded by artificially planted lawns. The originally neat lawn was now full of large and small holes, traces of battles can be seen everywhere, and there are still many remains of the garrison troops. Lying outside in a mess, the scene in front of him made Director Ji Gang even more angry, but he knew that the most important thing now was to find Sawai and the others, so they entered the building without stopping.

Walking into the building, the silence was terrible, and Ji Gang walked lightly in the corridor. The laser gun in his hand was ready to fire at any time, and he looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly there was a slight voice, Director Ji Gang listened carefully and was overjoyed. It was the sound of TPC standard laser weapons, which meant that there were still people there, and then several more voices sounded to make Ji Gang more sure that there were still people there. , In order to get the news of Sawai as soon as possible, Director Jigang ran to the place where the sound came out regardless of the hidden footsteps.

Here, more than a dozen team members were divided into three groups to clean up the biological weapons in each room on the first floor of the building, and then they met at the stairs before going to the next floor to continue cleaning. The lights in the corridor were dim and the five people were divided into groups of three or two. Responsible for front and rear vigilance and cautious advance.

At this moment, there was a sound of very loud footsteps, and the five of them immediately stopped moving forward, three of them squatted down, and the other two aimed at the front, the footsteps became louder and louder, obviously they were heading this way.

"Director Ji Gang?!" The five looked at Ji Gang who appeared in front of them in surprise.

"Where's Zei?" Ji Gang asked quickly.

"Director, they are on top."

"Great!" Ji Gang hurriedly ran up.

"Sawai." Seeing the unscathed Director Sawai, Ji Gang was finally relieved and teased: "It's really hard to find you, and you even ran to such a remote place."

"Why are you here?" Sawai was a little surprised that Ji Gang came alone.

"You are leisurely here, but there is already a lot of noise outside." Ji Gang teased and then told what happened today.

"What?" Director Sawai was very shocked: "This kind of thing happened."

"It seems that these biological weapons outside are just besieging us so that Director Sawai can't clarify these things. Their purpose is to plunge the earth into chaos to achieve their goals." Xingye frowned: "But this also shows that they don't know what to do. Say it's very powerful, otherwise it won't engage in these conspiracies."

"What's the situation outside now?" Director Sawai was very concerned about this issue.

"Dagu of the victory team has already gone to blow up the launch tower, and the outside is already surrounded by the army, as long as the protective cover disappears, you can come in."

And Dagu was already close to the tower, looking at the tall launch tower on the hillside, Dagu put down the box in his hand and opened it, assembled the bomb launcher inside, aimed at the tower in the distance and pulled it. trigger.

The missile sprayed white smoke and hit the launch tower and exploded, smashing the launch tower to pieces. Dagu was very happy to see this scene.

The red aurora in the sky lost its source of emission and quickly disappeared, while the four planes that had been on standby in the air and surrounded the Cremos Islands saw this scene and quickly turned and rushed towards the Cremos Islands.

At this time, the island suddenly shook, and Dagu almost fell to the ground when he was caught off guard. At this time, an open space in the center of the island suddenly collapsed, and a biological weapon that was very similar to the biological weapon in the building but many times larger flew out of the ground.

"Is this the real mastermind behind the scenes?" Said Director Sawai, looking at the huge biological weapon outside through the glass.

"Attack!" The four planes in the sky began to attack the monster, and several lasers and missiles flew towards the monster, hitting the monster's body and causing flames to soar into the sky.

"Ho ho!" The monster yelled in pain a few times and shook its body. At this moment, dense biological weapons rushed out from the building, and all the biological weapons rushed out and flew into the monster's body. The soft substances exposed by the monster were instantly covered with silver-white scale-like things. The lasers and missiles hit it did not splash into the sky as before, but only a spark of sparks did not cause any damage to the monster at all. *(Tickets, votes, votes!)

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